Leadership Journal

June 23, 2008

Processing Questions

I’ve been reading—absorbing the more than 400 comments you left from my last Journal entry. You’ve asked many questions—mostly about our processing times, wait times for visa approvals, and how we’re responding to the record number of applications we received last year.

But most of all, you want to know when USCIS will complete your case. Let me try to address some of your concerns.

After visiting local USCIS offices around the country and reviewing our current production statistics, I am confident USCIS will beat our projected 13- to 15-month processing estimate for completing naturalization applications filed after June 1, 2007—while we continue to improve processing times for other applications and petitions. Next month, we will provide you with a detailed report with updated processing times for all USCIS offices.

Our employees are hard at work every day, including evenings and weekends, processing files and interviewing applicants. The results of their efforts show tremendous productivity. I am optimistic that USCIS will exceed our goal of completing more than 1 million naturalization applications this fiscal year, which ends September 30, compared to last year’s 748,000 naturalization cases. And so far, applications received have been lower than normal this year. If that continues, we’ll bring processing times down further than we projected.

Many of you also asked about the processing times displayed at http://www.uscis.gov/, and why the dates sometimes go backward rather than forward. We estimate those dates based on a formula that calculates, among other things, the number of cases received within a defined period, how many cases we’ve completed during that time period, and how many cases remain in process that are [*] beyond our established processing time goals. Sometimes the flow of cases received and completed changes during a specific period in a way that shifts the date backwards. The processing timeframes shown on our webpage reflect applications just completed. So the page is only a tool for customers to estimate our current processing times.

In addition, the average processing times posted on our website do not take into account the many issues that may arise when a particular case is under review. For example, sometimes a USCIS officer may need to ask for additional information before a final decision can be made. If your case has been delayed beyond our posted processing times and you have not been asked for additional information, we encourage you to call our customer service line at 1-800-375-5283 to inquire about the status of your case.

Some of you also asked about the long wait for employment-based visas. The law limits how many people can immigrate in these employment based preference categories each year. That determines how many cases we can complete and often establishes how many new cases we can accept. To complicate matters, demand often far exceeds that supply. To assist applicants who are awaiting those visas, we will soon begin to issue Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) that are valid for 2 years for certain applicants who filed an application to adjust their status to permanent resident but are still awaiting an immigrant visa number.

Others have asked why petitions for their relatives take so long to process. Usually, it’s because an immigrant visa simply isn’t available. More than 1 million petitions to sponsor a relative are still awaiting visas. USCIS must manage our work based on the number of visas allowed by law. To change that, Congress would have to amend the law. No USCIS employee wants to keep a family apart or withhold proof of eligibility to work, but we must work within the requirements set by law.

Our current immigration system challenges us with backlogs on a regular basis. During the past fiscal year, we’ve begun to make improvements that will permanently eliminate future backlogs, including hiring additional employees, instituting new business processes and technology, and creating a new employee culture focused on professional training and development.

Will we succeed overnight? No. Making these changes—the right way—will take longer than my tenure as Acting Director. Nonetheless, we’re committed to making them sooner rather than later.

Thanks for taking time to read this entry.

Jonathan “Jock” Scharfen
Acting Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

[* update: Changed "our" to "are."]

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  • Hey Jonathan, Thanks for giving us a realistic picture.

    It is good to know that the processing dates are NOTHING but a formula. May be you want to put that in fine print somewhere on the result page and let people know that it is just a guess, not facts.

    You know the 1-800-375-5283 number? i think all of us applicants have used it at least once, and you know what? it doesn't tell us anything more than we already know from the website. So why even bother with putting staff on that line? They don't tell us anything, no estimated time, no nothing.

    You're confident that the cases will be done before 14-15 months, does that count the 3 million pending name checks? it's easy to shift the responsibility to the FBI isn't it? Have you been separated from your family for 3 years? That's what we're going through, we follow your rules, we pay as requested, we just want a reasonable treatment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 11:45 AM  

  • i know people who have had their 2008 applications approved. It seems USCIS is skewing their data/processing times by randomly picking a few 08 applications to approve thereby cutting down the processing times data. This is a violation of the FIFO and I'm not sure how to report it, but if IO's are trying to speed up their times, someone should look into it. Thanks (this is the buzz on many forums, so it's not a secret).

    By Blogger Tracy, At June 23, 2008 11:58 AM  

  • Thank you sir for your comment. It was quite informative. I would like to ask however can there be a premium processing for those with pending i-360 applications whose R1 visa's are almost expired like you have for those with almost expired H1 visa's who have pending i-460 applications? This will really make life easier.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:15 PM  

  • No Hope !!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:17 PM  

  • May I ask why Vermont is so much slower to process K3s than California? And why are K1s getting the priority over K3s? Why would an engaged couple take priority over a married couple that is separated? All anecdotal evidence points to Vermont being much slower than CA and the sudden ramp up of approved K1s points to the priority being shifted. As a tax paying US citizen of 26 years, I am losing faith in USCIS.

    (disclaimer, we applied almost 7 months ago for a K3 and we've yet to receive the second NOA2.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:18 PM  

  • Thank you for your updates. I am glad to see that there is are potential "progress" in place. However, I am not sure if the priority is in the right order. Understandably, people wants to be naturalized which would enable our politicians to collect more votes. However, family-based petitions should be a priority. Once does not know the pain and stress inflicted being away from your spouse, children, and family. If USCIS truly cares, I urge you to put more focus on allowing family to be united than going through this painful waiting process. Thank you for your time!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:20 PM  

  • What about those who filed for their I-140 and I-485 last July and still hasn't received their biometrics/fingerprinting schedule, How long is the processing time before they get fingerprinted? Does it take 1 year to get a schedule? You didn't mention anything about biometrics schedule.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:22 PM  

  • For those who are already here in the US and are petitioning for naturalization or other status, I understand the frustration of waiting. However, I don't think there is any pain more severe than waiting for a loved one to be united.

    It is unfair that family have to endure long waits. We all emphasize the important of family and the process USCIS has at the moment is a hindrance to family unity. Bring family together!! As a citizen, his is where my government has failed most!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:42 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:45 PM  

  • Im still waiting for my NOA-2 from I-130 in Vermont. Vermont just refuses to do everything by the book. I've seen people get their I-130's approved when they filed in MARCH/APRIL and I am from December and Still waiting. My wife has run out of funds and i tried to expedite, but they didnt even request any info straight denial. USCIS agents spit on our families. Most disturbing, I will have to sell my business stop paying goverment 200k a year in taxes and go live over seas with my wife. Thanks

    By Blogger Buya89, At June 23, 2008 12:51 PM  

  • I think what USCIS needs to work on is to restore public faith in USCIS. The reputation of USCIS has been damaged beyond repair because of years of inefficiency and bureaucracy. I can see it is a daunting task for the new leader. I just want to say: "Good Luck! Do not give us a blank check and let us down again!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:52 PM  

  • I have contacted the 1-800number many times.They do not give you anything more than what is on the website. We have submitted the paperwork almost 2 years ago for a work permit and have received the same comment that it's pending.The operators are not helpful and all they tell you is that they will send an email to the site where your case is filed. I understand a certain amount of time should be expected for a back log. If all the forms were filled out correctly and you haven't received any requests for additional paperwork then why the delay?? Though your updates shows that at least someone is looking to inform the public about what is going on it still leaves me with no answers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:58 PM  

  • Why does K-1 and K-3 takes too long to be approved? What is the big deal to approve the K-1 & K-3 Visa? Can you imagine the pain that is caused to be apart from the person you love, that you choose to be your partner in life for life?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:58 PM  

  • The response below is where we have been stuck since September 2007 and each time we keep on getting told someone is dealing with it...The process is very painful for families and I hope you don't just play lip service but do something about the issues raised.

    Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    Current Status: This case has been received from the State Department with a request we review it.

    On September 14, 2007, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 12:58 PM  

  • Well, my naturalization priority date is 3/15/2007 and I am still waiting for the interview notice. So, I don't have any confidence about the 13-15 month processing time.

    The problem with USCIS is cases fall out of cracks and no one bother to check on them

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:00 PM  

  • Hey Jonathan, Thanks for at least talking about the processing times.

    L1 dependent visa i.e. L2 visa holders are eligible to work here. But if the L2 visa extension is not done, the L2 visa holder can file the EAD, but amazingly even if principle L1 extension is already accomplished, EAD decision is not done.
    If L1 visa is extended then what can be the technical difficulties to approve the L2 visa. Except the background check, what else USCIS has to do with this L2 visa.
    Again even if USCIS, doesn't work on L2 visa, they should at least give some temporary EAD through local USCIS offices.
    When we visit the local USCIS office, the officers there just calls the USCIS office and tells us that "unfortunately we can't do anything with this. You need to stay here"

    I am here for more that 9 months and almost 8 months have passed after applying the L2 extension. My husband's L1 visa came just in one month. I have applied for extension and EAD too. But still my extension is not yet done and so the EAD.

    USCIS should at least allow the temporary EAD for such people unless the L2 extension decision is not taken. I am double post graduate and in such a way USCIS is wasting my talent and making me frustated. I am like house arrested and even can't get the driver's license.

    The processing time is moving forward and backward and even sometimes is same after a month. This is simply frustating.

    L2 visa holders are eligible to work in US. This should make them separate from H4 visa holders. Even if the extension for H4 visa don't come early ,it will not matter much for them as they have to stay at home by law. But for L2 visa holders , this matters. So please do not count L and H dependent visa holders in same category.

    In summary I would like to suggest USCIS the following:
    1. When 180-240 days passed after applying for extension of L2 visa, USCIS should give some temporary EAD to L2 visa holders.

    2. The L2 visas which are pending with USCIS National Benefits Center and whose principle L1 visa is extended already should delegate the work to the corresponding local offices to handle and speed up the work.

    3. Please give the priority to L2 visa holders over the other dependent visas.

    We are getting frustated here and just blaming our fate and quality of work going on. Seriously speaking ,we follow your rules, we pay as requested, we just want a reasonable treatment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:03 PM  

  • No one has realy made mention about the I-130's the processing date haven't moved since June 200, I hope that their will be some processing date changes very soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:04 PM  

  • Thank you for the info...but why is premium processing for the I140 NOT available for everyone? I'm on my 9th H-1B extension, filed for my I-140/I-1485 already ...and this month, USCIS announced that it's only available for people who are on their 6th year of H-1B and expiring in 60 days... I know life is not always fair, but this doesn't make any sense at all.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:09 PM  

  • Please bring back Premium Processing for I-140 for everyone ASAP... It doesn't make sense that it's only available for people on their 6th year of H-1B expiring in 60 days...what about those who are already on their 9th with a pending I-140/I485??? It just doesn't make sense!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:11 PM  

  • Hi Jonathan,

    Did your team look into the following issues:

    - Why are employment petitions that have visa numbers available (eg EB1C) still not processed and are backlogged?

    - Why are the USCIS approving 2008 applications so that that can easily bring down average reporting times (As reported to you) at the expense of those who filed earlier. This is is being done just to fudge the processing times numbers in reports coming to you and for no other reason. They should be held accountable for attempting to misrepresent the real processing delay situation to you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:19 PM  

  • I'd like to understand why VSC takes so much longer to process I-751 (removal of conditions) than CSC. Now that there are only 2 service centers processing removal of conditions, and CSC is so much faster (I've seen on forums that many people who are at VSC have been waiting for a year, while there are others at CSC who applied in March of this year, are already approved).

    Personally, I want to become a US citizen as soon as possible, I'm delighted and privileged to be here with my husband, and yet I know that I will be waiting at least a year to process the removal of conditions, and I will be eligible for citizenship probably before my I-751 is adjudicated. That seems to be an inefficient use of USCIS resources...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:20 PM  

  • Wow! I think it is great that the acting director of USCIS is willing to open this public conversation. I hope you don't get discouraged by the deluge of comment. I only have a comment. I know that you have inherited the Summer of 2007 application overload fiasco and that USCIS is making a big effort to catch up, and we appreciate it. My comment is that to make matters worse some USCIS local offices are way slower than others. In particular I have been waiting for a N-600 (application for certificate of citizenship) for my child for ten months already. I sent my application to the the San Jose office. The San Jose office has been consistently slower than the San Francisco office year after year. I think something should be done to remedy this long standing situation and make the San Jose office, and all the rest of slower offices, as fast as the others. It is possible that the employees of San Jose office work as hard or harder than the employees of San Francisco, perhaps the trick is to open another office, share the load. I don't want to propose a particular solution but just to point to the unfairness to which some people are subjected just by accident of their place of residence.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:26 PM  

  • Sir, all your statements and promoses seem false. USCIS seems to be functioning in a manner that is best classified as completely erratic - my question to you is - where does the accountability lie? The processing times keep moving back and forth - while at the same the actual approval of cases happens in a completely erratic manner. Cases filed much later get approved within a relatively short period of times whereas others that were filed much earlier have no updated. Calling the USCIS customer services center is completly useless too. One can never get a response that makes any sense!
    Sir, you and your staff need to understand that each application no. has an indiviual and his or her family attached to it. You play with the lives of people here.......I am surprised that your agents can even sleep at night after doing such a pathetic job.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:27 PM  

  • while I can appreciate the challenge put forth by sheer volume of applications and complexity of running a shop as critical and as complex as the USCIS, i think the director fails to address the following:
    1) Vermont Service Center is standstill on processing K-3 and IR1/CR1 visa for immediate relatives such as spouses of US Citizens, while California Service Center is spitting them out quickly
    2) Incosistencies in approvals. Some take 3 months to be approved. Some take 1 year. Both with same background.
    3) De-priortization of the applications filed by US Citizens for their spouses over H-1 visa holder spouses and K-1 fiance visa filers. This is not only illogical, but an injustice to the citizens.

