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Study of the National Scope and Potential for Improvement of State Economic Development Highway Programs


Case Studies and National Summary of State Economic Development Highway Programs

Prepared for:

Federal Highway Administration

US Department of Transportation

Washington, DC 20590

Prepared by:

Glen Weisbrod and Manisha Gupta

Economic Development Research Group, Inc.

Boston, MA 02109-4901

Economic Development Research Group logo

March 10, 2005

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Part 1. Background
1.1 Study Overview
1.2 Definition and Classification of Programs
1.3 Report Overview

Part 2. Case Study - Massachusetts Public Works Economic Development Program
2.1 Program Overview
2.2 History and Evolution of the Program
2.3 Program Funding Decisions and Follow-Up
2.4 Supplementary Program Information
2.5 Examples of Funded Projects

Part 3. Case Study - Tennessee Industrial Access Roads Program
3.1 Program Overview
3.2 History and Evolution of the Program
3.3 Program Funding Decisions and Follow-Up
3.4 Supplementary Program Information
3.5 Examples of Funded Projects

Part 4. Case Study - Oklahoma Industrial Access Program
4.1 Program Overview
4.2 History and Evolution of the Program
4.3 Program Funding Decisions and Follow-Up
4.4 Supplementary Program Information
4.5 Examples of Funded Projects

Part 5. Case Study - Wisconsin Transportation Economic Assistance Program
5.1 Program Overview
5.2 History and Evolution of the Program
5.3 Program Funding Decisions and Follow-Up
5.4 Supplementary Program Information
5.5 Examples of Funded Projects

Part 6. National Summary of State Funding
6.1 States With Economic Development Highway Programs
6.2 State Funding Levels for Economic Development Highways

Part 7. Analysis Findings
7.1 Program Design
7.2 Eligibility and Application Review
7.3 Program Operation
7.4 Recommendations by State Officials Regarding Federal Role

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