Mission Statement

Automotive Parts and Services Matchmaker Trade Delegation

Bangkok, Thailand; Manila, Philippines; and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

March 6-15, 2002

Mission Description:

Export Promotion Services Matchmaker Program is organizing an Automotive Parts and Services Matchmaker Trade Delegation to Bangkok, Thailand; Manila, Philippines; and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Matchmaker will target the U.S. automotive industry, including original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), aftermarket parts manufacturers, and composite materials and electronic component manufacturers. The focus of the delegation will be to match U.S. companies with qualified agents, distributors, representatives, licensees, and joint venture partners in the automotive industry.

Commercial Setting:


Thailand’s automobile market rebounded in 1999 and will expand to reach its pre-crisis production peak of 600,000 units within 5 years based on a projected average growth rate of 22% per year. Last year the market expanded 51.5% to 218,330 units up from 144,065 units in 1998. Unlike some other ASEAN countries, Thailand has directed its policies in order to become an integrated automotive hub for the region, rather than to develop its own national car. Domestically, Thailand is becoming a more open market for competition among all the major world players, as more than 40 vehicle brands compete in the Thai market. Competition in the automotive after-sales service, particularly those offering routine maintenance like motor oil changes, tire and brakes inspection, will increase the demand for relevant equipment.

The Philippine economy is strong and represents a promising market for auto parts and auto accessories. Although production of automobiles dropped during the Asian Financial crisis of 1997-98, the market has started to rebound and experts believe it will continue to rise in the future. With over 5,000,000 registered vehicles and motorcycles the Philippines is becoming one of the fastest growing aftermarkets in the region.


Malaysia’s economy represents one of the biggest automobile markets in Southeast Asia and certainly the biggest market for automotive accessories. Although the Malaysian automotive market is highly protected by government regulations, the demand for imported automotive parts and components should improve as Malaysia plans to lower its import duties on car parts and components to less than 5 percent or less by January 1, 2002.
Mission Goals:
The Matchmaker's goal is to gain first-hand market information and provide access to key government officials and potential business partners for new-to-market, and/or new-to-export U.S. automotive firms desiring to enter these Asian markets.
Mission Scenario:

Participants will spend two days in Malaysia, two days in Thailand, and two days in the Philippines. At each stop, the Commercial Service will provide an extensive market briefing, schedule one-on-one appointments with potential business partners for each participant, and arrange a reception to introduce the participants to key business and government officials in the automotive sector.


Mission participants will arrive in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Wednesday, March 6th. The participants will have two days of one on one appointments on Thursday and Friday, March 7-8. Saturday, March 9th the delegation will travel to Bangkok, Thailand. On Monday and Tuesday, March 11-12th the delegation will have appointments in Bangkok. On Wednesday the 13th the delegation will travel to Manila,, Philippines. On Thursday and Friday, March 14-15th the delegation will have one on one appointments. The Matchmaker will conclude the evening of Friday, March 15th.

The Matchmaker will be promoted through the following venues: the Export Assistance Centers and Teams; the Federal Register; relevant trade publications; relevant trade associations; past Matchmaker and Commerce trade mission participants; various in-house and purchased industry lists, and on ITA's Internet home page.

Criteria for Participation:

Any partisan political activities of an applicant, including political contributions, will be entirely irrelevant to the selection process.
The Matchmaker will target 10 companies. The fee to participate will be $2,500. Recruitment will begin immediately and will close January 18th, six weeks prior to the start of the mission. Applications received after that date will be considered only if space and scheduling constraints permit.
Contact Information: Monica McFarlane, Project Manager
Matchmaker Trade Delegations Program
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 2012
Washington, D.C. 20230
Tel: (202) 482-3364/Fax: (202) 482-0178
Email: Monica.mcfarlane@mail.doc.gov

Website: http://www.usatrade.gov/matchmaker