Table 14: Regional Carrier Full-time Equivalent Employees by Month*,,,, Numbers in thousands (000’s),,,, ,2003**,2004,2005,Percentage Change 2003-2005 January,41,48,58,39.8 February,41,49,56,34.8 March,41,50,56,35.9 April,41,50,57,37.0 May,42,51,57,37.0 June,41,52,57,38.6 July,41,54,57,38.1 August,42,55,57,37.0 September,36,49,51,41.7 October,42,55,57,35.7 November,42,56,56,32.3 December,43,56,55,29.3 Monthly Average,41,52,56,36.4 * Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.,,,, "** Three regional airlines, Mesa, Pinnacle and PSA, did not meet the reporting standard in 2003. The three airlines reported employment numbers in 2004 and 2005.",,,, Note: Percentage changes based on numbers prior to rounding.,,,, Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,