    I used to work on a trading floor, so I can relate and appreciate the challenge put forth by high volumes. It's how you deal with them and still give your customer timely executions shows how good of a leader you are.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:30 PM  

  • Thank you Jonathan for clarification regarding the processing of employment based petitions. Just to make it clear, the majority of the comments posted in your previous blog entry "We're listening" were regarding the unreasonable & excessive delay on processing of employment based petitions (I-140 & I-485) and not that of naturalization (even though they too are facing delays).
    I would understand if the reason for delay in processing of I-485's due to lack of visa numbers, but why is there a delay in processing I-140 petitions? Processing of I-140 DOES NOT require a visa number, right? My I-140 petition has been transferred from NSC to VSC to TSC and has been pending for more than year now. Why is there some many tranfers being done, if the reason for the transfer is work load balancing & quicker processing? In spite of these multiple transfers, my case has been pending at TSC for close to 8 months now. Can you please instruct TSC to complete processing pending I-140 petitions? Also, the Premium Processing reinstated is so narrowly defined, I would be surprised if even 5% of the pending I-140 petitions would benefit from it? What use it for majority of us folks? I urge to resinstate PPS for I-140 with immediate efffect and also instruct TSC to expedite processing of I-140 petitions (especially the ones that got transferred multiple times). Your kind help would be much appreciated

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:31 PM  

  • Mr. Director, thank you very much the update. We wish you all the best with your continued efforts with streamlining the processes and improving efficiency at USCIS.

    I'd like to draw your attention to EB3/India/Concurrent/July I-140 filers. Extremely few people with this combination of factors have been approved. I know you said that such persons should call the toll-free number, but I'm not talking about any specific case but this "category" in general. We heard about something called Plus Pilot Program -which while very well intentioned for overall efficiency- holds this category back.

    As EB3-India is severely retrogressed and many applicants would like to use AC21. However, they want to wait for I-140 to be approved to be on the safer side. Not getting an I-140 approval, combined with the severe retrogression is like a one-two punch for EB3-India applicants. Could you please ensure that they get at least I-140 approvals on their turn instead of being held back. We'll appreciate your comments in this regard.

    I'd like to wrap up my comments by mentioning how much we appreciate your journal comments as well as the opportunity to talk back. I can assure you that it makes the drastic improvements in USCIS's image in public and your earn our well-deserved goodwill.

    Best Regards.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:35 PM  

  • Thank you Jonathan for the update.

    I share somehow the same frustration with some of the people that posted their comments here. I applied for my green card last year and am still waiting to hear when my adjustment of status and I140 will be approved. I'm in the EB2 category that supposes to help expedite my application and it doesn't seem to help at all.

    There is no real status information provided by anyone (either on the web site and/or the CS number).

    I need to renew my EAD soon which means that I'll have to pay another $1,000 dollars (includes my wife's EAD)in order to get those documents.

    Shouldn't the USCIS renew my documents at no cost knowing that I'm not the one delaying this process?

    Thank you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:36 PM  

  • How about the employment visa numbers your department has wasted over the period of years ? For so many years even though supply of visa number was there but your department did not complete those cases in time and let numbers go waste.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:36 PM  

  • Hi Jonathan,

    I am not sure what you meant by "I am confident USCIS will beat our projected 13- to 15-month processing estimate for completing naturalization applications filed after June 1, 2007"

    We are already in the 13th month of processing.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:40 PM  

  • It's a joke that it takes longer for a US citizen to bring home his/her spouse than a non citizen H1B worker to bring his/her spouse to America.

    Stop giving us this kind of corporate talk, get out of NATO (Talk Only No Action). America is the only first world country in the world that spouses/families apart for years thanks to USCIS.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:40 PM  

  • Hi Jock,

    Thanks for taking time to write this article; at least we know that someone is taking responsibility of getting things done (at least in writing). I got so much to complain about USCIS inefficiencies, but that won’t get me anywhere. I’ll just save myself with heartaches & headaches by not complaining and being miserable, rather I’ll try to be optimistic about the future of USCIS and be positive about the changes your office is doing. With no immigration reform in the horizon, I don’t think USCIS could do much in issuing more visas. On the second thought, there is this “visa recapture” that you can take a look closer. Hopefully this fiscal year, your office could maximize it and not loose any single visas that are a “life-line” to us immigrants. Again, I’m trying to be optimistic! As for me, since I have to option but to wait, PLEASE continue to update us as often as possible and share to us the progress you’re making. At least this will help us a bit alleviate the anxiousness of waiting in vain.

    By Blogger Pinoy, At June 23, 2008 1:41 PM  

  • Good day !

    Thanks for the update and for making something at USCIS. Your efforts and your staff are highly appreciated.

    It seems that you are very particular with naturalization issue. How about the permanent residency issue, I guess you need to discuss more on this also. How long should it take(time frame) to get a green card.

    One more thing, how about the H1B lottery? Is it done already? Any update on this.

    Many thanks and have a wonderful day!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:43 PM  

  • Hi Jock,

    Thanks for taking time to write this article; at least we know that someone is taking responsibility of getting things done (at least in writing). I got so much to complain about USCIS inefficiencies, but that won’t get me anywhere. I’ll just save myself with heartaches & headaches by not complaining and being miserable, rather I’ll try to be optimistic about the future of USCIS and be positive about the changes your office is doing. With no immigration reform in the horizon, I don’t think USCIS could do much in issuing more visas. On the second thought, there is this “visa recapture” that you can take a look closer. Hopefully this fiscal year, your office could maximize it and not loose any single visas that are a “life-line” to us immigrants. Again, I’m trying to be optimistic! As for me, since I have to option but to wait, PLEASE continue to update us as often as possible and share to us the progress you’re making. At least this will help us a bit alleviate the anxiousness of waiting in vain.

    By Blogger Pinoy, At June 23, 2008 1:43 PM  

  • IF you have a heart, PLEASE put family based petition a priority. The LONG waiting process has been both emotionally and physically painful. You do not know how heartbreaking it is to hear your wife crying EVERYDAY missing her husband and likewise how emotional it is for a grown man to cry because he misses his wife just as much. The stress of going through this process has been very tough on my family. With the added stress, my wife and I have lost the opportunity to expand our family as a result of a miscarriage. I blame USCIS process for our lost due to the added stress! I hope you and the people who make legislation can feel good about yourself, denying our unborn child life because of the undue stress you put upon us!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:48 PM  

  • Greetings,

    I completely acknowledge the multifarious issues facing the USCIS in processing applications. While many long term steps are being taken to make the process efficient, a few things can be done immediately to make the process more transparent -

    1. Follow FIFO - it is unfair that TSC processes Dec 07 I-140s while July/Aug 07 applications are still pending. If this is a deliberate attempt atleast communicate this with everyone giving reasons/strategies

    2. There is no guidance on why cases are transferred between offices, and how they are going to be processed. Infact, lot of transferred cases are pending for a long long time.

    3. Be more forthcoming with the issues being faced..so that all clients know when to expect their cases to be processed.

    In short, even with the multiple problems facing the organization, be fair in processing applications and transparent about your policies. Dont keep us in the dark.

    "The certainty of misery is lot better than the misery of uncertainty"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 1:51 PM  

  • hi Mr Jonathan Sir,

    Please tell me sir, how long I-130 file will take to process my wife in the USA for 5 years and she just applied for USA citizenship and it's takes almost 13 to 15 months so you tell me how long do I have to wait for . I have been waiting for Petition file to open for 3 and half years.I think you should understand people who got married ,give them visa as fast as you can because husband and wife is different kind of case than uncle, aunt etc.I hope you will work on this comment. Thanking you

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:01 PM  

  • I just comment something about the increases in cost for all the applications, simply it makes no sense to pay more for a service that is taking longer if your process is goingo to last more than before why don't you reduce your cost too. For you is easy to take the money from the people and later makes any stuped excuse, and aditional to this you force us to stay in the country because if we travel to visit our familys is like discontinued our residency in the Unites States. Why at least don't permit us to travel to see our relatives...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:04 PM  

  • Good post Jock. This is great information and we need more of it. USCIS needs a full-time blog much like TSA's Evolution of Security. Daily updates (not monthly or quarterly numbers).

    As someone who works at DHS and with USCIS in the past, I think it is important that USCIS provide more information directly to citizens. This will help clear up a number of the myths of USCIS and help people understand how the process truly works. A blog is a great format to do this and TSA's blog has been quite successful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (sressler at gmail).

    By Blogger Stephen, At June 23, 2008 2:06 PM  

  • Am extremely happy and satisfied for what ever you could do in spite of being an "Acting Director". Definitely, we are not expecting overnight changes. All we request is a plain, transparent process so that we know what can be a realistic time frame to get our employment based green card. Thank you for extending the validity period for EAD . Can you please do the same for Advance Parole too ?

    By Anonymous Sridhar, At June 23, 2008 2:08 PM  

  • Mr. Acting Director
    thank you for watching blogs or reading blogs and writing after reading the comments. Very wise, keep up that at least, which gives fuel to many aspirants here for the hope.

    My question is, can you respond to one of the com mentors' question ?
    How long does it take to even process the fingerprint(biometrics) for those applicants who has paid their due, accepted applications and waiting for biometrics. In the event that our time for application process starts, they will see no biometrics and hence another 6-9 months delay. Don't you feel shame on commending your worker's efficiency ?
    I have called your toll free number for many times in the hope that biometrics would be processed one day, all in vain. The responder(the efficient worker) on the other side of the phone brings different message every time you call.
    (i) sir, I have re-submitted it for processing, and you should be getting an schedule in mail within a month, if not give us a call. Why do you want again a call ? Why don't you fix your damn printer..before giving a wrong information to the customer.
    (ii)Sir, I can do nothing but will ask the service center and here is your service request number, to be followed by a letter in 60 days that nothing is done. Your application is within scheduled time for processing.
    (iii) Sir, I could not find your file, please take an infopass and they can help you processing biometrics.
    (iv) at info pass. Sir, I cannot find your application, please re-submit or send whatever you have as a proof of document of your application submission.
    (v) service center. Sir, your application is here with us in this service center, the request for biometrics is submitted, but because your nearest processing center is overwhelmed with all other applicants and hence you are getting delayed for scheduling biometrics.
    the same service center can fit my schedule for EAD, but not for I-485 biometrics.
    (vi) Can you please investigate these people who answered me their own version of answers and train ?
    I have their employee number or Names as they gave me in each call I made.
    (vii) And please think yourself being in one of the immigrant's position, think legally, no need to be illegal. But you would definitely not want to be ill-informed.

    One of your system's administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:09 PM  

  • Jock,

    Industry uses lots of prediction algorithms and data mining methods. I am sure, as an engineer myself, that technology and innovative means can be of tremendous help. For example - (1) you could train your work force on more advanced tools to handle cases (2) more importantly you shoudl make more and more forms/applciation info online filing that will reduce the burden of processing. I bet a lot of volenteers sitting around in wannabe immigrants who could do this for you for free (3) a more accurate processing time, wait time is definitely worth looking into. The 'formula' can always be improved, and it should be. maybe it could be taken to some statistician researchers - US schools are full of them - Stanford, MIT, list id endless.

    All in all, I can see the bottleneck being 'law imposed limited visa numbers' but there is clearly lot of improvements waiting to happen. The frustration of immigrants is real and is coutner productive for economy. Having advanced degree holders and their eligible spouses limit (or kill) their ability to work or move around jobs due to either or both the beurocracy or law in theor most prodcutive twenties and thirties is a big blow of economic growth and to personal satisfaction. and in competitive environment, waiting for changes 'longer than your tenure' is not an option. I am not being sarcastic sir, it needs more attention. Thank you for being candid but can you not push, on your end, to lawmakers for serious thoughts into this matter. Imagine if Sergey Brin (google's co-founder) would have to delay or drop Gooogle idea simply b/c his I-140 or 485 is not yet approved Or even worse, not eligible to apply sue to retrogression.

    an unapologetic tinkerer

    By Blogger Manish, At June 23, 2008 2:16 PM  

  • Mr. Director,
    First of all, I appreciate your keeping this blog alive and let us to continue to input our comment. As a victim of long delayed FBI name check, I wish you can write your comment regarding this background check delay, but to my disappointment, I can not find it from your comment.
    I believe that you have already read the FBI name check audit report issued by Inspector General of Department of Justice (http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/FBI/a0824/final.pdf), before you wrote your comment on this blog. The report pointed out a lot of problem on the current name check process -
    Inaccurate, out-dated technology and poor management etc, as compared to the accurate, efficient, well managed finger print process. I don't understand why your USCIS adapt such poor process to delay our immigration benefit, put our life to limbo and put our family apart,
    Clearly for many citizenship applicants, it is not the visa availability issue and law issue that put our family apart, it is the bureaucratic issue. Worst part is that your name check process doesn't achieve the goal to protect our country's safety due to its out dated technology. Instead, it has just ruined the life of many law-abiding immigrants. I really feel sorry for our country and many innocent people including myself after I read the audit report. Mr. Director, please seriously takes the audit report into consideration, and gives us an explanation on how you can eliminate the FBI name check backlog by the time line USCIS proposed and why you still consider this process as an invaluable tool to protect our safety and find the bad people, as criticized as inaccurate and out-dated technology by the inspector general.
    I sincerely wish you will not avoid this outstanding issue on your next comment. Thanks again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:17 PM  

  • Hi Jock,

    Thank you for taking the time in providing the information. My mother is a U.S. Citizen, so were my grandfather (who served in the U.S. Marines for 32 years) and my uncles (who each served in the U.S. Army for 20 years). I was granted the "Permanent Resident" status 7 years ago while living in Central America. (I was born there because of my grandfather deployment to the area). I called the 800 number several times to ask about my rights and was always given different information, including that I was a U.S. Citizen by birth and did not need to apply for my U.S. Citizenship. I was told that all I neeed to do was to apply for my U.S. Passport. It was denied, and to make a long story short, I lost one whole year communciating back and forth until I finally decided to take the long way and applied for my U.S. Citizenship as any other immigrant. I did so on July last year. My fingerprints were taken in December and have not received any information ever since. At the same time, I made a petition for my husband in 2002, the process was supposed to take 900 days and it took 5 years, in which he was living overseas, while my 2 kids and I, were working our way up here without any kind of assistance. At the time he came over and started to settle down, we realized that after 5 years of separation we had changed so much that we ended up in a separation. This is what the current system is doing to hard working families who had contributed to this country in many possitive ways. I really hope you can improve the lack of professionalism and knowledge of your employees so other families don't have to go through what my family and I went through.


