A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

In this Issue
Correspondence Guidelines
Section 508 Requirements
Automatic Notification of Vacancies
ITA Employee & Labor Relations Service Group
2005 ITA Memorial Award Nominations
Traveler's Corner
Where Do I Find?
ITA Comings & Goings

Correspondence Guidelines

The Department's Executive Secretariat has notified ITA's Secretariat of new correspondence guidelines. For Secretarial correspondence, please use Carlos M. Gutierrez for the signature block. The Department's OLIA office has also requested that U.S. House of Representatives (rather than House of Representatives) be used in the address block for Congressional correspondence. If you have questions contact Donna Magruder at (202)482-5101.

Section 508 Requirements

Effective April 1, 2005, all electronic and information technology purchases, $2,500 and under will be subject to the Section 508 law, which requires all Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities.  It is required that Purchase Card Approving Officials and Cardholders review the laws and regulations and take the Section 508 training located at the following website address http://www.section508.gov/  to further your understanding of Section 508 and how you can support implementation. Once you've accessed the website, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Select register for the 508 universe
Fill out the new user registration form
Click on enter
Select 508 training courses
Select Micro-purchases and Section 508 (15 minutes)

Approving Officials and Cardholders will receive notification upon successful completion of the training. If you have questions regarding Section 508, please contact ITA's Section 508 Coordinator, Alan VanderMallie at (202)482-0420 or via email at Alan_VanderMallie@ita.doc.gov .  If you have questions regarding purchase card usage, contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email at Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov .

Automatic Notification of Vacancies

Employees can register with the Automated Commerce Employment System (ACES) to receive automatic email notification of all vacancies or certain vacancies that meet specific criteria.  To register, log on to https://jobs1.quickhire.com/scripts/doc.exe. For additional information, please contact Rita Clinton at (202)482-3301.

ITA Employee and Labor Relations Services Group (ELRS)

Mike Stein is the Acting Chief of the ELRS group. Maxine Woodland and Deborah Linder joined him and ITA in June 2004.  The ELRS group handles misconduct charges, performance deficiencies, grievances, reasonable accommodations, alternative dispute resolutions (ADR) and mediations, labor/management issues, and training on all of these subjects.  They ask that you feel free to stop by anytime to consult with them. The ELRS group is located in Room 7060 and can be reached by phone at (202)482-3505 or directly at their respective phone extensions and e-mail addresses. 

2005 ITA Memorial Award Nominations

Under Secretary Grant Aldonas will soon announce the call for the 2005 ITA Memorial Awards nominations.  The five awards commemorate our ITA colleagues who accompanied Secretary Brown on his last mission to Bosnia and Croatia.  These memorials are a fitting remembrance for those who died in the service of our country while working to advance the peace process through the rebuilding of that war-torn land.  More information on these awards may be found at http://www.ita.doc.gov/hrm/awards/us_awards.htm. 

Nominations may be submitted by any ITA employee to the Chair of the nominee's unit award committee by April 8, 2005.  These awards will be approved by the Under Secretary and presented at the ITA Awards Ceremony in June 2005.  Please call Charlene Gilmer-Gantt at (202)482-2536 in the Strategic Workforce Management Group for additional information. 

Traveler's Corner

Question: What is the new rate for use of privately owned vehicles (POV) while on official travel? 

Answer: Effective, February 4, 2005, the new rate for POV is 40.5 cents per mile. If you have questions, please call your travel contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

 Where Do I Find....Information on HQ's VoIP telephones?

The Department's website http://home.osec.doc.gov/wiring/hchb1.html contains indepth information about the phone system, including explanations about using voicemail, special features, and instructions on how to use the phone.  To reconfigure a phone, submit a telephone "MAC" form (available at http://home.osec.doc.gov/wiring/macformblank.xls) to TelephoneServices@ita.doc.gov.  If you have questions, please contact Jeff Scherr at (202)482-3266.

ITA Comings and Goings 09/10/04 - 02/06/05

Arrivals - WELCOME!
OUS - Kirra Sucato, Jessica Tobin;  ADMIN - Jacqueline Davis, Paula Dawson, Tawana Fonseca, Aamir Hanif, Lester Purnell, Naomi Sanchez;  IA - Stephen Bailey, Stephen Berlinguette, Malcolm Burke, Victoria Cho, Antoinette Dillahunt, Shannon Fraser, Christopher Hargett, Edward Jacobson, Sarah Keyes, Kyle Lamborn, Jolanta Lawska, Hua Lu, Laurie Mease, Kavita Mohan, Peter Nevenglosky, Lisa Perry, Marc Rivitz, Steven Ryan, Bret Sechrist, Preeti Tolani, Charles Vannatta, Tyler Weinhold;  MAC - Jorge Bogarin, Sean Cassidy, Sarah Masters, Doreen Mendoza, Christopher Studebacker, Ellen Szymanski;  MAS - Elizabeth Clark, Elena Mikalis, Svetlana Pasman, Scott Schmith, Joanne Sonenshine;  US&FCS - Nicolas Acuna, Stephanie Bernard, Stephen Butler, Joseph Carter, Jewel Cole, Ellen Cynar, Suzanne De Souza, Kenneth Duckworth, Reba Ellerbe, Mark Elliott, Jennifer Farace, David Feinstein, Natalie Flor, Genevieve Gates, Helam Gebremariam, James Hancock, Elizabeth Hanny, Aaron Held, Jamie Henderson, Valerie Kasindi, Robyn Kessler, Cindy Ma, David Martell, Robert McEntire, Denise McGann, Dina Molaison, Kenneth Moorefield, Noel Olguin, Rosalie Parker, Akash Patel, Catherine Pligavko, Rebecca Richardson, Ivan Rios, Michael Rosales, Michael Rufe, Sonia Rogers, Kevin Samuel, Janice Semper, Tanya Shuster, William Thorn Jr, Georgette Tuaimeh, Kishore Vasani, Mery Zelaya.  
CIO - Lew Williams, Mozelle Hollis, Jerry Willis;  ADMIN - Kathy Hart, Angela Smith, Lavetta Ward;  IA - Kathleen Bouquard, Carrie Farley, Michael Ferrier, James Jochum, Jessica Larkin, Suresh Maniam, Jeffrey May, Michael Obhof, Marie Parker, Shireen Pasha, Patricia Tran, Christopher Welty;  MAC - Michael England, Michael Ford, Amanda Hilligas, Nancy Morgan, Elizabeth Ramborger, Scott Szenasi;  MAS - Arrow Augerot, Steven Harper, Constance Kopach, Katherine McCurdy, Jonathan Menes, Steven Meyers, Marnie Morrione, Jennifer Price, Katherine Sauer, Howard Schreier, Albert Warner, Alex Yu;  US&FCS - Tijen Aybar, Andrea Cunningham, Todd Hansen, Robert Kohn, David Knuti, Vanita Kushawaha, Sharon Lovejoy, David Martell, Jerry Mitchell, Kenneth Moorefield, Joseph Morbach, Andrew Moulton, Carole Odell, Noel Olguin, Mary Owens, Carlos Poza, Ned Quistorff, Jennifer Redmond, Kevin Samuel, Rebecca Sandler, Felicia Snyder, George Soteros, Michael Speck, Harry Tyner, Tamara Underwood, Eric Zheng.


Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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