A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

In this Issue
ITA Speakers' Series
Telephone Moves
FY05 Budget
Program Assessment Rating Tool
Office Moves in OHRM
Traveler's Corner
Where Do I Find?

ITA Speakers' Series for December

Date and Time: Thursday, December 16, 2004, at 10:00a.m.
Location:  Trade Information Center, Training Room C - Ronald Reagan Building
Speaker:  Regina D. Heise, Trade Information Center
Topic:  Trade Information Center
The Trade Information Center (TIC) with its 1-800-TRADE number and extensive website is the U.S. exporters front door to the U.S. Government.  What information does the TIC provide to U.S. exporters?  How can you use the TIC's information to help your clients?  How does the TIC refer customers to your program?  Come and hear the answers.  And while you are at the TIC, visit the great trade library.  For further information, call Rosemary Pappas at (202)482-0482.

Telephone Moves

Previously most people moving from office to office in the HCHB could move their own phone.  They could unplug the phone, move it themselves and plug it into the phone jack in the new office and the phone would reboot itself.  Because the Department has shut off all unused network connections for security reasons,  if you are moving offices, you need to submit a Telephone Moves/Adds/Changes form to TelephoneServices@ita.doc.gov and request a telephone move.  If you have question, please call Jeff Scherr at (202)482-3266.

FY2005 Budget

The Omnibus appropriations bill that was passed by the House and Senate in November has not yet been sent to the President for signature.  The bill contains a controversial provision, which would give appropriation committee access to Americans' tax returns.  The Senate repealed the provision but the House will not take it up until December 6.  In the meantime, ITA is operating under a Continuing Resolution until December 8. For additional information, please contact Amy Duncan, ITA Budget Director at (202) 482-5739. 

Program Assessment Rating Tool

The Planning and Performance Management Staff in ITA's Office of Financial Management is expected to spearhead at least two Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) reviews in the coming year.  The Office of Management and Budget developed the PART review model as part of the President's Management Agenda.  The purpose of PART reviews is to assess government program performance and to gauge alignment of performance results with an agency's strategic plan. A PART review helps identify a program's strengths and weaknesses to inform funding and management decisions aimed at making the program more effective. The PART examines all factors that affect and reflect program performance including program purpose and design; performance measurement, evaluations, and strategic planning; program management; and program results. The strength of the PART approach is the consistent application of analytical questions to assess all programs over time.  This enables OMB and other oversight authorities to benchmark results between similar programs and to capture best practices.   For more information on strategic planning, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304, to obtain more information on the PART review program, please visit: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/part.

Office Moves in OHRM 

Recently a number of Human Resources (HR) staff members have moved on the 7th floor so that all employees in each unit could be located with the other members of their unit.  The Employee Relations and Labor Relations Services Group (Mike Stein, Maxine Woodland and Deborah Linder) are now in Suite 7060.  The Strategic Human Resources Group and the Workforce Development Group have been merged under Darlene Haywood's leadership.  Darlene has moved to Suite 7412.  Diane Evans has moved to Room 7426. Allison Hopkins, the Director of the Employment Advisory Services Group, has moved to Suite 7417.  The HR Benefits Specialists (Vanessa Lewis and Dottie Bowling) have moved to Suite 7840.  Tina James, ITA's Recruitment Program Manager, has moved to Room 7853.  All of their telephone numbers remain the same as they were before the moves.  If you have questions on where OHRM staff members are located, please call Tina Agoo at (202)482-3505.

Traveler's Corner
Question:  Can a traveler claim lodging tax for overseas travel?
Answer:  No, the taxes for lodging are included in the foreign per diem rate.  When traveling overseas, lodging taxes should not be separated from the lodging cost and claimed as a miscellaneous expense, as is done for domestic travel. If you have questions contact your traveler contact or Sharon Russell at (202)482-3267.

 Where Do I Find....

If you have questions about any of these benefits programs contact Vanessa Lewis at (202)482-8327 or Dottie Bowling at (202)482-3504.


Approved by the Office of ITA CFO/DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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