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Smoking & How to Quit
Smoking & How to Quit

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Finally, I realized: why am I buying these contraptions that only hurt me? As a smoker, you know what to expect -- you light a cig in the car, after you eat, etc. This is my 6th smoke-free day. The first two days were rough, and I tried to alert everyone to my potential mood swings and snapping. Now, 6 days later, I don't physically crave a cigarette, but I do remember how it felt to hold and such. I feel as though a relapse could potentially come on & I don't want to smoke! Things seem scary as a non-smoker. I don't want to start again. My husband and I are trying to have a baby in the near future and cigarettes don't fit into my life anymore.
Toni from Illinois
My fiance and I quit the day we found out we were pregnant. I have never felt better and after the first 2 weeks it just gets easier and easier each day; so hang in there. We have both smoked for approximately 7 years. I am so glad not to do it anymore, I can't stand the way it smells or anything now, I generally just feel better, and know that I am giving my unborn child a good start to a healthy life. By the way it has been almost 7 months since we quit!
Shannon from South Carolina
Today is my 5th day smoke free, and I have a great tip to share. I made flash cards for myself, each one states a different affirmation, such as "My will to quit is stronger than my craving," "I am proud of myself for quitting," etc. They are small enough to fit in my purse, and when an urge strikes I can pull them out and read either all of them or just a few. I made mine out of some blank card stock, but just plain paper would work just as well.
Tina from Pennsylvania
Today is my second day smoke free. My sole reason for quitting is that if I can quit smoking, I can do anything. So can anybody else.
It has been 11 days since I had a cigarette. I have to say I do feel a lot better. I smoked 1 1/2 packs a day for 20 years. It's not easy but I want to see my grandchildren grow into adults. I just say every day I will not smoke today.
Lynn from Florida
Hi, I gave up smoking 5 days ago. Its hard, but getting better. My collegues don't think I can do it, after smoking 20 a DAY FOR 19 YEARS, but I have the will power and stubborness to do it. It helps to read all your messages, thank you all!!!!!
Hi, I gave up smoking 5 days ago. It’s hard, but getting better. My colleagues don't think I can do it, after smoking 20 a day for 19 years, but I have the will power and stubbornness to do it. It helps to read all your messages, thanks all!
I quit smoking almost 3 months ago because I developed COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) after 30 years of smoking. I never thought I would ever quit, but it is the best thing I have ever done in my life. I will never put another cigarette in my mouth. My breathing is not great, but at least I know it won't be getting any worse! I'm 52 years old and just could not see my future dragging around an oxygen tank.
Anonymous from Nebraska
I had smoked for 17 years, but I quit 20 days ago. The first few days were the hardest. It helps to occupy your mind with a type of puzzle. I used a word find. It helps keep your mind off your craving.
I haven't smoked in fifteen years, and now I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. When I went to drive the car, it was such a habit to "light up". To keep from doing this when trying to quit smoking, I would chew on a straw in the car! It worked. If I were to happen to break down and have another cigarette today though, I would be hooked again because smoking is so addictive.
Shirley from North Carolina

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Content last updated January 25, 2006.

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