    By Anonymous Agreed, At June 23, 2008 2:17 PM  

  • Jonathan,

    Thank you for actually listening to / reading our comments. I am EB2 ROW that applied in the infamous July-August 2007 period for I-140 and I-485. It is almost a year and no news and I see people who applied in 2008 (January, February, March etc..) approved left, right and center. How is that possible? I am current and have been all the time so visa number is not an issue. I do not believe that this is fair treatment. If I am from non-current country, I would understand that I have to wait for visa number but that is not the case. Regarding processing times - is it possible to split them between current (ROW) and non-current countries? Because right now if someone from India who applied in July will have to wait for 4 years to get visa number would it not drag down the processing times for everyone else? Honestly, what happened in July '07 was a major disaster for ROW applicants. They could have got I-140 done under premium processing in 2-3 weeks and I-485 in three-four months prior to infamous July-August 2007. That is all gone and not sure when we will return to that situation.

    Again - thanks for listening.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:18 PM  

  • Dear Jock,

    Couple of comments. (i) Have you noticed the number of anonymous messages that you have: ever wonder why people are so frightened to identify themselves? (ii) I am a member of Trackitt.com, where 15,000 I-485 & I-140 applicants have added their immigration experiences into one database. It is clear as crystal from the trackitt database that USCIS does not complete these applications in chronological order; in fact there is no obvious order at all. For example, just today an applicant from Jan 2008 received their I-140 approval. There are many, many, many applicants waiting from the July 2007 fiasco and many, many applicants from long before this. What is the explanation? Common belief (as stated above) is that USCIS is fudging their numbers by padding old approval statistics with newer applications. Is this true? If not, please tell me what is the reason for the absence of chronology?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:19 PM  

  • This is a good article. Following are some of my observations on EB1 cases
    1) A lot of EB1 cases are yet to be approved whereas EB2 and EB3 cases are turning up like hot cakes?
    2) A lot of primary EB1 applicants are approved. The EB2 cases for their spouses - derivatives (as per Immigration officers) are with officers. Why not approve these cases asap?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:19 PM  

  • Thank you for your updates,I am LPR and file my fedral,local taxes, pay taxes have my driving lic,s.s number as every citizen of this country have,obey the law,well i have file my petition for my wife on 2005,its almost 3 years and i havent heard from USCIS and when every i call they tell me that my case is in process for last 3 years why its taking long time to process why visa is not avaiable just to bring the spouse that u have married her and she has right to live with you.when its said that US respect family and liberity.all LPR should treat as US citizen when they want to sponsor their spouse and children,why we dont pay taxes?so why is discrimination?we need voice so the congress can hear.i know people who come on F1 can bring s/he spouse on F4 visa same as H1 holder can bring spouse on H4 visa that i cannot understand afterwards they change into greencard.smart way ..when we follow the law they screw us up.This system need to change. I WANT MY WIFE RIGHT WAY AS SAME AS US CITIZEN IT SHOULD BE NOT WAIT LINE.WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOUR SPOUSE BEEN SPERATE FROM YOU?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:22 PM  

  • I am extremely disappointed by the service rendered by the USCIS. Most of us had to pay thousands of dollars to file I-140s and I-485s last year ($2,265). The service we get is deplorable and this is a shame.
    1) The processing times is a lie. People like me who filed in july 07 are still waiting while some who filed in 2008 already have answers.
    2) Is this a way for USCIS to get more money. Yes we avoided the fee hike, just to renew EADs and APs at a much higher cost.
    3) You justified the fee hike for a better service, it is worse now
    4) You justified the increased in processing times by twice more applications. You also supposedly hired some people. So how come that processing time are now 10 times longer than before (they should have been maybe twice longer, not over ten times).
    3) I am not even talking about opening service requests. After 3 attempts, and a month wait each time, the answer we get is: "We are actively processing your case, get back to us in 6 months." Is this a joke, or are you serious.

    We want to do it lawfully, and abide by the rules. Why don't you? We are honest people trying to make a living and the USCIS is profiting from it, along with employers. We are not idiots, at least you should show us some respect by telling the truth.
    Thank you for making our lives miserable.

    By Anonymous Mounir, At June 23, 2008 2:24 PM  

  • Good article. I have a straightforward question
    1) My EB1-C got approved 2 months ago. My spouse (derivative) is still pending. Both of us applied together. My spouse's case is with officer (as per IO) since last 2 months. Why is it not approved?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:24 PM  

  • Please bring back i-140 Premium Processing for all applicants. Its been 11 months since I applied and there is abosolutely no update. The representatives on the 1800 number you mentioned repeat what is mentioned on the website.. Newer applications are getting approved faster.... Approval of i140 is very important for us or make portability [AC21] for unapproved i140s more flexible...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:30 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:33 PM  

  • Thank you for addressing some issues which are critical to us, the ones waiting for an adjudication.
    While I understand the Naturalization priority in an election year, I'd like to point out to the all the other applications from July/Aug last year, many of which have not been processed. It seems that the FIFO system does not apply in the case of the July/Aug filled Employment Based petitions. We see approvals from Oct, Nov 2007 or even March 2008. Also availability of visa numbers seems not to be a criteria. I'm a Rest of the World applicant, there are visa numbers available, processing times passed my application date, but it's still pending. This shows me there is ineficiency in the system that could be maybe addressed by reinstating Premium Processing. Please reinstate Premium Processing for more cases than just 6th year H1B applicants.
    As a side note, calling customer service does not really help, they're rude and provide information that is already available on the website. Nothing that pertains to our personal case.
    Thanks again for listening.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:33 PM  

  • While it is great that you are still engaged and seem to be responding to some of the comments and frustrations I think there is more you can do to get a realistic picture of what the 1-800 number is all about. Go to a local office and ask a couple of the applicants there for an Infopass if they would call the 1-800 number and listen in to what happens. There is no help at all available from this service.

    I applied in September 2005. Name check was initiated in January 2006 and I have had nothing since then. Each time I call I am told to call again in 6 months/90 days/30 days. At least get the agents to be honest and say they what is happening in general, even if it is not good news. Providing a random response to get me off the phone is not good.

    By Anonymous Ken, At June 23, 2008 2:40 PM  

  • Thank you for the updates.

    Please implement FIFO for all the cases filed with USCIS not just for one or two case types. Provide more access/information to call center employees so that they can give us more details when we call 1-800 number.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:42 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:45 PM  

  • Thank you Sir for taking time and addressing some issues.
    I am stuck in the GC voyage for past several years. Being from a capped country, it is very painful to see other filers who have filed after you getting approvals. I just want to let you know that unnecessary delays and inefficiencies at USCIS hurt common families like mine to a great extent. With my I-485 application I also applied for EAD. They misspelled my name wrong in I-485 and EAD and after several requests no action is taken while now I have to renew the EAD again and not sure if they will misspell it again. Your folks may be working fast but they are not paying attention to details. I cant find out if my name check has been cleared also. USCIS has told me that my I-485 name error will be corrected while someone will adjudicate my case. What if after a long wait someone finally gets to my case and then he sends my name again for a name check and then my country retrgresses again. I feel like I am in in Black hole. Please, Sir do something to make the system more effective. I appreciate your time.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:46 PM  

  • While I understand that you are making an effort to reduce the backlog from the huge number of applications from June 2007 what about those that are still pending from before this date? My Spousal Green Card has been waiting since November 2006 despite having passed the interview and having my I-130 approved in January of 2007. Where is the effort to clear the old cases?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:47 PM  

  • Jonathan, I thank you for your accountability and visibility. I have lived and worked here for 22 years after emigrating from Jamaica. After losing my green card in a move, I submitted an I-90request today. It is scary and frustrating to think that my contributions to this country as a tax-paying, law-abiding resident may be impacted by red tape. I hope the process QUICKLY serves the good people who simply want to make America greater than ever.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:50 PM  

  • As usual, so many cliche words, so many promises, and ultimately the same routine, except more expensive than the past! How does CIS explaine the $385 fees for a Reentry Permit or Refugee Travel Document and NINE (9) months of wait to issue it? NIne months?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:58 PM  

  • It's nice to have an opportunity to be heard. Two things I would like to mention:
    1. Is it possible to give some accurate predictability on how long one has to wait before the petition gets approved and visa number becomes available? Visa bulleting and processing times jump back and forth. People just want to know the time frame and plan accordingly. You know now many petitions are pending and how many gets approved every month. Why this information is not available to general public?

    2. I have my EAD approved, received the card, but never received the approval notice. When I called USCIS I was told that I need to order a duplicate and pay $340 for it. This is just unbelievable! Why not $1340 and why do I have to pay at all for this?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 2:59 PM  

  • I would like to thank the entire USCIS for noticable improvement lately on the case processing. You have processed more cases recently than ever before. However, it seems majority of these cases were naturalization applications, can you please focus more efforts on other cases like i-485, i-140 and etc. This is important because emigrants filling for naturalization are better off than those struggling to remain lawfully in the United States.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:09 PM  

  • Dear Sir

    Thanks for the detailed information on the processing . Could you please get the 140 processing in Nebraska (EB3) to be expedited. Many of us were on the Labor Backlog for several years to find ourselves in another 140 backlog. I applied for 140 in 2007summer after over 4 years of Labor processing, and would really appreciate it if something could be done about the 140 . In these recession days, it would add stability and improve the quality of our lives. Thank You.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:10 PM  

  • I filed for naturalization in April, 2006. I have not had my interview yet. Can you tell me how much longer I have to wait?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:10 PM  

  • Jonathan - must be a tough job over there. Its a tough life in the immigration line here too. Tougher to see that it is taking 5-10 years.
    Good luck to all of us.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:11 PM  

  • Thank you for putting yourself out front to take such questions. There are a number of issues I would like to draw your attention to.

    First, all increased services mentioned in Congressional testimony and press releases are focused only on “Naturalization” applications received. The 1.2-million increase to 3-million applications during the summer of 2007 represents a 60% increase from the previous summer. However, it is not mentioned that “Naturalization” applications only constitute approximately 17% of the revenue collected in FY 2007. Even if you include the almost 10% regular “Adjustment of Status” revenue – this is still only 27%. Yet “Other Applications” comprise 36% of the revenue your agency collected in FY 2007.

    In testimony at a House Judiciary Subcommittee on January 17, 2008, former Director Gonzalez presented what was being done to address “Naturalization” delays. It included expanding work hours, adding additional shifts, redirecting staff to service centers, increasing contract staff, and new hires. On March 14, 2008, he reported in a press release that these efforts had reduced processing times by 12-13%. On March 20, 2008, a press release stated that N-400 Naturalization interviews would now be conducted on Saturdays, Sundays, and after traditional business hours. On the right side of the USCIS homepage there remains a comments that staff continue to work extended hours and weekend for "Naturalization" applications.

    Therefore, I ask the question: “Explain why a 17% revenue source (Naturalization) merits such a disproportionate amount of time and activity?” Can you please tell me how many staff were hired or redirected to address “Other Applications,” which comprises 37% of your revenue?” Are the staff that deal with “Other Applications” also working Saturdays, Sundays, and extended hours to reduce delayed waiting times? From my vantage point, this certainly does not fit your USCIS Vision Statement, “…becoming a customer-focused innovator of benefits processing.” Perhaps for some, but not all.
    Second, why is it that I-129F petitions have the highest fee attributed to them, yet they are the only I-129 petition group that does not qualify for “Premium Processing?” I understand that there may well be many immigrants in various stages of naturalization or work visa’s that might be seeking to bring their betrothed from the country of their origin to be with them in the United States. However, I do not feel US National citizens should be grouped among them when filing the I-129F Fiancée petition. A US National citizen is both a customer and a citizen by birth.

    I believe your policy in this area is wrong. According to the USCIS “Core Values,” I do not believe most American people would equate a “high level of integrity” with an immigration system that places preference and expedited services to immigrants over services to its own national citizenry. I do not think this is fair, nor correct. There should be some distinction between a naturalized I-129F K-type visa and a US national I-129F K-type visa.

    As a US national citizen and customer I do not like feeling marginalized by an agency that my tax dollars (and those of my ancestors) support, and whose employees my money helps to provide wages and services.

    While I agree with the USCIS credo to treat all fairly and equally, There must remain an obvious and necessary distinction between those that are US National Citizens and those that are seeking benefits as Naturalized or visa customers. Afterall, DHS and USCIS are responsible to the US national citizenry, and US Citizens are the largest stakeholders, both in wanting scure borders as well as supporting the agency with revenues derived from taxes. Granted, appropriations amount to slightly less than 10% of all USCIS revenues; however, I am assured that the proportion was greater not so long ago.

    Third, why is there such a long period of inactivity from the time a petition/application is receipted to the time processing begins? What becomes of the application during this interim? If you really want to improve service and become “a customer-focused innovator of benefits processing” why don’t you create an Administrative Assistant GS-3 or GS-4 level position to provide an initial screening of petitions received to ensure the application submitted is complete prior to waiting in a pile somewhere before it is noted that a question on a particular form was missed?

    Last, why has an I-129F fiancé petition been delayed by 225% compared to processing times earlier in 2007? If FY 2007 naturalization applications increased 60% and USCIS have increased staff and hours of service to deal with that increase, then why has the processing times of I-129F petitions increased to over 225% while N-400 application processing times increased only 160-180%? The only way I can make sense of these numbers is to infer that you took staff away from the budget grouping called "Other Applications" (36%) and shifted them to deal with the "Naturalization" (17%) budget category. Something is wrong – the numbers do not add up.

    How do you account for the questions and issues I raise?

