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News Release

Monday, April 2, 2007

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Statement by Mike Leavitt Secretary of Health and Human Services On the Resignation of Wade F. Horn, Assistant Secretary for Children and Families

It is with regret that I announce the resignation of our Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, Wade F. Horn, Ph.D. Wade has ably run the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) for the past six years, helping to improve the lives of vulnerable children and strengthen the American family.

Under Wade’s leadership, we passed and implemented the next chapter of welfare reform, launched the first-ever healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood grants, began outreach to victims of human trafficking, helped increase the number of adoptions in America, connected children of prisoners with mentors, and created a strong partnership with faith-based organizations.

Wade and ACF played an especially important role in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by making sure victims, uprooted from their homes and livelihoods, were quickly connected with the benefits they needed.

I will miss Wade personally and professionally and wish him much success in his new endeavors. Daniel Schneider, currently the principal deputy assistant secretary for children and families, will serve as acting assistant secretary until Wade’s replacement is named.


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Last revised: August 29, 2008