A Bi-Weekly Newsletter from ITA Administration

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Thursday, August 17, 2006

In this Issue
Door Signs
Work Order CD-410
ITA Orientation Training Course
Budget FY07
Year End Financial Training
Purchase Card/Procurement Corner
Where Do I Find
ITA Comings & Goings

Door Signs

The Department has changed ordering and installation of doorsigns.  To request a door sign please email   Hamilton.Humes@mail.doc.gov stating exactly how you want the new door sign worded, which size you want (9x 9 or 6x 6 inches), where you want it mounted, what sign it should replace, and the appropriation code to pay the $35.   Please remember that door signs may use only official titles and organization names.  If you questions call Diana Smith (202)482-3265 or Hamilton Humes at (202)482-6123.

Work Order CD-410

Please remember that the deadline has passed for requesting major construction projects with a CD-410 workorder.  You may still request auditorium booking, minor construction and emergency projects, but the Department will no longer accept major project requests this fiscal year.  If you have questions please call Hamilton Humes at (202)482-6123.

ITA Orientation Training Course

ITA will once again host Orientation Training for new and current ITA employees in mid-September.  The training explains ITA’s strategic goals and objectives so that employees can better contribute to the mission of the organization. This training explores ITA’s reorganization of 2004 and showcases the coordination among the four ITA units on crosscutting issues. You will participate in a full day of training that is highly interactive and conducted by a professional trainer.  Additionally, you will have the opportunity to hear from Deputy Under Secretary Michelle O’Neill and to meet and interact with senior leadership from your program unit. This course will be open to all ITA employees--those new to ITA and any employees interested in a refresher on the ITA organization. Space may be limited, so please look for upcoming announcements as to date and location of this very informative course.  You may also contact Charles Jefferson in the Office of Organization and Management Support (OOMS) via email at charles.jefferson@mail.doc.gov or telephone at (202)482-6078 for more detailed information about the course. 

Budget FY 2007

Congress has gone on a recess through August without passing the appropriations bill that funds ITA. Despite progress to date on passing Appropriations thru the House and Senate, we predict that there will be a continuing resolution until after elections. In fact, senior GOP lawmakers are already predicting an omnibus appropriations package will be necessary. If you have questions, please contact Doug Allis at (202)482-9151.

Year End Financial Training

The Office of Financial Management will be conducting year end accounting training for those Headquarters employees that manage ITA funds. The training will be held August 14th and 15th in room HCHB Room 6059 with sessions from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and again from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The training materials will be available at the training site and on the OFM web site after the training. If you have any questions or to sign up for the training please call Roxanna Allen at (202)482-8363 or Crystal Bush (202)482-8365.

Purchase Card/Procurement Corner

Question: How do I apply for a $2,500 purchase card?

Answer: A new Cardholder must fill out the ITA2058 (Government Purchase Card Set-Up Form) by accessing AOurplace@, take the GSA on-line training located at the following website: http://apps.fss.gsa.gov/webtraining/trainingdocs/ smartpaytraining/index.cfm and take the Section 508 training located at www.section508.gov. Both the application and generated certificates of completion from the on-line training must be submitted to Robin Carpenter, room 4001, with all required signatures. If you have questions, please contact Robin Carpenter at (202)482-4989.

Where Do I Find…..information on the Department’s Performance Management 5-Level Appraisal System?  

To assist ITA employees during this first year of the transition to the Department’s 5-Level Performance Appraisal system, ITA/OHRM has designed and implemented a Refresher Information Performance Management Web site.  This Web site features over 45 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) by topic, a snapshot of the 5-Level performance appraisal system, an array of resource references for employees and supervisors, and an on-line video on the 5-Level system.  This information will assist supervisors and employees in administering the 5-level performance management system so that all employees receive the maximum benefit from this new appraisal system.  Please visit the ITA OHRM Performance Management Web page at http://ita.doc.gov/hrm/pms.htm.  For more information, you may contact Anesia Robinson at (202)482-1380 or via email at Anesia.Robinson@mail.doc.gov.

ITA Comings and Goings 07/15/06 – 08/07/06

Arrivals – WELCOME!

OUS – Earl Brake, Francis Caliva, Jennifer Young;  MAC – James Fowler;  MAS – Joshua Harris;  TP & USFCS – Yasuey Pai.  


ADMIN – Lalinda McMillan;  IA – David Tanenbaum, Tipten Troidl;  MAC – Zarema Arutyunova, Janis Lazda;  MAS – Shannon Ballard, Jeffrey Lins, Lauren Saadat:  TP & USFCS – Hans Amrhein, Abigail Cadle, Kelly Colyar, C. Franklin Foster, Jr., Andrew Gelfuso, George Knowles, and William Margo.  If you have any questions about the Comings and Goings article, please contact Diane Evans at (202)482-4382 or via email at Diane_Evans@ita.doc.gov.

Approved by the Office of ITA Acting DOA

Send your suggestions or comments about this newsletter to Nina.Harris@mail.doc.gov

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