*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.01.21 : Study -- Mercury-Containing Dental Amalgam Contact: Bill Grigg (202) 690-6867 January 21, 1993 The U.S. Public Health Service today released an evaluation of mercury-containing dental amalgam -- silver fillings -- that says that amalgam has continuing value in maintaining oral health. According to the report: -- There is no solid evidence of any harm for millions of Americans who have these fillings, and -- No persuasive reason to believe that avoiding amalgams or having them removed will have a beneficial effect on health. Amalgam has been in use more than 150 years, but the study was undertaken because of questions raised about the long-term effects of their mercury content. Mercury, at high levels, can produce poisoning symptoms. Amalgam fillings do release small amounts of mercury vapor which can be absorbed by the body, the report, Dental Amalgam: A Public Health Service Strategy for Research, Education and Regulation, said. It said that mercury could cause allergic reactions in a few persons* but "there is scant evidence that the health of the vast majority of people with amalgam is compromised." The report did determine, however, that more extensive scientific evidence should be gathered to completely rule out any possibility of long-term health risks from the amalgams -- or from alternative substances that might be used -- and recommended a research program to resolve these uncertainties. James Mason, M.D., who ordered the study as HHS assistant secretary for health and head of the Public Health Service, said, "This report makes clear that, except for a very few people who may be allergic to substances in the amalgam, there is no scientific justification for refusing to have amalgam fillings or for having them removed." Produced by representatives of federal health-related agencies -- the Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs, or CCEHRP ("See-Surp") -- the report recommended that the PHS promote the use of fluorides, sealants and other measures to avoid dental cavities and, thus, the need for fillings. And manufacturers, the report advises, should be required to disclose to dentists the ingredients in restorative materials so that dentists can help patients avoid substances that they may be allergic to. Essentially, dental amalgam is a mixture of several metals including silver, tin, copper and mercury. The mercury provides the strength and cohesiveness necessary, and the resulting amalgam is a popular material for filling cavities because it is strong, durable and relatively inexpensive. (Amalgam is used in about half the 200 million cavity-filling procedures performed annually. The other half use such materials as gold, ceramics and plastics.) The study released today is the product of 25 months of work. The eight PHS agencies -- including the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Indian Health Service and the Food and Drug Administration -- were represented. The Environmental Protection Agency and outside experts in toxicology, biomaterials and clinical dentistry also assisted in the preparation of the report. ### * A report at a National Institutes of Health biotechnology conference in 1991 said there were only 50 documented cases of reactions to amalgam in medical literature since 1906.