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Date:  October 3, 1995
For Release:  Immediately
Contact:  HCFA Press Office, (202) 690-6145 or
          AETNA - John W. Dube, (203) 636-2251

HCFA/AHP Pilot to Bring Care Counseling
Services to Arizona Medicare Beneficiaries

The Health Care Financing Administration and Aetna Health Plans announced a joint pilot project of care counseling services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes or chronic asthma. This pilot project is the first of its kind for Medicare beneficiaries. It reflects HCFA's commitment to improving care for Medicare beneficiaries.

Specially-trained nurses from Aetna Medicare's Phoenix Service Center will provide selected Medicare beneficiaries in Arizona with individual, personalized counseling on health issues and chronic disease management. Beneficiaries will be encouraged to call their physicians with specific questions about their treatment because nurses will not provide actual care or medical advice. This is a voluntary, confidential service, provided free of charge to a pilot group of Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes or chronic asthma.

"This project fits well with HCFA's long-term strategic plan for Medicare. We view it as a major customer initiative that will be positive for beneficiaries, providers and Medicare," said HCFA Administrator Bruce C. Vladeck.

While care counseling is being offered only in Arizona during a two-year pilot project for Medicare beneficiaries whose claims are reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis, it could eventually be expanded into other states.

"This is not traditional Medicare, it's different from any other service offered currently through fee-for-service Medicare," said Peggy Perlman, head of AHP's Medicare Part B Administration. "We're going to provide beneficiaries with wellness-type counseling because we want to help them lead healthy, productive lives."

In September, AHP Medicare sent invitations to a select group of beneficiaries in Arizona. Up to 5,500 persons can be accommodated in the pilot. When beneficiaries return the cards, AHP nurses will contact them to explain the program in detail and determine their willingness to be involved. After enrollment, an initial interview will be done by phone, and periodic follow-up will be arranged.

HCFA is the federal agency that runs the Medicare program which provides health care for more than 37 million people.

AHP is under contract to HCFA to process Medicare claims in 17 states. Approximately $13.3 billion in Medicare claims were paid through AHP in 1994.