    By Anonymous wlindemans, At June 23, 2008 3:13 PM  

  • Please look into speeding up the 140 processing in Nebraska especially for Eb3 cases, It seems to be taking forever. Could you give an estimate when August 2007 140 cases would be approved in NSC.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:13 PM  

  • Good day,
    I am a Jamaican mother whose children (ages 23 & 18) are both US citizens living in the States since 2001. Prior to my kids migrating, my sister (US citizen) filed an application I-130 for me in January 2001 at the Vermont Centre. The webpage indicates that applications filed up to February 25, 2001 have been completed. Since my date (Jan. 26) is within that time period ... how much longer before I hear from USCIS. I miss my family dearly and would like to hear something soon instead of the same "your case is pending".
    Thanks to all the staff of USCIS who are diligent at their job and who believe in uniting families together.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:16 PM  

  • "..Others have asked why petitions for their relatives take so long to process. Usually, it’s because an immigrant visa simply isn’t available. More than 1 million petitions to sponsor a relative are still awaiting visas. USCIS must manage our work based on the number of visas allowed by law. To change that, Congress would have to amend the law. No USCIS employee wants to keep a family apart or withhold proof of eligibility to work, but we must work within the requirements set by law."

    who puts the law can change it, we are on the 21st century.
    I am sorry, but Whatever you say I can't believe that there is a reason to keep a family apart without an accurate time frame. My 3 years old daughter (who is a US citizen, but her mama is not) asks me on the phone from overseas that she wants to be with me. If she can read, I would e-mail her this article so she can comment on it. I hope no one live apart from his family and not to go through what most of us going through now. I got to wait 2-3 years to unit with my wife and my daughter again. we see on TV how much money was spent to unit sea animals (wheals) together, but not humans.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:23 PM  

  • Why are the Miami Local office is taking too long to approve an employment based case when they already conducted interview. Nebraska give a reason that they transfer cases to speed them up, but excuse me, it seems like in Miami distric office is to forget about our files.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:34 PM  

  • Thanks. I thought I140 suppose to be with "permanent job". Since the visa numbers are not available, why are I140 fillers alraedy in US(with expiring OPT)have to stop working for their "permanent employer". Please, let pending I140(without I485) come with a EAD.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:40 PM  

  • Mr. Jonathan,

    Good day:

    Thank you, for taking the time to answered the many many comments!

    But my concern still needs an answer.

    The answer I seek is, why are I-130 case petitioned for brother/sister at the Vermont office still loging way back at Febuary 2001, while all the other online cases are far far head?

    My brother/sister I-130 case was petitioned since April 2001 around seven (7)years and counting, I'm still waiting for an approval!

    Best regards,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:42 PM  

  • Jonathan “Jock” Scharfen
    Acting Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

    Thanks for atleast talking about processing dates

    Recently, i have initiated an inquiry with USCIS customer service regarding Form I-130 (Nov 2007) us citizen filing petition for spouse . But the customer service representative could not give an adequate reason for delays of updates for processing date at Vermont Service Center.

    Vermont processing dates have not been updated since Feb 2008, where as California’s processing dates have been updated each month and are 5 months ahead (currently updated to Dec 18th 2007) for I130 category. Moreover, in March 2008, the processing dates were moved back from Aug 19th 2007 to July 30th 2007 which caused further concerns and frustration.

    Kindly share your insight with the processing date and advised if we can expedite the case. As it is really painful to live without once spouse.....with never ending waiting n un certainity i request you for help

    I130 spouse

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:45 PM  

  • As a U.S. Citizen, I am asking you to please not take ANY shortcuts in doing ALL THE BACKGROUND CHECKS that should be done in processing all applicants!

    I appreciate your backlog, and realize this is the best country in the world and that’s why there are so many applicants flooding your office!

    Don’t let the pressure of NON-citizens pressure you into skipping all the necessary checks! We are counting on you to do them right, not fast.

    Thank you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:47 PM  

  • Most immigrants already accepted the fact that they're in for a long wait when they started the GC journey. But what's difficult to stomach is seeing other applicants with the same case/category got approved when they applied much later. Most US citizen cannot relate to this immigration process, but I'm sure you'll be mad as hell when somebody cut in front of you in Starbucks on Monday morning. Pls implement basic FIFO pls...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:01 PM  

  • I have been waiting more than a year for I-140 approval. My labor priority date is Nov 2001. Since My I-140 is not approved yet, I have gone through a lot of stress with my employer. I have been under paid, in the same job since I can't get promotions, no annual increases for the last three years since I have maxed out the Job's range, my home is getting repossessed since I don't make enough to meet the rising costs of Gasoline, Electricity, heating fuel, water, groceries, etc. Where does this all end? Now I have to move my family into an apartment. Don't you guys at USCIS have any care for the rest of the world? Everyone is more concerned about illegal immigranst and finding ways of getting them legalised. Why isn't anyone thinking about Legal Immigrants who need their status changed soon so they can get better paying jobs and be more able to take care of their families and keep their homes? Maybe its becouse everyone working in the USCIS including the Acting director are US citizens and is in "Protected" status. All of you can leave your jobs and find another without any problems.

    My sincere request, forget the Visa availabilty, ATLEAST APPROVE OUR I-140'S SO AFTER 180 DAYS WE WILL BE ABLE TO GET BETTER JOBS, GET PROMOTIONS, AND KEEP OUR HOMES? Have you considered the fact that many of us are doing the same boring jobs for last 5-10 years?

    When are we going to see some relief? Or is it the unspoken wish for all at USCIS that you milk all immigrants for all they are worth, (We pay honest taxes too) get fed up, and then go back to their homelands on their own? If that is the case, why not deny our petitions on Day one?

    Don't mind me, I am wenting my frustrations on the system. After all, its Me and my family who suffer, and not you. Arn't you Glad?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:04 PM  

  • Greetings,

    I appreciate your efforts to do a better job and writing this letter. I just want to say, I think the Government needs to amend the law, at least double, even triple the visa numbers for the next 2-3 years on all categories, just to get all the backlog clear. Then do a complete reform in the immigration system and start clean again. Will you or any of us be able to influence the Government to increase the visa numbers limit? Is there a better way that we can let Congress know and care more about us trying to stay in the States legally?

    Thank you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:06 PM  

  • Hello, i've sent in an i-130 for my husband since last november, i've been waiting patiently for 7 months,i thought when u r a us citizen and filed for a family member it only takes 6 months, well i dont know what is taking vsc so long to work on our petitons, this is rediculous. Whenever i called the 1800 number these employess cant help me with nothing all they do is give attitude i cant take this anymore, one center takes a short time to work on a petition, while the other takes a long time to work on it..director u need to get this under control and stop having people hopes up, because deep down u know we goin to have to wait longer why not jus give an estimated time processing, and stop lieing to us

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:12 PM  

  • Hey Jonathan,
    Thanks for your statement on processing dates.
    Please look into speeding up the 140 processing in Nebraska especially for Eb3 cases, It seems to be taking forever. Could you give an estimate when August 2007 140 cases would be approved in NSC.
    Solution for this, USCIS should reinstate the premium processing on all pending I-140s.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:16 PM  

  • We all agree that the big item issue like the visa qouta won't get change at USCIS level. But there are a lot of things that the USCIS can change to make the waiting more bearable. One need only to go to any of the numerous immigration forum to get a glimpse of the nightmare issues like : 1)NO application receipt after 6 or more months, 2) NO FP after 6 or more months, 3) Changed address electronically, by customer service or by other means-still document or card sent to wrong address, 4)Finally approved but no Card for 3 or more months(wondering if they are really approved). 5)Finally got the Card but need to return 2 or 3 times to USCIS because of wrong info on card. All this time, life is put on hold because "waiting from USCIS" is life's top priority...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:16 PM  

  • Thanks for the improvements in USCIS procedure.

    Jock, You have not mentioned anything about I-140 approval. No quota/visa number is required to do that. Your words are diplomatic or may be shrewd.

    I am July 2007/EB3/Concurrent/India/TSC Filer. I just care about I-140 approval and invoke AC21. I don't care about speedy I-485 approval or greencard.

    What do you mean by mentioning 1-800 # ? Everyone knows that, and no meaningful information can be received from there too.


    Skilled Slave.

    By Anonymous Skilledslave, At June 23, 2008 4:22 PM  

  • ""I filed for naturalization in April, 2006. I have not had my interview yet. Can you tell me how much longer I have to wait?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:10 PM ""

    Do not wait, send a letter to the senator in your area. more than 2 years waiting is too long.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:25 PM  

  • Can you update on Brother & sister petition processing still at Feb, 2001, This is the only petition which is backlog, need to work on this also.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:27 PM  

  • Please bring back the premium processing for all i-140 applicants. Thank you

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:37 PM  

  • By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:47 PM: "As a U.S. Citizen, I am asking you to please not take ANY shortcuts in doing ALL THE BACKGROUND CHECKS that should be done in processing all applicants!

    I appreciate your backlog, and realize this is the best country in the world and that’s why there are so many applicants flooding your office!

    Don’t let the pressure of NON-citizens pressure you into skipping all the necessary checks! We are counting on you to do them right, not fast."

    I hope you feel better Now after your shallow comment. you are not loyal to USA more any of us who will be soon a US Citizens just like you but with a brighter mind.

    None of us asking to take a short cut of the process. All what we asking for is to speed the process. I hope that legislators thinking brighter than you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 4:37 PM  

  • hi,
    i've been 'in the system' since august 2006. i received an EAD, but because my name was spelt wrong, i only had 6 months' worth of use. few months before it was due to be renewed, I485 came back declined without prejudice. we were told to re- apply for everything again!!! since then, your incompetent customer service representatives told me 3 (!!!) times to re-apply for EAD separately, accepted my application (and money) and declined it. i am now yet again waiting for some news on I485. i have not worked since november. can you imagine my frustration????? i cannot work, renew my drivers license and drive my car. can't study at college to kill some time while waiting. me and my husband (US citizen by birth, and USMC veteran) were trying to start a family, but thats on hold as i cannot even have a medical coverage while i have no status. i feel like a prisoner here.

    i appreciate you have unimaginable amount of applications to process, but a little humanity goes a long way. i suggest applications are dealt with in the 'local' office (state), and more support and guidance is available.

    By Anonymous samantha, At June 23, 2008 4:48 PM  

  • Please don't give people false hope that you are trying to do your best at getting applications processed. I am a natural born citiezen and have completed a I-130 for my husband. You were really quick to cash my check and take my money but processing my application and letting a husband and wife be together especially a newly wed couple seems impossible with the was thinks are being processed now. I have been away from my husband for 7 mos and don't know how i can wait any longer and i really feel sorry for the people you all make wait for a few years. I don't think yu really can understand or comprehend the stress you all put on people like me that have no choice to be separated from their loved ones. Its sad that i can't even go and stay with him because i will not be able to work in that country.My application has been in review but the website or the 800 phone number doesn't even tell you where you application is in the process. YOur formula for the processing time is totally wrong there is no way that that my application is going to be processed by August which is when it should be down it i use your formula and the reason i say that is because i have not received any additional paperwork from your offices. Please give us a more realistic reson and not give us false hope. Please do something so that husbands and wives are not separated for as long as you all are making us wait.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 5:13 PM  

  • Dear Mr. Sharfen,
    Thank you for taking and trying to address the burden of problems inherited from the past mistakes and current incapable administration. The reason why you are receiving so many comments is because you have a large, very frustrated community that has no way of expressing their concerns or file complains. As you see, just about every legalization filing has problem. I personally would like to point out to above captioned issue with the lack of processing of concurrently filed EB3 filed in July 2007. The ground of the complain is the fact that both Texas (TSC) and Nebraska (NSC) service centers are processing cases filed much later as those filed in July 2007. While understating that there is a great amount of cases filed at that time, why are they not processed? What rational or formula would explain this prejudice process? The only available explanation is that the USCIS is purposely not processing the files as a payback for the fiasco in July 2007 or your workers are processing the later filed cases to show a progress. Either two case scenarios would be wrong and unfair. As someone already mentioned, USICS should work to get its integrity and public trust back which is currently non existent… Please help to correct the situation…
    Thank you for the given opportunity to address this problem.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 5:14 PM  

  • Thanks sir! for your valuable service.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 5:21 PM  

  • Around May 2008, the Processing times website indicated that you had just completed
    I-360 (vawa) applications received in November 17 2007. I called the 1800 number who confirmed that my case (received in August) was out of the processing times and that some form of accelerating processing would be applied to my case. In a few weeks, the processing times for vawa changed to July 2007. In the June 15th update, the I-360 vawa proccessing times remained at July 30th. Now we went from "November 2007" proccessing times for "cases we have just completed" to being stuck on July 30 2007 for two months. Where's the truth? How could you have completed cases of November without touching on cases received in August? Where's the logic? We don't mind staying in line and allowing you the time it takes to process cases, but please treat the cases in accordance with what you advise.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 5:41 PM  

  • thanks for your information on processing dates but i don't think this will be worth for the applicants. i don't understand why processing time is too slow at vermont service center. i applied for the form I102 last february,08and my case is still pending. As i went trough processing time at vermont service center it comepletes cases of five or six days during one month where as in other three centers it completes cases of almost 30 days during one month. BY seeing such scenario i think my case will take more than a year to complete. without my I94 i am unable to make social security due to which i can't make driver liscence , state id or credit card. please do something for speeding the perocess of completing the cases at vermont service center. as i sa some comments there are many others who have same comment as i have.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 5:50 PM  

  • The name check, background check and all these are just an excuse. I passed my interview on my N400 june 15, 2005. still waiting for my oath ceremony. I went to the USCIS office 100 times , I did go to senators office many inquieries I did . NOTHING, Zippo. they dont know what they are doing. I,ve been a tax payer since 1997, and I always obey the law, LOOK how I get treated.my wife and a 11 month boy waiting for me overseas and I am waiting here for a stuppid paper.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 5:52 PM  

  • Thanks for update Mr Jonathan “Jock” Scharfen. How about the pending I-140 applications filed in July-Aug 2007? We witnessed lots of Jan 2008/Feb 2008 applications being approved now, but July-Aug 2007 applications remains untouched. Please could you confirm if cronological order is still followed?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 6:14 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 6:15 PM  

  • hey joe,
    I thought uscis have raised their fees so the can process cases in timely manner. this is ridiculous to pay for higher fees and still wait that long for papers you need to do your daily activities.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 6:16 PM  

  • I have to ask. If you paid upwards of 10K so far over 5 years for the green card process, and for the last 17 months, the only status you had was On Feb 3, 2007 we received your petition, how frustrated would you be? Look, I can call that number you listed and you know what, they will tell me it's pending. If it is stuck in a box in the basement, tell me. If there is no hope of being processed in another year, tell me. There is no accountability. Surely, if UPS can track a billion packages a year in real time, with constant updates, why is it a physical impossibility for you.

