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Scientists are particularly interested in Saturn's moon Titan because it's one of the few known moons with its own dense atmosphere. Titan's atmosphere is also thought to be very similar to what Earth's atmosphere was a long time ago. By learning about Titan, we'll learn about our own planet.
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2004-09-14 | MISSIONS
Beware: Io Dust

Jupiter's moon Io is covered with some of the hottest and most active volcanoes in the Solar System. These volcanoes shoot massive plumes into the air, which scientists believe freeze and then 'snow' down to Io's colorful surface as sulfurous flakes.

High above the gentle snowfall something unexpected happens. At the apex of the plumes, some of the dust and ash that ought to turn around and fall ... doesn't. Defying gravity, it keeps going up, not slowing but accelerating, 2 times, 10 times, hundreds of times faster than a speeding bullet, away from Io and into deep space. The Ulysses spacecraft, a joint mission of NASA and the European Space Agency, made the discovery in 1992 when, approaching Jupiter, it was hit by a breakneck stream of volcano dust. In 2000 when the Cassini spacecraft sailed past Jupiter en route to Saturn, it too was hit. Io dust could even reach Earth, but the grains are so small that you probably wouldn't notice them burning up in the atmosphere.

Ulysses was launched in 1990 and conducted the first-ever survey of the Sun's environment in space. Radiation from the Sun has profound effects on Earth, as well as astronauts in space. Understanding the connections between the Sun and Earth are important for determining the habitability of planets outside of our Solar System. This connection is also important for determining how the Sun's behavior could affect environmental changes on Earth. Ulysses has also provided a great deal of information about interstellar dust, which may have been a source of prebiotic materials and catalysts vital for the origins of life on Earth.

The Cassini-Huygens mission has now begun its four-year tour of Saturn, where the craft is studying the planet, its famous rings, its magnetosphere, Titan, and its other icy moons. The spacecraft will release its piggybacked Huygens probe about six months after arriving in orbit for descent through Titan's thick atmosphere. The probe could impact in what may be a liquid methane ocean. Titan is of particular interest to astrobiologists because it is the only known moon in the Solar System with its own atmosphere. Studying the organic chemistry of Titan's atmosphere, which could resemble that of early Earth, may help scientists understand the origin of life on our planet. Understanding how life emerges from cosmic and planetary precursors is a primary goal of astrobiology.

More on this story Full text of original item from NASA, Sep 14, 2004

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Feb 25, 2007 | SCIENCE
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Dec 01, 2006 | MISSIONS
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Sep 11, 2006 | SCIENCE
NASA Selects 12 Research Proposals in Radiation Biology
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Sep 05, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Sep 01, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Aug 25, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Aug 18, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Aug 16, 2006 | SCIENCE
NASA Presents Exploration Program Update
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Aug 14, 2006 | MISSIONS
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Aug 01, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Jul 11, 2006 | MISSIONS
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Jun 29, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
Scientists Accurately Simulate Appearance of Sun's Corona during Eclipse
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Jun 27, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA and NSF Computers Simulate Sun's Corona
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May 25, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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May 02, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Apr 24, 2006 | SCIENCE
NASA Announces Results from Exploration Strategy Workshop
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Mar 30, 2006 | SCIENCE
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Mar 20, 2006 | MISSIONS
Rovers Prepare for Martian Winter
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Mar 16, 2006 |
Nowhere to Hide From SOHO
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Mar 06, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
Solar Cycle Mystery Resolved
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Mar 06, 2006 | MISSIONS
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Mar 03, 2006 | SCIENCE
NASA Media Teleconference Announces Solar Cycle Discovery
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Feb 27, 2006 | MISSIONS
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Feb 23, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Feb 22, 2006 | MISSIONS
NASA'S Lunar Orbiter Team Passes Preliminary Design Review
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Feb 16, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
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Feb 15, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA's Exploration Systems Progress Report
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Feb 13, 2006 | MISSIONS
Spirit Reaches 'Home Plate'
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Feb 08, 2006 | SCIENCE
Spitzer Uncovers Hints of Mega Solar Systems
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Jan 26, 2006 | SCIENCE
Closer to Home
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Jan 25, 2006 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Advance Understanding of the Red Planet
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Jan 12, 2006 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Refines Design for Crew Exploration Vehicle
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Dec 13, 2005 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Celebrates One Martian Year
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity celebrated its 'One Martian Year' Anniversary on December 12.

Dec 05, 2005 | EDUCATION
NASA Events at 2005 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting
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Nov 30, 2005 | MISSIONS
Rover Helps Reveal Possible Secrets of Martian Life
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Nov 22, 2005 | MISSIONS
Spirit Marks One Martian Year on Mars
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Spirit rover has completed one Martian year (almost two Earth years) on Mars.

Nov 18, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Scientist Honored for Spaceship Biosensor
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Nov 15, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Ames Leads Robotic Lunar Exploration Program
(NASA - ARC) - NASA has announced that management of its Robotic Lunar Exploration Program has been assigned to NASA Ames Research Center.

Nov 07, 2005 | SCIENCE
Managing Murphy's Law on Mars
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Oct 31, 2005 | SCIENCE
Earthlings Will Get a Better View of Mars
(NASA - JPL) - Amateur astronomers may be able to see a dust storm on Mars this weekend as the planet makes a close approach to Earth.

Oct 26, 2005 | MISSIONS
Ice Beneath Mars Is Asking, ' Can you hear me now?'
(NASA - JPL) - A small amount of radio noise received in a test of the UHF radio system on Mars Odyssey in 2003 may be a signal reflected off of subsurface ice on Mars.

Oct 24, 2005 | SCIENCE
NASA's Spitzer Finds Failed Stars May Succeed in Planet Business
(NASA - JPL) - Spitzer has spotted the beginnings of what might become planets around brown dwarfs.

