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Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001
Contact: Moya Beniot Thompson or
Chris Rhatigan
(202) 401-4541


HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced today the award of nearly $5 million in grants to 119 tribal organizations to implement the new Native American Caregiver Support Program.

"This new program will make real and lasting differences improving the quality of life for some of America's most vulnerable citizens, our Native American elders and their caregivers," said Secretary Thompson. "Strengthening access to health care and social services to better serve hard-to-reach and rural communities is a priority of this department."

Grants were awarded to 110 tribal organizations to provide families of Native American and Native Hawaiian elders with access to information, respite care, counseling, training, and supplemental services to help them meet their real-life caregiving challenges. In addition, nine tribal organizations each received $100,000 demonstration grants in the following areas:

"We have worked with the Tribal leaders to make sure that this vitally needed program provides the most culturally appropriate and proficient services that address the needs and expectations of the families and other caregivers of the Native American elders we serve," said HHS Assistant Secretary for Aging Josefina G. Carbonell.

The grants are administered by the Administration on Aging, the HHS agency that administers the Older Americans Act, which provides funding to states and communities for critical home- and community-based services for older persons and their caregivers. The new Native American Caregiver Support Program was created as part of the National Family Caregiver Support Program, launched earlier this year.

The list of the 110 tribal organizations receiving the formula grants is available online at:


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Last revised: September 25, 2001