    Know what, in 6 more months (and getting my third set of EAD docs now, at least they are good for two years), if I call that 800 number, I will be told it is pending. I'd truly love to see you plunk down 10K deposit on a new car from GM and see how many years you wait to be told nothing.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 6:24 PM  

  • Please provide a solution for the I-140 situation, especally in Nebraska. Many of us have had EADs for close to a year, but cannot use it for AC21 because I140 is terribly delayed. We will even be renewing our EAds, bit still cannot use it for God knows how much more time....
    You could allow premium processing for all i140s, or if at all possible, change some AC21 regulations that restricts using AC21 to change jobs without the I140 approval.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 6:40 PM  

  • Most of us would like to have I140 premium processing reinstated. Most of us have extended our H1b for the 3rd and 4th time. I know I140 is not related to H1b, but it is to getting a three year extension. I think it would help us if we could file I140 premium so that we can get a 3 year h1b extension. Each year when I go to Canada for stamping, the immigrating officer is also amused at why it’s taking so long. I just smile. I hope you understand how much mental torture we go through. I am not expecting an expedited green card as I understand it can take its due course. However, getting I140 premium reinstated would make most of us happy, as we do not have to file H1b extension each year.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 7:15 PM  

  • If we were to create a list of worst government agencies, your agency will rank dead last.
    Correction, you will rank last in the list of government agencies in any Country on any Continent.
    By the way, what mistake did you? Why are they punishing you by giving the acting director position?
    I know it’s not your mistake, but you can do all the right things and become most admired person for all sufferers.
    This is the first step; you are the first USCIS director to accept comments directly from Customers/Immigrants. You already started a new trend.
    Thanks for your effort.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 7:45 PM  

  • I am a natural born citizen. I filed an I-130 for my wife. Everyone asks when is she coming? They are surprised that a husband and wife are kept apart for so long. I feel a little embarrassed when I travel and show up at an airport and I am permitted to walk in and visit the country without all the problems people have that are coming here. We are protecting ourselves from terrorists, right? Maybe we need to change our foreign policy. Our fredoms are dwindling away.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 7:52 PM  


    This is how I describe immigration. My I140 was approved on JUNE 12 2006. Can someone explain to me WHY it has not reached NVC yet?? That's right! 2 years later and I'm still fighting over the phone and with letters here and there, and nothing gets resolved.

    They just do the loop around and things don't get done.

    I'm just SO frustrated... Just tell me what I have to do to get this issue resolved. An issue that seems nobody cares.

    By Anonymous Sylvia Naranjo, At June 23, 2008 7:55 PM  

  • Dear Mr. Scharfen,

    Thank you for your comments and clarifications on processing of immigration petitions and applications. I would like to note that a lot of people who filed their I-485 applications (Adjustment of Status) during July/August did not receive their biometric (fingerprinting) appointment letters even though visa numbers are available for many of us (ROW countries). Could you please follow up on this and make sure that we receive our biometric appointments on a timely manner. Thank you.

    I-485 applicant.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 8:08 PM  

  • Dear Mr.Scharfen,
    Thank you for being open to read, understand and answer our comments.
    I was very impress to find this blog today and i view this as a very positive thing, as a win-win for as, as well as for you in doing your best job in your ledership position, and also as an accountability tool for people under your authority.
    Congratulations for what you are doing.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 8:29 PM  

  • Family before businesses! Family before businesses! Family before businesses!!!

    Please, start making "premium" spousal applications. I'll gladly pay a few thousand dollars to get my husband here faster! Why are workers getting here after a 1 month waitin period and husbands and wives have to be separated for over a year?

    Please, if you want to become the most loved immigration figure in all of history, start getting family applications processed faster...as fast as worker applications are being processed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 8:29 PM  

  • I am struggling because of the decision of denials and appeals of my I-140 (very silly reason). The whole system is screwed up. I am struggling on H1b (as a slave) for 7 years still no news on improvement or efficiency of the system. I do not know how you take this but it is true. I advise you to expedite the process by proposing to for the point system of immigration for educated immigrants that all countries are currently adapted to than the age old system.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 8:52 PM  

  • Jock,
    Thank you for your time and input, in my opinion, all these backlog issues (naturalization, I-130, I-140) are due to one problem if we solved.. believe me you will never need this blog any more.
    The LPR in this country, have to wait over 5 years to bring their love one to this country through thir green card. LPR spouse could not come to US through visitor or even student visa. After 5 years waiting LPR will rush for naturalization 3 months before the required time since it's their only chance to unite with their love one. Believe me if LPR has the chance to bring their spouse in this country you are going to see people applying for their naturalization 5-10 years from the time become LPR not 3 month before the 5 years completed. They will even forget that it is time to apply for naturalization if their love-one are already living with them.
    I wish my input will be in you mine when you discuss the issue with upper manager. thank you again for your time.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 8:58 PM  

  • Your comments are step in right direction which I am seeing for the first time in my 10 year long continuing wait on the immigration line. As many of us posted previously I-140 especially EB3 is tremendously backlogged when is USCIS doing to get rid of this problem? It's a growing pain for all of us and also to USCIS. If you check with Individuals personally you will understand the frustration and helplessness. Some of them even be cussing... This has affected may lives..Please do something as a leader that can set standard for others. Due to delay in I-140 many of us are stuck and not able to invoke AC21.. why not bring in some kind of premium processing exception for these cases that would help us get out of living hell.

    People who have waited long on DOL backlog should get some kind of preferencial treatment at least till the I-140 stage.. I don't even think about I-485 which is a relic of distant past.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 8:59 PM  

  • Mr. Oracle, Thanks alot for viewing applicants comments/concerns. Some people working here more than 10 years and still waiting for Permanent Residency due to mistakes by USCIS/DHS ( Jul 2007 visa bulletin) and DOL (backlog centers taken more than 3 years to clear Labor Certifications). Now USCIS randomly approving I485s (not using priority date ). USCIS Customer Support/Infopass is not usefull. We all hope, you will change something in process, even 25% is usefull. Thanks in advance.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 9:04 PM  

  • Hi,
    It would be great if you can speed up the processing of I140 cases as the mean time to approve these cases these days has far exceeded your goal of 6 months.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 9:05 PM  

  • Dear Mr. Sharfen:
    Thank you for the update.We understand that Homeland Security is facing with the big bulk of work and processing papers not to mention also other immigration problem our country is facing.
    But this work backlog would not soothe the heart of a mother waiting for her son to be united here iin the US.
    A son and a mother so be united and not to be separated for so long because it is detrimental for both. Please have mercy for the unification of mother and son.
    Thanl you so much and we pray for your concern for us.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 9:14 PM  

  • greetings
    Please I have 2 important questions here:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:07 PM  

  • Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your effort.This is very sad that before the fee increase an I-130 petition for citizen spouse would take less than 4/5 months at CSC. Now you have to pay more and wait more. I understand your point that some of the family based visas have priority dates but that does not apply to family based pititions of a citizen's spouse.I have no problem of paying a higher fee if I get timely and better service.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:10 PM  

  • I applied for I-130 back in August of 2006 and havent heard anything since then. Please help.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:16 PM  

  • Hello! My case is outside the posted dates. I called multiple times. First they wanted the case to be more then 1 month behind. Finally they took my information. What have I gotten? A note, saying that they are actively working on my case. They also included that if I don't get response in 6 SIX months to call them back. I am taking my case to my state senators. I know many many people in my vicinity who applied much later and received their citizenship. I am pretty sure that nobody is working on my case. They most probably have lost it.

    By Blogger tatiana, At June 23, 2008 10:21 PM  

  • Why is VSC taking 13-14 months to process I-751 cases while CSC is taking only about 3-4 months?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:27 PM  

  • I apply for naturalization on july 18 2008,but it is almost a year already,and they didnt even send me a notice to get my fingerprints?
    I see other people cases, they got everything faster and specially fingerprints? thanks

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:35 PM  

  • Why is it that VSC is currently taking 13 months to process I-751 cases while CSC is taking only about 3-4 months?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:37 PM  

  • It is bothersome that my case is stuck in the system for 12 years. I applied for I485 in 1997 and finally got to my interview last year in the Boston office. The agent that interviewd me barely spoke English. Within three minutes of interviweing me she stood up and told me to gather my things and leave. I asked her what happend and all she had to say was that we were finished. Now it is going to be one whole year without any news. My lawyer tells me that we must wait for 365 days before we take this case to another forum to be resolved. I am a 43 year old man, with a child that has never met my side of the family - they denied my mom a visa in Brasil. My son is going to be 14 in September, has been abandoned by the Lynn School System. We want to move out of this city in Mass to a place with a better school system and we cannot make plans to improve our lives. I am so depressed that I can only work 20 hours a week. I cannot commit to any more hours due to a acquiered sleeping disorder. I sought legal advise with a Big Shot lawyer in Boston and he said that DEPORTATION was a good way out of this never-ending nightmare. I am at wits end with this matter. In order to keep my sanity, I have been contemplating just leaving everything behind, my American family, my house, my dreams. If there is anyone out there that can help us, please do so. I feel as though I am indentured to this situation.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:44 PM  

  • Thank you, for taking the time to answered the many many comments!
    well I file i 130 and is still in process and its almost 3 years now,newly web and sperate from my wife have to start family. how long we have to wait.when we are legal resident of this country cannot able to bring spouse with us.need to change and we need change in change we belive.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 10:46 PM  

  • thanks lot for your i hope you understand what we are going throuh it very hard for as a acting direct but we still have to share the pain we are oing through. in my case i filled i 485 adjustment of status as an ssylee in 2001 till today i have not had an interview its real not fair for to work had and not get the benefits that i should got as a taxe pay.i would real appreciate if the uscis process old application before the news. not knowin if your caes is going to be denied or approved for almost 8years is not easy.put yourself in our shoes then you will know how it feels.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 11:08 PM  

  • Dear Mr.Sharfen

    I am a USA citizen. I was told that I could file an I-130 petiiton with the USCIS in New Delhi. I tried to file an I-130 petition for an immediate relative at New Delhi with the USCIS. I was told that I have to stay 90 days in india in order to file a petition for an immediate relative. I didn't see the 90 days clause under the I-130 or I-129F instructions.

    My ex-husband got married and flew to India and four months later he filed a I-130 petition for his wife with the USCIS in New Delhi. The second time he got married and filed the I-130 petition for his wife in New Delhi, He was in the country only 70 days but not 90 days. Why did the USCIS accept his petition? Without having him stay 90 days? Why is the USCIS in NEW Delhi discriminating against USA citizens? What is the minimum time that USA citizen has to live in India before they can file a I-130 petition for their immediate relatives in New Delhi?

    How long it will take to process the I-130/I-129F petition with Vermont Service Center? Why Vermont service center is slower than CA service center?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 11:17 PM  

  • Thanks for the information. I would like to ask why is it that some application for I-360 which was applied in 2006 and with all the requirement passed and completed in 2007 have not received any letter until now. the processing time is already way past the date of application. I am praying and hoping that the approval will soon come out. I tried calling the 1-800 number but the same respond is what we are getting from the website. Hopefully the processing and approval of the applicants will come on time. It is hard to be away from families for so long and we can't even go home for emergency reasons. I hope that the processing will improve according to what is posted on the website. God bless you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 11:32 PM  

  • my comment is this that I have been waiting since 2006 to have a I-485 approoved meanwhile other people have filed in early 08 and have had it approoved and are permanent residents and can become us citizens before me. I find that to be very unjust and it shows how erratic your proccessing system really is

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 11:37 PM  

  • my family came 7 years ago as refugees, we applied for I-485 adjustments in january 2003. my then 7 year old sister was approved in january 2005. my then 3 year old brother was DENIED becasue the doctor didn's seal his papers correctly. i and my mother were approved in august of 2005. my 18 yr old sister was approved in march 08. my dad is still waiting. does this make any sense?
    I applied for my citizenship, along with my mother, in january of 2007. we have yet to hear back. the execuse for everything is FBI name check. but it makes no sense.
    USCIS needs to be privatized. we will see results when that happens!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 11:42 PM  

  • I filed I-130 for my wife and son a year ago, all I received was receipt telling me that my case is pending. I am talking about ONE YEAR at VERMONT CENTER. That center need investigation why are they far behind national processing time.It is very painfull and discouraging wait this long without any information. Please you need to do something about VERMONT CENTER. Give us hope and not stress and frustration. Those who don't have thier families and their cases are at VERMONT CENTER will know what I am talking about.THis Country is always fair and Just.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 12:08 AM  

  • dear director uscis
    i'm asylee,i aplied for ajust of statue after one year granted,one year later uscis send me a letter to request more information i never receive that letter i call costomer service i was ask to wait for that letter for 21days but never i called again they ask to wait for 45 days and later i was ask to send a text message,uscis took 6months to send me another letter,now after i sent them the request information,i was told i should receive a writting decision,or update within 60days and after 60 days the same when i called i was ask again to wait for 45days,i'm very tired with this case

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 12:40 AM  

  • Hi,

    Thank you for addressing the issue regarding employment-based visas. With the plan that you will be issuing EADs valid for 2 years, this is definitely a good news and relief to us. One thing that concerns me is that I read last week that your office will begin to accept premium processing for I-140s. Some of us have already been waiting for results of our I-140 for a year or more, and yet are still pending. It is actually a good thing that you are able to expedite the process of this application but then somehow it is also frustrating to some, learning that some people will be able to get a result immediately while others are still waiting for it. We just hope that your office will also be able to expedite the processing times for those who have been waiting for quite some time already.

