*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.01.11 : HIV Discrimination Contact: HHS Press Office (202) 690-6343 January 11, 1993 HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., today announced that Westchester County Medical Center in Valhalla, N.Y., has agreed to comply fully with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the department's regulation implementing Section 504, and all terms of a proposed Compliance Agreement. Section 504 prohibits acts of discrimination against persons with disabilities by hospitals and other entities receiving federal financial assistance. In September 1992, a three-judge panel of the HHS Civil Rights Reviewing Authority upheld the finding of an administrative law judge that the Medical Center had discriminated against a pharmacist infected with HIV in violation of Section 504. The Medical Center first completely refused to hire the pharmacist then later offered him a position subject to discriminatory restrictions. The Reviewing Authority had ordered the termination of the Medical Center's federal financial assistance, which amounts to over $100 million annually. However, the Medical Center subsequently expressed a willingness to take all steps necessary to restore its eligibility to receive financial assistance. Under the terms of the detailed Compliance Agreement, the Medical Center will offer the pharmacist an unrestricted full- time position as a hospital pharmacist with retroactive seniority to Dec. 15, 1986. It will provide him with back pay and a lump sum payment for other employee benefits. In addition, the Medical Center agrees not to use the pharmacist's HIV status as a factor in determining his eligibility for assignments, transfers, or promotions or as a ground for restricting his duties as a hospital pharmacist. The Medical Center also acknowledges that HIV infection alone does not present a significant risk of transmission of HIV from a health care worker to patients or co- workers. For the next two years, the Medical Center will be subject to compliance monitoring by HHS in a number of critical areas. Additionally, the Medical Center will adopt a statement of non-discrimination in which it explicitly encourages persons with AIDS and HIV infection to participate as fully as possible in all of the Medical Center's programs and activities. Secretary Sullivan said, "I am pleased that the Medical Center has expressed its willingness to voluntarily comply with the law in the future and to remedy its past discrimination by offering the pharmacist the position he was initially selected for in 1986. The Medical Center has adopted a statement of non- discrimination and explicitly encourages persons with AIDS and HIV infection to participate as fully as possible in all of the Medical Center's programs and activities. Health care workers with AIDS and HIV infection should be assured that HHS will diligently enforce Section 504 so that an individual's right to work to the fullest extent of his or her capabilities, free from discrimination, will be protected." ###