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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)


USIP frequently organizes public meetings to discuss and examine breaking international affairs issues of interest to policymakers, the media, foreign policy scholars, students, and the general public.

For more information on any of the following events or related resources (such as event summaries and archived audio and video) please contact the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.

Please note that RSVP's are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

Upcoming Public Events

Gustavo Moncayo and Consuelo González de Perdomo
September 16, 2008 | Public Event


Policy Forum on Children and Armed Conflict: Child Soldiers as Combatants, Victims, and Survivors
September 17, 2008 | Public Event


Recent Public Events

Security and Democracy in Pakistan: Back to the Future?
September 10, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
audio [Audio Available]


Antiquities in Iraq: Cultural Heritage and Iraq's Future
September 8, 2008 | Public Event


Red Flags, Green Flags: How Big Business Can Help Promote Peace in Conflict Zones
August 21, 2008 | Public Event


Roundtable on Economic Stabilization and Peace in Zimbabwe
August 12, 2008 | Public Event


Iraqi Minister of Interior, Jawad al-Bolani
July 30, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Thwarting Afghanistan's Insurgency: A Pragmatic Approach to Peace and Reconciliation
July 29, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Future of the U.S. Military Presence in Iraq
July 25, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Israel's Airstrike on Syria's Nuclear Reactor: Preventive War and the Nonproliferation Regime
July 14, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


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