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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments


Explanations of Water-Level Values

Station Name:
The station name used in the site is specific to the EDEN site. It generally is the same name as the agency station name, but there could be slight variations (either this is a shortened form, or a modified form). For example:
  • EDEN name: 3A9; Station name used by operating agency: 3A9+
  • EDEN name: 3AN1W1; Station name used by operating agency: 3AN1W1+

USGS NWIS Agency Code and ID:
USGS NWIS Agency Code:
Portion of primary key in USGS NWIS database used to define what agency collected data at a gage. Values:
  • FL005 = South Florida Water Management District
  • USNPS = U.S. National Park Service (includes Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve)
  • USGS = U.S. Geological Survey
Numeric portion of primary key in NWIS database used to uniquely define gage record (usually 8 digits or 15 digits in length).

Example: 261116080442500

Location Area:
Area of Everglades where gage is located (gages along canals are reported by the canal name, gages across canals are reported by what area the headwater or tailwater gage measures)
Marsh Stations Choices: Canal Stations Choices: Coastal Stations Choices:
BCNP Hillsboro Canal Coast of Florida Bay
ENP Tamiami Canal Coast of Gulf of Mexico
WCA1 L-40
WCA2A etc.
Pennsuco Wetlands  

Data Links:
Links are provided to the following data (when available):
Recent hourly data Link to most recent 31 days of hourly data on the NWISweb website
Recent daily data Link to last 2 years of daily data on the the NWISweb website
Station location map Link to station map on the NWISweb website
(For help on navigating the NWIS Data site, see the NWIS help pages.)
Historic Hourly Data Link to hourly dataset (text file) for period 10/1/1999 to 9/30/2005 on SOFIA Website
Other database link Link to other agency databases with data for gage prior to 10/1/99 or for more recent data not available on EDEN site
Help for Data Links Section:
Why are all gage data not referenced to the same datum?

Prior to 1991, all water gages were surveyed to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29) in Florida, a vertical reference from which Elevations can be measured to provide relative differences between water levels at gages. In 1991, the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) was established and some gages were referenced from this new vertical reference. In south Florida, the difference between elevations referenced in NGVD29 and elevations referenced to NAVD88 are between 1 and 2 feet depending on the location. (See for more information about vertical datums.)

Data for many gages in the EDEN network are referenced to NGVD29 by the operating agencies. When posted to EDENweb, they have been converted to NAVD88 using the conversion value documented on the station information page. Some gages operated by the USGS have not yet been converted to NAVD88.

Users are advised to note the datum of all datasets to avoid using or comparing data with different datums.

How do I convert data at a gage from one datum to another? The Station Information page for each gage on EDENweb provides the value to convert data at the gage from NGVD29 to NAVD88:
  • For data in NGVD29, ADD the conversion value
  • For data in NAVD88, SUBTRACT the conversion value

For example: Site 69:

  • On 01/16/07 at 12:00, gage height = 8.63 ft. NGVD29
  • To convert to NAVD88: 8.63 + (-1.66) = 6.97 ft. NAVD88

For example: Site L28_GAP:

  • On 01/21/07 at 01:00, gage height = 10.22 ft. NAVD88
  • To convert to NGVD29: 10.22 - (-1.42) = 11.64 ft. NAVD88

Methods used to Compute NAVD88 vertical datum:
Note: For more information on NAVD88, see the CERP Geodetic Vertical Control Survey project.
Optical survey, provided by agency Datum conversion value computed using line-of-sight optical survey methods from a known bench mark and provided by operating agency
Optical survey, provided by USACE Datum conversion value computed using optical survey methods from a known bench mark and provided by USACE
CORPSCON 6.0 with modified CERP grid Datum conversion value computed using VERTCON grid modified by the USACE Jacksonville District to incorporate the CERP vertical control network established in 2001-2002 (Rory Sutton, USACE)

More information about Corpscon 6.0:

Differential GPS survey, by USGS Highly accurate radio-based navigation survey method conducted by USGS
Tapedown Tapedown from NAVD88 benchmark to water surface at station to determine water level (NAVD88). Subtracted value from measured water level (NGVD29) at station to determine conversion value.

Ground Elevation and Vegetation Information:
Water depths were measured at a minimum of 6 locations in the major vegetation community surrounding the water level thumbnail of line drawing showing methodology for obtaining water depthsgaging station. The ground elevation at each site was calculated by subtracting the water depth from the water level reading at the gage. The ground elevations were averaged to compute the reported value.

Basic protocol for collection of data at a water level (stage) gage is available.

Vegetation Community:
Vegetation community at the gage, field descriptions were categorized into 6 major communities. Choices:
  • Slough or open water
  • Wet prairie
  • Ridge or sawgrass and emergent marsh
  • Exotics and cattail
  • Upland
  • Canal (gage constructed in a canal along a levee or in the marsh but not at a canal structure)
  • Other (mostly wetland shrub and wetland forested)

Type of Station:
Physical Location: Canal and marsh indicate stations located in uncontrolled regions, canal structure indicates a station located within a canal at a structure, usually with an associated station on the other side of the structure, marsh structure indicates a station located in the marsh at a structure, usually with an associated station on the other side of the structure. In both cases, the associated station does not have to be of the same type (canal or marsh). Values:
  • Canal
  • Canal structure
  • Marsh
  • Marsh structure
  • River
  • Forest

Water: There are only two options for this value:

  • Freshwater
  • Tidal
Water Levels (Gage)
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Photo of a water level gage

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Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: August 08, 2008 04:24 PM (HSH)