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News Release

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Statement by Mike Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services, on the President’s Announcement Withdrawing the Nomination of Dr. Charles W. Grim as Indian Health Service (IHS) Director

I commend Charles for his dedication and commitment as IHS Director for the last four years.  The American Indian and Alaska Native people have benefited greatly from his service and promotion of health care, disease prevention and treatment programs. 

Throughout his tenure, Charles has demonstrated his compassion and strong leadership on behalf of the 1.9 million people who receive health care services through the IHS.  He strengthened the focus on preventative health care within IHS, directing resources to initiatives in behavioral health, health promotion/disease prevention, and chronic care management. 

I know I speak for many in expressing sincere gratitude for his service. I wish him well in his return to Oklahoma and in all future endeavors.


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Last revised: August 29, 2008