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Florida and Caribbean Coral Reef Conservation Activities

NOAA Fisheries Service's coral reef conservation activities in the waters off Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), and Navassa Island are conducted at the regional level through the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC), the Southeast Regional Office, especially its Caribbean Field Office (SER-CRF).

French Angle FishThe SEFSC conducts research activities to enhance fishery resource management by the regional fishery management councils, Federal agencies, and state and territorial governments. The SEFSC scientists are currently working with their partners to better understand grouper and snapper habitat requirements, movement patterns, and spawning aggregations, which will provide needed information to enhance the management of these stocks. Other work being conducted through the SEFSC includes research, monitoring, and assessment activities to understand the social dimensions of marine protected areas and fishery management options in Puerto Rico and USVI; the efficacy of management measures such as no-take areas; the effects of coral reef restoration on fish recovery and coral growth; and the health of coral reef ecosystems and causes of decline.

The SER-CRF focuses on three priority areas in Puerto Rico and USVI: outreach and education, coral reef ecosystem protection, and coral reef ecosystem restoration.

Specific activities includes:

  • Assisting UVSI Department of Fish and Wildlife review current coral reef fishery regulations;
  • Assisting the Puerto Rico's Department of Natural and Environmental Resources in developing zoning to protect the Coral Keys within La Cordillera Natural Reserve;white grunt
  • Providing support for the creation of a Mobile Learning Lab with Marine Discovery Modules in USVI; and
  • Developing an outreach and educational pamphlet for USVI tourist on USVI reserves, mooring usage, and fishery regulations.

2004 Highlights

  1. 2004 Activities in Florida and the Caribbean
2003 Highlights
  1. 2003 Activities in Florida and the Caribbean
2002 Highlights
  1. 2002 Activities in Florida and the Caribbean
  2. Florida Keys Coral Reef Ecosystem Census, Summer 2002


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