A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

In this Issue
Annual Property Inventory
Door Signs
ITA Guidance Update in Progress 
Verification and Validation  of
   Peformance Data
FY05 Budget
Procurement  Corner
Comings and Goings

Annual Property Inventory Certification due August 27th

ITA's signed, certified annual property inventory is due to Jeffrey Scherr in OOMS by August 27th.  For a clean audit, ITA's inventory must accurately record ITA's property on an ongoing basis, not just once a year.  Please assist your property custodians in verifying your office's inventory and ensuring that ITA's records are complete.  If you are a Purchase Card holder or otherwise procure property, please promptly provide your Custodian with complete purchase records so that the property can be included in the certified inventory.  If you have any questions, please contact your Accountability Officer or Jeff Scherr in OOMS at (202)482-3266.

Door Signs  

As a result of ITA's recent reorganization, new door signs should be ordered for offices that incurred changes.  To assure that Departmental and ITA standards are met, all requests for door signs must be submitted via email to Judith_Wilson@ita.doc.gov in the Office of Organization and Management Support for review and processing.  Include the unit, office, and manager's names, position title, and the appropriation code to bill the printing cost of $35 each sign.  If you have questions, contact Judith Wilson at (202)482-3265.  

ITA Guidance Update in Progress

The Office of Organization and Management Support (OOMS) is currently in the process of updating ITA guidance information.  Representatives from each of the program units and the CFO/Director of Administration offices will be contacted for updates.  It is important that these updates accurately reflect existing procedures in ITA so that information will be considered relevant.  Once the updates are completed, the new guidance will become available on the internet.  For more information, please contact Lynna Cobrall at (202)482-3031 or via email Lynna_Cobrall@ita.doc.gov.

Verification and Validation Reviews of Performance Data

In keeping with the President's Management Agenda (PMA), ITA measures progress toward achieving strategic goals through several ITA-wide performance measures.   We will begin to conduct on-site verification and validation reviews of performance source data during the fourth quarter of FY 2004.  For additional information on the verification and validation reviews, contact Ed Meyer at (202)482-3304.

FY 2005 Budget  

ITA received its passback from the Department on the FY 2006 Secretarial Budget Submission.  The Department generously supported ITA by granting increases of $4M for the Enhancing America's Competitiveness and $3M to support the Secretary's Standards Initiative.  ITA has appealed for additional funding to support new initiatives and is awaiting a decision from the Department.  If you have questions, please contact Amy Duncan at (202)482-5739.

Procurement Corner

Question:  How do I prepare CD-435, Procurement Request and what supporting documentation should be attached?

Answer:  When procuring for services or supplies, the requesting office must follow the below guidance:

  1.  Prepare a CD-435, Procurement Request, which can be accessed via the E-forms website by logging into "Ourplace" at http://ourplace.ita.doc.gov. USFCS employees in HCHB can access the form by clicking on the "Start" button scrolling to the "Special Application" tab.

  2. For services/supplies exceeding $2,500 - $10,000, the requesting office must attach 3 quotes as the supporting documentation to the CD-435.

  3. For services/supplies exceeding $10,000 - $24,999, NOAA, Acquisition Management Division will publicize the requirement for 10 days.

  4. For services/supplies exceeding $25,000, NOAA, Acquisition Management Division will publicize in the Federal Business Opportunities (FezBizOpps) for 15 days before issuance of solicitation.

  5. For contractual services the requesting office must submit a hard copy Statement of Work (SOW), in addition to an electronic copy in Word only.

If you have questions on how to prepare CD-435 and what supporting documentation to attach, contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989 or via email, Robin_Carpenter@ita.doc.gov.

ITA Comings and Goings 05/16/04 - 07/12/04

Arrivals - WELCOME!
ADMIN - Amore Azimi, Mary Ortiz, Toni Persaud, William Talley;  IA - Dara Iserson, Shauna Lee-Alaia, Jessica Larkin, Brianne Musser, Michael Obhof, Michelle Oh, Toni Page, Joshua Pierce;  MAC - Michael Ford, Rimma Karlin, Leon Skarshinski, Fox Todd;  TD - Sarah Aker, Jonathan Broom, Amanda Douglas, Joshua Harris, Tajesha Howard, Kathryn Insley, Merriam Mashatt;  US&FCS - Ireas Cook, Richard Craig, Christina Harbaugh, Gregory Loose, William Marshak, Walter McDonald, Donald Pearce, Rose Marie Reedy, Kristian Richardson, Rebecca Sandler, Lynn Whang.
ADMIN - Ed Ames;  IA - Michael Strollo;  MAC - Trevor Gunn;  US&FCS - Stephen Helgesen, David Hunter, Rebecca Mann, Bill Morris.
Where Do I Find.... Effects of Nonpay Status on Service Dates? 
You can find information about how no pay, (i.e., LWOP, AWOL) will effect your services dates at http://www.ita.doc.gov/hrm/nopayscd.html. For more information, please contact Pam King at (202)482-1751.


Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina_Harris@ita.doc.gov

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