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Thursday, Aug. 9, 2001
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Regarding the President's Decision on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The President has made a tough decision, and he has made it in the right way. He has examined every aspect, consulted widely, and taken the time he needed to consider all the questions very personally and in great depth.

This decision is a profile in courage. There is nothing easy about this issue. It balances our deepest respect for human life with our highest hopes for alleviating human suffering. Even more than agreeing with the decision, I respect the difficult road that the President traveled in reaching it.

This is not a decision based on rigid lines of ideology, nor is it based on unrealistic expectations that science might or might not be able to fulfill. It keeps the door open and allows us to move forward in a careful and measured manner.

It gives us the opportunity to examine the potential of all stem cell approaches, including both embryonic as well as adult stem cells. And it enables us to ensure a research structure of the highest scientific and ethical standards for stem cell research.

The President's decision shows leadership and resolve. I am proud to carry it out.

NIH's statement is available at:


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Last revised: August 9, 2001