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Thursday, April 4, 2002
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

South African Agreement Extends Public-Private Partnership

Pretoria, South Africa -- HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson signed a cooperative agreement that will provide nearly $1 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to fight HIV/AIDS in a public-private partnership in South Africa.

The agreement with the American Center for International Labor Solidarity reflects the department's commitment to continue the HIV/AIDS employee outreach program at the Ford Motor Company's operations in South Africa.

"The partnership among the company, the union, and the American government is an excellent example of creating public-private partnerships to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS," Secretary Thompson said. "Ford is making a real difference by reaching out to employees, their families and the community."

In recognition of the significant role that workplace education can play in the fight against HIV/AIDS, the CDC's agreement with the American Center for International Labor Solidarity strengthens the capacity of South African trade unions to develop and implement effective HIV/AIDS prevention education programs.

For the past three years, the center has worked with South African trade unions to become more involved in the battle against HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive training and technical assistance support project. This program has developed an unprecedented partnership among unions, employers, community-based organizations and the South African government to collectively fight the spread of HIV/AIDS.

The signing of the agreement came during Secretary Thompson's week-long trip to Africa that includes stops in Mozambique, South Africa, Botswana and C�te d'Ivoire. He is working to strengthen partnerships and strategies to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, which combined claim 6 million lives each year.

Secretary Thompson's visit builds upon the Bush administration's strong support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. President Bush's fiscal year 2003 budget includes $100 million from HHS and $100 million from USAID to support the global fund -- bringing the U.S. contribution to $500 million.

In total, the President's budget request for HHS in fiscal year 2003 for HIV/AIDS programs and activities totals $12.9 billion. In total, the Bush administration proposes spending more than $16 billion in fiscal year 2003 to combat HIV/AIDS at home and abroad.


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Last revised: April 5, 2002