    Thank you so much.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 12:43 AM  

  • the 140 premium procesing whichis now is totally useless. what about the people who already left USA,because they are not under 365 days rule.they are suffering highly because ,they left all their property US,and paying their mortagages,Autopremiums ,insurances without using them

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:06 AM  

  • Can you guys actually hope to do something good for the Legal Immigrants who are waiting for their I140 approvals..people who have waited for over 6+years in the same job classification, paying taxes and we applied concurrently because USCIS opened the gates..looks like we are being mistreated for that...can I140 Premium be extended to include ANYONE OVER 6 YEARS IN US AND I140 PENDING SINCE JULY 2007...?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:22 AM  

  • Dear Scharfen,
    Thanks for your new message regarding processing curiosities.
    But I have so many questions, those aren't being cleared.
    I want to focus my problem. I have applied permanent resident status last year almost more than a year but i could not hear anything from DHM. My kids had applied permanent status in last November 2007 and they have been already approved in april. What's problem regarding my and my wife status. How long will take to replace status? How long we have to wait on the matter.
    I think so many people have been facing same problem. Please response such queries so that we can feel easy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:47 AM  

  • since nov 2006 i apply for form n 400 et never receive my interwiew notice ,people apply in 2007 and 2008 get interwiew already how the system work et please do something with the fbi ,if i called the 1800 number is the fbi backround name responsable please help us realize our dream because 2 years for name review is longer.but thank you for reading allcomments.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:59 AM  

  • Dear Mr. Jonathan,

    We've been Married for 7 months and have seen each other for just 21 days after our marriage. The feeling of waiting to get together with my wife is leaving us with a Hugh Amount of Stress. I Pray to God Every Night asking him to help all of us get together.

    You are Gods messenger for us Mr.Jonathan and God would not want his people to be away for each other. It the Promise that he gave us in Church, "What God has brought together , let no man or Thing shall keep us apart". We ask you to be that Angel in disguise for all of us. PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP HELP US ALL ESPECIALLY THE WAITING FAMILIES/SPOUSES. THIS IS MY HUMBLE REQUEST. Thanking you

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 2:19 AM  

  • I have had to go live overseas with my wife, because it takes so long for a K-3 approval. In most civilized countries wifes and husbands are allowed a visa almost immediately, so why is United States so different. We brag about how we honor people's rights, but we can't offer a most fundamental right which is for a husband to be with his wife in his home. How is that fair?

    By Blogger Victor, At June 24, 2008 2:20 AM  

  • why NSC in EB3 much slower than TSC

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 2:54 AM  

  • I was curious to find out about I-130 and I-129F for my spouse:

    I recently submitted both forms and they are still pending at this time, my question/concern is,I am concerned that my wife might be using me just to obtain citizenship, I don't like to think that way, but the thought of being used really bothers me, and I want to know what can be done? In other words, is there a way to bring my wife over and let her stay in the US, but at the same time prevent her from becoming a US Citizen?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 3:06 AM  

  • Thank you sir for the chance to post. Please clarify..

    Since there's a per annum set allotment for each preference category, how can it be that for years there's almost no movement in a category? (One eg. is the I-130 category, especially in Vermont, for the past three years) What happened to the visas that should have been allotted in that/those categories? I know that if a category does not use all it's visas, those visas pass to the next category down. But certainly no one could say that the I-130 for the past 'umteen' years have had an excess! In fairness those visas should be retrieved from where ever they were allocated and be applied to the category(s) for which they were intended.
    It seems somewhat shameful that in the most advanced civilization of our times, when science & technology has advanced to the extent that it has, when there are sooo many tools at our disposal, the leader of all the industrial nations of the world, takes 11 years to process an application!!!
    Has anyone ever bothered to quantify the loss in terms of human potential? Unfortunately, the emotional toll can never be calculated - what the legal system refer to as pain and suffering.

    Finally, to the poster who said "...please do not take any shorcuts...", I say Please, let common sense prevail. No one is asking for short cuts. They are however asking for EFFICIENCY and FAIRNESS. You may not AT THIS TIME have need of the services of the USCIS. But life tends to be circular. It's amazing how life changes, sometimes seemingly at the drop of a hat. As the saying goes 'what goes around, comes around' Neither you nor anyone else is in any way shape or form responsible for where they were born or who they were born to. The least we should all be asking for is that our leaders stop playing around and actually lead. How? By doing something about a system that through neglect and lack of good management has become a nightmare for all concerned. (I can only guess at the long tiring hours being put in by the USCIS's ground staff.) Really, a person should be resonsible for the outcome of their life, but how can one be held accountable for their lack of accomplishments, when their life is held in limbo so to speak, in most cases through no fault of their own? I am happy that you do not at this time need the USCIS's service. But some day you might or maybe your child or grandchild might. In any case, as Attticus ("To Kill A Mockingbird") said, it is not enough to put on someone's shoe... YOU HAVE TO WALK AROUND IN IT. Can you do that? Would you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 3:14 AM  

  • Good! At least someone has taken time to respond something.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 3:46 AM  

  • After reading through all of these comments, I just have to say that even though these are just typed words, I have never seen such pure emotion before. It seems that there are two major problems consistently brought up: I-140 processing (particularly EB-3s) and I-130s (or other relative petitions). The return of Premium Processing for I-140s would definitely help #1, and I'm sure something could be done about #2 as well. Maybe some kind of Premium Processing on that as well, I don't know. Something obviously needs to be done though. If you fix these two main problem areas, about 90% of these comments go away.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 4:06 AM  

  • Thanks for your reply for all of our concerns.Iam a permanant Resident who filed I130 for my husband and waiting for an year for the approval.As per the Visa dates It takes 5 years for my husband to get a greencard.I sponsored a visitor visa for him.But they denied the Visa.Do you think that how hard to wait for 5 years to start a family life? Husband and wife's relation is very important in this world.When H1's spouse get h4,Why cant LPR's spouse get dependant visa or atleast a visitor visa during this long waittime.Is there any way that you can bring this issue to the government to increse the number of visas in this category?I hope things will change soon and I can start a family life with my husband in this country

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 5:04 AM  

  • The reason cited by director for delays in family based immigration cases is that those are waiting for visa to become available. But there is no wait required for visa for immediate relative. VSC processing times for I-130(US citizen filing for spouse) is July 30th, 2007. I fall under this category.
    That reason does not apply on that catagory at all. What is your expalanation on that particular case? You are out of touch with the reality at VSC.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 7:41 AM  

  • FIFO is a farce at USCIS. Until you can really show that those applications received first are being processed first you will have no credibility with anything else you say. Why are GC applications from January and February 0f 2008 being approved when there is still the huge backlog from June 2007 and many, many cases from years older than that?

    Unfortunately USCIS is doing what all incompetent agencies and corporations do and massaging their numbers by processing enough recent cases to make it look like they are doing a good job. This may work within the company where everyone is bought into the deceit and refuses to see the truth, but it is transparent to everyone outside and gives you no credibility.

    Try to live up to your public statements and implement FIFO.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 8:33 AM  

  • well it is very easy to say all these to everyone because they have their family and they do not know how hard it is being away from your kids..we have been waiting 7 months already for approval but when we called them late april finally they found our case someowhere and sent for security check and guess what they said that could take up to 6 months so is it our faults to leave our case somewhere there and did not do anything 5 months??I guess they have no heart or feelings at all sorry but that is the truth,just my opion ..goodluck everyone and pray for everybody

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 8:45 AM  

  • hmmmmmm,,,,,,fovouritizim is the bane of uscis....if not, how can u xplain approving a case the was filled in 2008 ,while mine tht was filled in 2005 is still pending?
    my adjustment to permanent resident is still pending for no reason.........i ve sent all thts requested from uscis.,still nothing.THE 800 number should be eradicated,,,,its of no use to anyone...its a waste of the departments resources..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 9:14 AM  

  • Jonathan,
    Thank you for the update, it is for sure helpful getting some information around what is going on and on the effort on your side to get things under control and get processing times down to a reasonable period.
    At the same time, it seems as if one part of the process can not rely on the other (e.g. FBI name checks), every organization involved in the process either blames the other or simply does not release any statement at all. From an applicants standpoint this looks very unorganized and unprofessional. I have been in the greencard process for about seven years now (EB2) and simply do not believe that there is anything reasonable to that. The process may take one year, maybe two but what the U.S. made out of their immigration laws/processes is the most chaotic process you will find in any country in the world. Yes, I know that you (you being "the U.S.")do not have to care about the rest of the world and history shows that nobody involved in the immigration process really does... but if you look at it from an outside standpoint, the picture you see will make you laugh (or cry..).

    Maybe it is not even so much the processing time of your organization, not about hiring thousands of new employees - maybe it is "just" about getting a completely messed up process fixed and/or completely redone. I think everybody involved in the current mess agrees that this is not what anybody attempted to put in place.

    Good luck with that!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 9:16 AM  

  • Why do you of to dshedule someone 3days before their naturalizes intreview.this is my second dshedule.that's very very disappointing the 1800 number its a waste of time to call and ask for information

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 9:23 AM  

  • Helo Jonathan, thanks for clarification but for some reason it does not sound like that in the USCIS Office. I have filed for I485through family member (my wife) since 2005 when we had our daughter and now she's 3 and my app is still pending for background check. When i called the 1800 number, they said the FBI name ck was cleared like a year ago. I have submitted all the required documents/evidences and meet all the requirements and i'm just wondering what other background check beside the FBI name check could take more than 3 years? I think that the adjudicators should periodically go over the pending cases and communicate with the applicants about their case status, & update case status online instead of having applicants call the 1800# for multiple service requests.

    By Anonymous Boubacar, At June 24, 2008 9:47 AM  

  • Dear Mr. Scharfen,

    Thank you very much for being very responsive to the concerns of we intending immigrants. I am very encouraged that you have made the decision to correct the short-comings of previous USCIS leaderships, even I believe each leadership had also attempted to improve on their predecessors. However, I do have a question regarding the 'received' date that shows when I check on the status of my I-140 filing. The result says "On October **, 2007 we received your application", while in reality my application was received in August of 2007. Is this an error? And does that mean my application will be processed as if it had been received in October, and not August? The received date I have says August. Thanks again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 9:54 AM  

  • I submitted my joint I 751 to TSC pack on dec 29 2006 had Interview on july 24 2007 in dallas district office. The officer just verified name address and date of birth and advised us the card will come in mail but it never did so went to dallas district office and found out the case is still pending. I called 1800 number they put service request 2 times already but its the same reply from dallas office your case is in review we will give you decision within next 60days. so how many 60days more are they gonna take to decide my case. Its already 19 months please take action make officer accontable for the case they handle.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 10:42 AM  

  • i went for an interview last week for my citizenship and when i got their they told me my file wasn't there.now they reshedule me 2 more months ahead i think they should they should give me an earlier date i explain to the supervisor that i planned my vacation but i think it didnn't mean a thing to her.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 10:46 AM  

  • HI,

    Thank to everyone who have posted their views and opinion in this forum. I think most of us are sailing on the same boat
    It is said here that the approvals after june 2007 have been stream lined and possibly should get their 485 approval pretty soon. But, my I140 was approved 2months back and have not heard any update from USCIS. As someone rightly said, USICS customer service does not provide information other than we already know from the "Case Status Online". I think we have the right to know where our applications stand.

    By Blogger appu, At June 24, 2008 11:09 AM  

  • "Others have asked why petitions for their relatives take so long to process. Usually, it’s because an immigrant visa simply isn’t available. More than 1 million petitions to sponsor a relative are still awaiting visas. USCIS must manage our work based on the number of visas allowed by law. To change that, Congress would have to amend the law. No USCIS employee wants to keep a family apart or withhold proof of eligibility to work, but we must work within the requirements set by law."

    if more than 1 million petitions to sponsor a relative a still awaiting visa's, then why on the "immigration through a family member" page states that "the immediate relatives of U.S. citizens, which includes parents, spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21, do not have to wait for an immigrant visa number to become available once the visa petition filed for them is approved by USCIS. An immigrant visa number will become immediately available. Then in that case why are there so many waiting for a visa number.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 11:17 AM  

  • We talking, but nothing will change, i have I-130 Filed on November 2006, but up to now getting pending message i try to ask 1-800 number to let me know about section 3 of CSPA if i could retain the date to 1995 but no one answer you. the poit is we are in the prison of USCIS processing time an no one could help us.!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 11:23 AM  

  • I applied for naturalization in October 2003 and have been interviewed in December 2004 but my case denied in august 2005 after waiting for 7 month through all this period I was writing to officer managing my case but he never replied till I had dui then he respond with denial of my case and the reason was a summary probation and I can’t applied till august 2008. Then I applied to my wife 1-30 form in Jan 2007 but it may take for ever for her and my daughter to join me. The problem when even i try to visit my wife overseas I exposed to a harsh interrogation in the airport and not just security check which happened to me April 2008 in Amsterdam by Dutch security whom cliam working and hired by USA government. I do admitted my mistake but I have been punished enough by the law for dui. So when immigration punished you again it consider cruel and it’s not justifiable to deprived a person form joining his family.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 11:33 AM  

  • Re comment of 6-23 below: "I'd like to understand why VSC takes so much longer to process I-751 (removal of conditions) than CSC. Now that there are only 2 service centers processing removal of conditions, and CSC is so much faster (I've seen on forums that many people who are at VSC have been waiting for a year, while there are others at CSC who applied in March of this year, are already approved).

