A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Friday, March 14, 2008

In this Issue
DOC Seals, Emblems and Logos
ITA Communications Practices
FY 2010 Budget
Roth IRA Transfers
Thrift Savings Plan
Questions of The Day
Procurement/Purchase Corner
ITA Comings and Goings


Department of Commerce Seals, Emblems, Insignia and Logos

Great news!  In a continuing effort to provide clear and concise guidance on procedures in ITA, the “How To” guidance on use of the Department of Commerce (DOC) Seals, Emblems, Insignia and Logos (hereinafter “symbol”) has been updated.  To view, please click the following link: http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/ooms45.htm  The sample memorandum was updated and a second memorandum was added under the “Request for Use of the Department of Commerce Seal” section.  A template of Form ITA-233 Concurrence Record, which shows the clearance process, is included in each section.  For requests for approval of a new DOC symbol, you can now access Form CD-506 “Request for Approval of Commerce Seal, Emblem, Insignia, or Logo.”  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jacqueline.Harris@mail.doc.gov or via telephone at (202) 482-4011.  

ITA Communications Practices

Did you know that there is a DAS in ITA who debriefs staff after trips and meetings? Did you know there is an office in ITA that has organized weekly training sessions for its staff to help grow their knowledge and understanding about ITA, Commerce and the Federal Government? These are two examples of effective communications and best practices within our organization. The Communications "Go" team wants to capture and inventory ITA communication best practices to serve as a mechanism for sharing them across our organization. If you have a best practice you'd like to tell us about, please e-mail Ed Meyer or Don Calvert and someone from the go team will contact you.  We intend to gather these practices from now through mid-March and then we will post a consolidated listing with best practice "points of contact" for use by ITA managers and staff.  For information on this communications initiative, please contact Don Calvert at (202) 482-9128, or Ed Meyer at (202) 482-3304.

FY 2010 Budget

The FY 2010 Budget process will be getting underway within the month.  A schedule for the FY 2010 process and guidance on drafting programmatic initiatives for the FY 2010 budget year will be included in the "Call Memo". Like FY 2009, programs will need to consider the impact of any proposed program change on meeting ITA's strategic goals and objectives over multiple years, instead of just FY 2010. The Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary will decide which program increases will be included for FY 2010.  Any proposals that are approved by ITA are then forwarded to the Department and OMB, before being included in the President's budget request for FY 2010. Additional questions can be directed to Michael House at (202) 482-5739.

Roth IRA Transfers

The new option permitting eligible participants to transfer their TSP accounts to a Roth IRA, as well as to a traditional IRA or other eligible employer plan (like a 401(k) plan) is now available.  The Thrift Investment Board has posted a set of Questions and Answers from the TSP homepage describing the new Roth IRA transfer, its eligibility requirements, and other information about the option (http://www.tsp.gov/faq/faq15.html).  Updated versions of the forms, tax notices, etc., incorporating the Roth IRA transfer option are available in Forms and Publications. Remember, this option is for transfers out of the TSP.  Participants cannot transfer Roth IRA funds into the TSP. If you have any questions about TSP, please contact Karen Brown on (202) 482-8065 or via email at Karen.Brown@mail.doc.gov.


Question of The Day

Can you answer the trivia question?  Be featured in our bi-weekly Newsletter by answering or providing trivia questions.  Questions and answers may be submitted to Nina Harris via email Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov.  

Trivia Question:  What should employees do when a shelter-in-place or evacuation drill or emergency occurs?  What should they bring with them?

Procurement/Purchase Corner

How to Apply for a $3,000 Purchase Card?

An applicant must fill out the ITA2058 (Government Purchase Card Set-Up Form) by accessing Ourplace at https://ourplace.ita.doc.gov/, complete the GSA SmartPay Purchase Card on-line training located at the following website: http://apps.fss.gsa.gov/webtraining/trainingdocs/smartpaytraining/index.cfm, and complete the Section 508 training located at www.section508.gov. Both the application and generated certificates of completion from the on-line training must be submitted to Robin Carpenter, Room 4001 (HQ applications ONLY) with all required signatures. Overseas applications must be submitted thru your Regional Director’s office and domestic applications must be submitted to your servicing ASC.  The “How To” obtain a $3,000 purchase card http://www.ita.doc.gov/ooms/ooms10.html  has been updated to reflect the above information. Also, there is an example of the ITA-2058, Government Purchase Cards Set-Up Form attached to show what information should be annotated on the application.  If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202) 482-4989.

ITA Comings and Goings 01/10/08 – 2/22/08

Arrivals – Welcome!
ADMIN – Brooke Anderson MAS – John Miller, Jeffrey Williams ;
MAC – Joseph Wereszynski, Kathryn Chapleau OUS – Lisa Marie Martilotta; IA – Henry Almond, Susan Pulongbarit, Summery Avery, Leticia Dooley, Lori Apodaca, Robert Greger;  USFCS – Sean Timmins, Lauren Harvey, Emily Willeford, Anne Evans, David Fiscus, Teresa Howes.
ADMIN – Jacqueline Davis, Rita Clinton  IAJoseph Spetrini;
MACCaratina Alston, Stephen Berlinguette; MAS   Joseph Neuhoff, Rogers Walters; USFCS – Lisa Galoci, George Norton Jr, Rashida Peterson, William Spitler, Ann Watts, Jayne Woodward.
If you have any questions, please contact Brad Lockett at (202) 482-6342 or via email at Bradford_Lockett@ita.doc.gov.


Approved by the ITA CFO/Director of Administration

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov

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