    Personally, I want to become a US citizen as soon as possible, I'm delighted and privileged to be here with my husband, and yet I know that I will be waiting at least a year to process the removal of conditions, and I will be eligible for citizenship probably before my I-751 is adjudicated. That seems to be an inefficient use of USCIS resources..."

    We are in the same exact predicament and have the same question. My husband will be eligible to apply for his citizenship BEFORE his removal of conditions will be processed, even though we filed it two days after he was eligible to file it. His calls to the 1-800 number have been met with nasty, hateful replies and short, curt comments. These days, I am ashamed to be an American. It is embarrassing that my husband once thought of my country as the "land of opportunity" and no prejudice and racism when today, we are experiencing it first-hand on a daily basis. It is highly discouraging the way USCIS employees, most of them at least, treats its customers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 11:36 AM  

  • Jonathan,you have mention that you will soon begin to issue Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) that are valid for 2 years for certain applicants who filed an application to adjust their status to permanent resident but are still awaiting an immigrant visa number.




    By Blogger julie, At June 24, 2008 12:05 PM  

  • I commend Jonathan of USCIS to atleast make an attempt to reach out to its customers and share some of the things that they are doing internally to resolve the frustrations on the part of thousands if not millions. However much more needs to be done before USCIS will really catch up on some of its work that's been pending for years.

    I too am a victim of this "backlog". I had submitted my I-485 and I-130 applications in Sept2004 and the only thing I have been hearing for last 3 years is "background check pending". I understand that this part of the processing is in FBI's hands but since FBI is only answerable to USCIS (as they state), USCIS should push them to complete pending name checks. Three years pending????? This is totally unacceptable by any standard you look at it. Someone is not doing their job properly at both USCIS and FBI. Dealing with USCIS for last 4yrs without any progress updates is the most frustrating thing I have ever done in my whole life.

    Although my situation is not as painful as some other families who are separated by geographic distances just because of lack of efficiency at USCIS, it is painful nevertheless to not be able to get my immigration matters taken care of for years.

    Jonathan, if you and your team are actually reading these blogs, you need to know that some sort of big shake-up is required within this department. Real performance benchmarks, KPIs, progress metrics, etc need to be put into place in order to make your dept agile and nimble. The dept needs to be run like a corporation with real "drive" from the mgmt and not like a DMV where things happen when they happen. Unless (and until) you introduce real business philosophy to drive change within the USCIS, your progress blog above really doesnt have much meaning. You are just following the lead of some Web2.0 companies who have made a sincere effort to reach out to its customers via blogs. Your effort may be totally sincere but it will only come across as a PR stunt to the public.

    By Anonymous KS, At June 24, 2008 12:15 PM  

  • Dear Mr. Sharfen:

    When the process of I-360 needed a relatively shorter time than other types of Green Card applications,
    5years of R-1 visa seemed long enough even after subtracting 2 required years of working history as full time workers. These days nobody can predict how long it will take for his (her) I-360 to get approved, and R visa cannot be extended beyond 5 years. I think premium process for I-360 should be allowed, or at least visa renewal after 5 years.

    Thanks for listening.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 12:37 PM  

  • We are waiting for our i-140 to be processed for over 8 months now and because of the delay our driving licences are running out, We have been told that we cannot re-new them without current uscis paperwork but cannot get them because of the wait, please tell us what to do

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 12:53 PM  

  • Sir, you have a problem. FFirst of all that 800 number is useless, they do not help. Furthermore, the attendants are mean and nasty. I filed an I-130 for my husband since November 15th of last year and i have yet to recieve an approval yet i see people recieving approval for applicatios sent in January and Feb. It's not fair. Why is this happening? You have to find a solutino for all those applications taht are still pending.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:03 PM  

  • By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 23, 2008 3:47 PM: "As a U.S. Citizen, I am asking you to please not take ANY shortcuts in doing ALL THE BACKGROUND CHECKS that should be done in processing all applicants!

    I appreciate your backlog, and realize this is the best country in the world and that’s why there are so many applicants flooding your office!

    Don’t let the pressure of NON-citizens pressure you into skipping all the necessary checks! We are counting on you to do them right, not fast."

    I am very surprised with your above saying. No one including the government would appreciate any kind of backlog. I think you are the only who does. Maybe you were lucky and your background check got cleared in a few months and you became citizen in 6 months time frame. My citizenship case has been stuck by background check for 19 months. How much longer you still want us to wait? We are not asking for skipping necessary checks! We want to be treated fairly. There are many people applying even one year after me already got their citizenship. Is it fair? Thinking the fact that I have been working here for 13 years, I pay a lot of income tax every year, and I have no criminal record (I obtained a record from FBI and saying no criminal record from their search)!
    Again, if the government processes the case in a reasonable time frame (USCIS said it was 6 months for cases before July, 2007), no one will complaint. Years of delay had made our life miserable. I want to ask you - if your wife or kid was separated from you for 19 months due to the delay, do you want to say 'I appreciate your backlog'? Anyways, I think if you have a brighter mind, you wouldn't say some thing like above.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:28 PM  

  • Dear Jonathan,

    We appreciate your comments and a clear clarification on the process, though it seems complex you made it simple. We know that you are doing the best you can. We just wanted to say "Thanks a lot for all your efforts and the hardwork ", we would like to add that we are really tired of waiting and would really like to see some light at the end of the tunnel

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:35 PM  

  • We know it is complicated Process but All We want is that When we will be able to get our Green cards. Please give some priority for EB3 Old cases We are waiting for Green card from october 2002, EB3. What we differe from EB2 and EB3, we also working for same IT and same level, and we also paying Taxes equal or more. why would they get faster then us.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 1:57 PM  

  • good day!

    Please revamp the customer service. It is not helpful and informative.Employ people /train staff who are competent and knowledgeable about USCIS issues.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 2:38 PM  

  • Understand and appreciate the challenge that you are facing !!
    To be honest, I wouldn't really want to be in your position ;))

    However, your comment re that Toll Free # being able to provide more information if a case was to be outside of the processing timeframes is not accurate. Sorry, abt this, but your Customer Service reps never seem to have any idea or any updates, whatsoever. My particular case, an I-485 application seeking permanent residence in the US that too filed as an "EB1" in your TEXAS Service Center, is currently outside your normal processing window by like 5 months and yet no-one has any clue as to why its delayed, whereas people who have filed months after me and in the same category (and I happen to know atleast a couple in person) have already received their Permanent Residence Cards (Green Cards).

    Let alone this, I haven't been able to get my Alien #, a typo corrected in your system, been months, actually years. The Alien # on my I-485 app is of a person by the same name as mine, same DOB and courtesy of an operator error I believe that person has gotten his Green Card, not me...

    MY suggestion to you would be to have a special cell like a special dept to handle such cases more efficiently:
    i) cases which are way outside the processing time on your website
    ii) if there's an issue caused by / related to an USCIS internal processing error like an operator error, etc.

    Thanks in advance...


    By Anonymous Abhijit Ghosh, At June 24, 2008 2:42 PM  

  • Question on processing time: Why use this complex formula when you can just have your staff report to you the date on the last case that they processed at close of business on the 15th day of the month?

    Also, in May, at TSC, the processing date for I-140 was August 26, 2007. In June, the processing date is July 19, 2007. If my application is dated August 5, am I inside or outside the processing time frame? Just to illustrate the interpretation problems with the way you define processing times.

    By Blogger Chad, At June 24, 2008 3:01 PM  

  • I see the progress in USCIS’s work and it’s great. The sad part here is that it looks like CIS started to work on backlogs resolution only after losing legal battle against Pro Se enthusiasts who flooded federal courts with 1447b and WEM cases. I hardly believe that something like this happening in most powerful county on the earth. But ice started to move on and looks like CIS keeps promises on Apr2nd joint plan (NNCP). It would be nice if both agencies will provide status of it to public to minimize number of useless 1-800 calls and Infopass appointments. I should admit that while I blame previous Director Gonzalez for my everlasting naturalization I believe that he should take credit for improvement.

    By Anonymous Andrey, At June 24, 2008 3:19 PM  

  • Thaks for your responce Mr Jonaton, but nowhere in your reply was their any mention of people's petition that has been denied because of not showing up for interview that we know nothing about.I have recieved every othe corresponding letters and e-mail from USCIS but when it comes to an appointment date not letter was recieve, I wasnt even given a second chance, was just denied after 8 yrs of waiting. I have been sending letters: to USCIS district office, also where my 1;30 was approved, 2 senetors etc, and I have heard denied so many times. I have talk to numerious persons in the Miami area and they have similar problems, getting denial letters but no interview letter, and those same people including myself don't have a lawyer, when others who have lawyer have gotton green card in the mail

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 3:39 PM  

  • Hi Jonathan, my I-485 got approved 3 months back after a long wait of 3 years in EB1 category. I am still waiting for my physical card. During my several calls to USCIS, TSC in these 3 months I was told that my fingerprints/ biometrics are expired and I will receive a notice for new schedule date. But 2 weeks back, out of blue moon, I got an online status update that my card production has been ordered (that too without any new biometrics/fingerprints). That means either the information your so called talented people are giving is totally wrong or they don't know their job well or you don't care about expired fingerprints. Now the sad part of the story is that my wife's case is still not approved and the reason USCIS is giving is that her fingerprints are expired. Infact, she did her fingerprints last year and I did mine 2 years back. What a shame. USCIS is approving cases and producing cards with expired fingerprints and delaying the ones whose fingerprints are current but shown by the system as expired.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 3:44 PM  

  • A cry from a US Citizen, waiting for his wife: For the sake of Almighty GOD, for the sake of HUMAN feelings and for the sake of this unique country, please get the process going. USCIS Directors and Staff, when have dinner with your family members, remember that our family members are dining separately. Each one of them is thousands of miles away from the other.
    You can do better...way

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 3:47 PM  

  • When we applied in august 2007 we paid the higher fee for 140 processing and we applied on orginal labor waiting for long in DOL queue.Its not fair for the delay in 140 ,because we paid the higher fee, without labor substitutions and recent applications are getting approved.Please understand the stress people are going thru and please do the needful.Requesting PPS for those filed the new fee and orginal labor

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 4:44 PM  

  • Can anyone from your organization answer a very simple question? The number of applications pending as of given date... Hey! I think its high time the GC processing is outsourced... Do you see the irony here.... The fate of 1000's of highly skilled lives are in the hands of a bunch highly unskilled folks. (Does it violate your policy of not accepting any kind of accusation, even it is known to be a global fact.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 4:46 PM  

  • I have applied for Green card for the past 5 years and working in US for the last 9 years. I have complied with all the rules and have the cleanest record yet, but to my surprise I have not receieved my approval even now. In United Kingdom people are required to be employed legally for 4 years and they get their Permanent Residence almost immediately. I have become a bad publicity media for future US employment based skilled candidates. I encourage them to look at other options before coming to unwelcoming United States.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 6:28 PM  

  • Dear respected Jonathan,

    I filed my 485 with 2 approved 140s and one in EB2 with 2005 priority date and other one is EB3 with 2003 priority date. requested to retain the priority date from eb3 to eb2 according to Sec. 204.5 (e) Petitions for employment-based immigrants.

    USCIS is processing applications based on priority date but in my case priority date should be obtained from 2 140 applications. so they are not touching my case.

    There are hundreds of applicants like me who calls USCIS customer Service and dont get any response since an year.

    PLEASE FIX THIS by instructing customer service officers to address these cases.

    Hope you read this response. I pray god for this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 6:28 PM  

  • Dear Sir,
    You would have noticed the remarkable difference in number of posting between previous and current..are you able to infer anything from this?? People have have been knocking all door and none of them have opened yet.. now looks like there is bit of shadow at the end of the tunnel. Please remember that on a daily basis several people curse USCIS because of lacklustre behavior and ugly policies adopted that benefit certain lucky individuals. People like me have been in the system for nearly a decade. Why can't something be done to reduce backlog on I-140.. or reinstate premimum processing so that USCIS can get benefited.. may be throw some extra dollar for overtime and get done with it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 6:57 PM  

  • Director Scharfen,

    if you ACTUALLY do read these comments, I'm going to post my case numbers for all to see and you can tell me what's wrong with them. I filed my I-130 April 13, 2007, and my I-129F June 4, 2007. I have had numerous problems with the case

    1 - transfer of both cases to local office "security checks" on November 2007

    1.5 - wrote letters to congressmen, senators, attorney generals, vice president, president, ombudsman , FBI (received letter from FBI, Michael Cannon, Records Management Division Chief, stating I had no security checks on my case - March 2008)

    2 - had local office interview on February 2008 with Examiner "John Tu" who is at the 8th floor of the LOS ANGELES DISTRICT OFFICE - I had both my parents there and the interview person said everything will be ok and that I will get my approval notice within 2-3 weeks, but still nothing as of June 2008)

    3 - hired lawyer in May 2008 to do a "writ of mandamus" - you probably know what that is so I don't have to tell you - and will continue to pursue this with a team of lawyers until this gets resolved FAVORABLY.

    Summary : I had nothing wrong with my case. I submit my I-130 in April 2007 (received the Notice of Action on May 29, 2007) so I can file the I-129F on June 4, 2007. I was applying for a K3 visa and stated my case on both petitions. I also included lots of evidence (20+ pictures of both sets of parents together at our wedding party, including her side of the family, wedding invitations that we sent out, 3 affadivits of people who knew us, telephone records, emails). I have 3 backpacks full of information of more evidence that I update (Skype phone history + home phone history starting from 3 years ago, emails (over 1000+), Western Union receipts, gifts receipts , wedding day receipts, hotel receipts, and a whole backpack full of pictures - over 1000+ in many albums of my many trips to China). So I have done all I can and yet to hear an answer.

    Thank you,

    By Anonymous gogo, At June 24, 2008 7:02 PM  

  • I'll try posting my comment again. Customers are absolutely powerless, and you waste tons of resources not using any of the information you have. Thousands upon thousands of person days have been lost due to you simply not providing any information. Here are 4 tips to improve things immensely, cost about nothing, and moves things forward.

    1) Follow First in First Out. Not only will you alleviate just how unfair USCIS appears (and is), you will have accurate stats. You may not like them, but if you don't know the truth, you can't improve anything. MANDATE that NO processing happens on ANY application that is 30 days or more AHEAD of the online status. It stops the cherry picking and will again show you REAL numbers. BY DEFAULT, it will make the processing dates have some bearing on reality.

    2) Make the online status page more than basically useless. There is a last update date. Why did it happen? What happened? Has Name Check passed? The list is endless. How many Infopass sessions happen because someone sees an update and has to physically do interrupt someone's day to find out whatever. Put a history there, give us real information.

    3) Get rid of the 800 number. Assign everyone there to something useful. They will do one of three things. Tell you it's pending (rudely or nicely), tell you they are opening a service request, call back in 6 months if you don't hear anything or pick a random statement as say call back in 60 days. It's useless, and just frustrates people. It isn't even needed if you provide online REAL information. You can then provide an 800 number that ONLY deals with document errors and setting up appointments for whatever. I have NEVER (read trackitt) read a report of anyone getting any useful information from this number. It isn't their fault, the status page I mentioned is all they have to do on, and as mentioned it is nice but useless.

    4) Break out the processing dates by category, and list countries that are on hold (i.e. used their allotment). I am EB2, so what does EB1 or EB3 have to do with my processing time? Honestly, however complex the formula, it is meaningless, it can be +/- 24 months.

    Even if you only improved 1 of the 4 above, you WILL see a huge improvement in customer morale, less wasted effort by your personel, and you will actually have made a positive difference.

    Hoping to see this version posted.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 7:48 PM  

  • I honestly believe you're doing your best to reduce the approval time. But you're not doing enough. The system should be made so that approvals for any application takes no more than 6 months. Here my situation. My I-485 is pending approval. It along with the I-765 for me and the rest of my family was submitted last June when the Visa Status became current. I had to pay to renew my H-1B in case there was any issues with my I-765 and I-485 application. It was approved and I got my EAD in the time being. Money wasted cause I don't really need the H-IB now. Now here I am again with an EAD that expires in September and my I-485 is still in the approval process. Again, it seem as though I'm about to pay to renew my EAD in September, just in case my I-485 is not approved before the EAD expires. More money that I barely have about to spend because my it's risky since I don't know when my i-485 will be approved...If only my EAD was good for two years I would not be so upset. I need that money to pay for gas to go to work and pay taxes.

    By Blogger Steve, At June 24, 2008 8:09 PM  

  • What about people who have been waiting under the pretext of "Pending Review " Adminstrative review " etc etc . I people have been approved who filed in 2007 and even 2008. But people from 2003 2004 are still lagging behind. Shouldnt the USCIS first divert its resources to clear that backlog......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 8:21 PM  

  • I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you. I am hoping you will be making changes in this mixed up and unorganized immigration processing departments. I would like to address a major problem that has happened with me regarding Immigration. I filed I-485, I-130 and I-765 again in July 2007. I got a notice that they have received the documents. But later on I received a notice saying “Request for Evidence” once again. USCIS wanted me to send the tax papers again, so I did within the 87 days. After that I used to check the status online and it said we have received your evidence and we are processing it. So then I was constantly in touch with the Local Office and the USCIS hotline and they would tell me that everything is fine with your case and USCIS is waiting for a slot for an interview. Then I got a letter sent home saying your case had been denied on December 2007, because you haven’t submitted the evidence which we did. I also have proof of the signature of the person who received the evidence. So it said if you don’t file a motion within 30 days you will be subjected to deportation. Then I called my lawyer and he said we will file a “Motion to reopen” I -290B. It has been more than 200 days almost 210 days and I still haven’t got any reply from USCIS and there is no Update on the USCIS website also. My case is at the MSC center. I want to know what I should do. Till today I don’t know what is going on with my husband’s case, because I am a U.S. born citizen and also I have a 1 year old daughter ) who a U.S. is born citizen also. I am amazed that I have to go through all this just to get my husbands green card. My husband is very well educated. He is a Masters in Computer Science and Information Technology, and he has no job because of EAD (Work Permit) not approved. If could please help us out I would really appreciate it. It is really upsetting to be giving USCIS all this money and getting nothing out of it. It's like money going down that drain. Seriously.... I wish you really would be making changes. Sir Please Help me as you are the last hope you can Mail me and I will tell you the whole case. Mail Id: Preciouslardki@msn.com

    By Blogger Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 10:05 PM  

  • Please speed up VSC processing for I-130/I-129F to get in line with CSC! If USCIS was a publicly traded company and not a govt agency it would be being investigated by the SEC for fraud! Think about that, please. You put your name out there, you should be ashamed of the sorry state of the USCIS.

    Families are falling apart because of this! It's unjustifiable.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 10:09 PM  

  • Hello,
    i filed for an EAD and to adjust my status on feb 10th, 2008 and took my biometrics on march 14 and still not heard and update or response. Most people that i spoke to with the same issue, got their ead after 2 months after filing. It has been almost 5 months and i still got no answer or update from anywhere. I called 800 number and they do not know more than what it says on the internet. Please try to fix the system so people are not kept in the dark.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 10:31 PM  

  • Hi, Jonathan. I hope you will speed up a little bit the processing of I-730 applications. I filed it for my daughter 2 years ago and it's still pending without any reason. The NSC doesn't give any info, they just read off the website whatever the receits have. I have called several times, the last time one of the customer service reps told me that I730 is not a usual application, it's not a regular application, that's what he said- not regular. The website and the petition do not mention it anywhere that I 730 is irregular app, or out of ordinary. We are very frustrated that USCIS does not take into account the fact for whom the petition is filed: for a child who is waiting to join his family and it's already delayed by more than a year. And very often we are not encouraged to call the NSC as they may be rude, not helpful at all. I have requested a few times service request on the petition, never received any reply to my requests.

    By Anonymous Kristina, At June 24, 2008 11:23 PM  

  • What about family law??? What about family rights???You need to do something.This is a big problem and huge tragedy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 24, 2008 11:41 PM  

  • Sir, can you please let me know how I can get clearance from customs while I await for either EAD or Green Card from USCIS. You see, without the Work Permit or Green Card at their expiration date I'll be out of job. It's plain and simple.
    My I-485 and I-765 were filed on May 7, 2007 and was issued a Work Permit for the I-765 for one year.I have filed for a renewal of EAD on May 7, 2008 and doubt if it would be ready before July 30th.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 12:23 AM  

  • USCIS, Taiwan is Taiwan, China is China,

    Taiwan is NOT part of china

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 12:27 AM  

  • I have my U.S. Citizenship through Naturalization; however, I am in the process of doing a name change to my maiden name. Once I get the name change legally done, how do I go about getting a new Certificate of Naturalization with my new name on it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 12:59 AM  

  • I have noticed in several cases when immigrants write correct addresses, USCIS also enters the correct addresses into their computers. However, if the name of the street is long like in the cases I have seen "Independence parkway apt 3333" the address is printed by USCIS as Independence pkwy # 33, making it impossible for the USPS to deliver it to the correct address. When the immigrant complaints USCIS insist the letter was sent to the correct address. The only problem here is that it is not printed correctly due to lack of spaces in the USCIS system to write the complete address. The solution is either to increase the space at USCIS printing format or to issue new guidelines how to write long addresses to accommodate USCIS printing system.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 1:41 AM  

  • USCIS can improve their image if they can reign in the security guards at USCIS Dallas Office at 8101 Stemmons Freeway. They are very impolite, rude and provides wrong information to the immigrants as if they were trained officers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 1:46 AM  

  • I have noticed several times the biometrics office in Dallas (Northwest highway) have changed the LIN number and the case number when they enter the information to their system, thus making it impossible for USCIS to find out whether a person had completed the requirement. When the immigrant receives the second notice for biometrics the office refuses to do it saying the old one is still valid. When the immigrant returns to Dallas Office they cannot find the biometric system making many immigrants to run between the biometric office and dallas offices.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 1:51 AM  

  • I noticed that not much is being said about the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) which is supposed to prevent the applicant from "aging out" once he/she turns 21. In my case, I had an I-130 application filed by my father back in Sept. 15 2000 when I was only 17 which made my preference category a 2A. Keep in mind, my petition was approved 5 years later on Jan 5, 2005. Last year on April 1, 2007 a visa number became available under my preference category so I filed an I-485 application to adjust status and when I went for my interview, I was told that because I was already 24, I was now a "2b" category and I could not adjust status. Thus my application was closed. What-ever happened to the employment of such CSPA law??? Better yet, on May 6 2008, congress approved a revision of such law advising all applicants whose applications were denied solely on having "aged out" to file "motions to re-consider/re-open" their cases. Because my case was closed, I had nothing to "re-consider" or "re-open" Therefore, I filed a new I-485 on Feb. 2 2008. So I guess my simple question is: who long do people that are on the same boat as I, have to wait for our applications to be finally be processed?? (that is of course, before we keep having birthdays and keep getting a year older???)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 1:59 AM  

  • Hi my concern is about I-29F as of many people as I read many of the comments about this form. the bottom line is, there is no reason why it should even take more than 3 months to approve this form, since the visa is going to be applied in the country where your fiance lives.So i see no reason why you should be waiting here, the waiting should take place where the visa is going to be applied. It is very painful to be seapreated from the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. So please Mr Director help address this issue as is a concern for many. Thanks

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 3:48 AM  

  • Please tell me sir, how long I-130 file will take to process. How long do I have to wait for? I have been waiting for one year and six month but still am pending. I think you should understand people who got married. So how can we do? Please give us a more realistic reason and not give us false hope. Please do something so that husbands and wives are not separated for as long as you all are making us wait.
    Please please give attention to Husband & Wife cases.
    Thank you, for taking the time to answered the many comments!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 5:07 AM  

  • Sir,
    Thank you for this opportunity to discuss our problems.
    I applied last year for the 2 year extension to my R1 visa (a visa that has already been approved). I received a request for further evidence on February 15th, 2008 to extend my R1 visa. My evidence was submitted, but the website is still showing the original message requesting evidence.
    Every day I check the website for an update to say that it has been received (I know that USPS delivered it), but nothing changes, and phone calls to the 800 number are a complete waste of time. Processing dates on the website are only updated once a month.
    This really is a shambles, and we, who are now technically illegal through no fault of our own, welcome anything that you can do to improve this sad state of affairs.
    Whilst I appreciate the comments earlier of a US Citizen urging you to keep on with background checks, surely, in a simple case like mine, a verification by the local police or local FBI would make things much simpler and reduce your backlog immensely.
    Thank you.

    By Blogger Gill and Roy, At June 25, 2008 8:42 AM  

  • Hello, Please do something about the processing time of EB3 I140 applications at NSC. It's not clear why NSC is taking much longer while TSC is approving EB3 I140 applications so fast.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 9:42 AM  

  • Dear Director,

    We would like to see expedited processing of 140 at NSC center. My 140 application for PERM based EB2 has been in NSC for about a year. It is an agonizing painful waiting period. Why is it taking so long? Can the process be expedited? Why could you reinstate premium processing on all I-140 applications? Thanks for your attention.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 9:47 AM  

  • When an ESL learner could spot hanging sentences, bad grammar and spelling errors in correspondences from USCIS, I bet you have a bunch of jokers working there!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 10:12 AM  

  • I am a US Citizen who filed the I-130 for my wife just before the fee increase with VSC. My received date was August 1st. I had to wait about 5 months just to get my application opened in Chicago just to have it rejected by I forgot to sign a form. Then after I sent the signed forms back in the rejected it again saying they now needed the higher fee. Finally they accepted the applcation with a received date in Feburary. My wife has been waiting over a year now for her visa and VSC is still working on July and I am not sure if they will even acknowledge my original filing date. Why did my application have to be rejected instead of sending a RFE??? Is it just greed for more money??? My wife shouldn't have to wait this long to be with me. VSC needs to get their act together and start processing family I-130s. I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!!!!! You DEPORTED my ex-wife for HIV and are keeping me and my new wife apart. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND PROCESS APPLICATIONS!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Jason, At June 25, 2008 10:27 AM  

  • I am so glad there is a new channel of communication...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 10:30 AM  

  • I filed I485 and I130 for a minor (son of an american citizen)in Nov.2003...at the interview in 2004 the officer said he needed a background check because he just turned in 14...since then we have been waiting...4 years and 7 months...do you think we will receive his green card before he turns 21? THANK YOU

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 10:38 AM  

  • Dear Director,
    Thank you for giving us a forum to communicate with your directly. I am an employment based applicant and have applied for my I-140/I-485 under second preference category. My petitions were transferred from NSC to VSC to TSC. I received tranfer notice for my I-1485 being pending at TSC, but my I-140 still shows that its pending at VSC (per online status &1800 number). Its been more than a year and I still do not have any updates on my case. My priority date is current for the last few months and still my application is not being processed. I asked my senator to inquire about my I-140 and they informed me that its pending at TSC, but the USCIS online status still shows that its at VSC. Even when my employer or attorney call USCIS to raise a request to trace my petion they would refuse to acknowledge and raise the request. They are arrogant bunch of morons to say the least. What am I supposed to do in such a situation? I, my employer & attorney are helpless. Senator could only help a little, but ombudsman's office gave a standard response of still looking and researching this case. What do I do Sir?
    I really do not know about your background director, but I am sure you can understand how difficult it is keep a job in the private sector. I have been doing everything my employer expects to keep & secure my job and sticking to them for 6 years now hoping that I can get my I-140 approved soon and look for better job options. It gets really difficult during this tough economic times and we do work hard and do everything just to keep our jobs and take care of our families. I sincerely request you to clear all the pending I-140's at TSC. Its been a very frustrating wait for me & my family. Atleast processing of I-140 gives us some breathing space until our I-485's get approved. Please, Please, Please do us this huge favor and we will ever grateful to you.

    -Legal Immigrant

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 10:47 AM  

  • Unbelievable!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 25, 2008 10:49 AM  

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