Oct 20, 2005 | SCIENCE
Hubble Looks for Moon Resources
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Oct 18, 2005 | MISSIONS
Cassini Views Dione, a Frigid Ice World
(NASA - JPL) - On October 11, Cassini captured images of Dione during a close flyby of the grayish moon.

Oct 14, 2005 | SCIENCE
Russians to Partner with NASA Astrobiology Institute
(NASA - ARC) - The Russian Astrobiology Centre will become an affiliate of the NAI through its international partners program.

Oct 14, 2005 | SCIENCE
Hubble Reveals Moon's Prospects
(NASA) - New Hubble images may suggest sources of oxygen for human exploration.

Oct 11, 2005 | MISSIONS
Expedition 11 Safely Returns From International Space Station
(NASA) - The crewmembers of Expedition 11 have safely returned to Earth after a six month mission.

Oct 10, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
Adaptive Optics Produces Ultrasharp Images of Sunspot
(National Solar Observatory) - The Dunn Solar Telescope is returning striking images of the Sun's surface

Oct 05, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Selects Team to Build Lunar Lander
(NASA) - NASA has selected the Marshall and Goddard Space Flight Centers for development of a lunar lander spacecraft.

Sep 30, 2005 | EDUCATION
NASA Makes Exploring Mars from the Skies a Classroom Reality
(NASA - ARC) - On Oct 1, NASA will release a new classroom tool designed to teach students in grades 5 to 8 about a future human mission to Mars.

Sep 28, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA to Show Intelligent Space Robots in Action
(NASA - ARC) - NASA will showcase two intelligent robots on Monday, October 3, in the outdoor 'Marscape' at NASA Ames Research Center.

Sep 23, 2005 | SCIENCE
Marine Microorganism Suspected to Play Role in Global Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
(NSF) - Scientists successfully culture the first Archaea known to oxidize ammonia for energy and metabolize carbon dioxide.

Sep 19, 2005 | MISSIONS
How We'll Get Back to the Moon
(NASA) - NASA's new spaceship is the key to making the Vision for Space Exploration a reality.

Sep 13, 2005 | SCIENCE
Cultivating a Planetary Garden
(NASA) - New evidence from Spitzer suggests that some gas giants may form in less than one million years.

Sep 10, 2005 | MISSIONS
NASA's Spitzer and Deep Impact Build Recipe for Comet Soup
(NASA - JPL) - Using data from Deep Impact and Spitzer, scientists are beginning to understand the recipe for making planets and comets.

Sep 08, 2005 | MISSIONS
ISS Status Report
(NASA) - A new shipment of supplies is on its way to the International Space Station (ISS).

Aug 26, 2005 | MISSIONS
Briefing Will Present News from a Martian Hilltop
(NASA) - Spirit has reached the summit of Husband Hill.

Aug 25, 2005 | SCIENCE
Climate Model Links Warmer Temperatures to Permian Extinction
(NSF) - Scientists have created a computer simulation showing Earth's climate at the time of the greatest mass extinction in history.

Jul 13, 2005 | MISSIONS
Spongy-Looking Hyperion Tumbles Into View
(NASA - JPL) - Cassini has returned the best views yet of Saturn's moon Hyperion.

Jul 01, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Funds Space Radiation Research Proposals
(NASA) - NASA selected 21 space radiation research proposals for funding. The research will support the Vision for Space Exploration.

May 27, 2005 | SCIENCE
Magnetic Structure on Sun Is Responsible for Powerful Solar Storms
(NSF) - New research may aid in accurately predicting solar storms.

May 26, 2005 | SCIENCE
Chandra: Saturn Reflects Sun's X-Rays
(NASA) - According to NASA scientists, Saturn may act as a mirror, reflecting explosive activity from the Sun.

May 25, 2005 | SCIENCE
Voyager Enters Solar System's Final Frontier
(NASA) - NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered the solar system's final frontier, a vast, turbulent expanse, where the sun's influence ends.

May 25, 2005 | SCIENCE
Solar 'Fireworks' Signal New Space Weather Mystery
(NASA) - The most intense burst of solar radiation in five decades accompanied a large solar flare on January 20 at 2 a.m. EST.

May 24, 2005 | MISSIONS
Rovers Continue Martian Missions
(NASA - JPL) - Mars rover Opportunity tries to escape from a sand trap, while its twin, Spirit, is busy finding new clues to a wet and violent early Martian history.

May 24, 2005 | MISSIONS
NASA's AcrimSat Solar Spacecraft Completes Five-Year Mission
(NASA) - AcrimSat has successfully completed five years of studying the connections between the Sun and Earth.

May 16, 2005 | MISSIONS
Station, Shuttle Mission Crew Announced
(NASA) - NASA and its international partners have named new crew members for upcoming missions to the International Space Station.

May 05, 2005 | MISSIONS
Magnetospheric MultiScale Team Selected
(NASA) - NASA has selected a team for the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) Instrument Suite.

May 04, 2005 | SCIENCE
Media Teleconference on Chandra Discovery
(NASA) - New information about the violent youth of stars will be presented during a media teleconference Tuesday, May 10, at 1 p.m. EDT.

Apr 25, 2005 | MISSIONS
Station Status Report
(NASA) - After six months in space aboard the International Space Station, the Expedition 10 crew is safely back on Earth.

Apr 18, 2005 | MISSIONS
International Space Station Status Report: SS05-020
(NASA) - New residents arrived at the International Space Station this past weekend to begin a six-month stay.

Apr 15, 2005 | SCIENCE
Reduced Oxygen Contributed to 'Great Dying'
(NSF) - Reduced oxygen levels on Earth may have increased extinction rates before the Permian extinction.

Apr 06, 2005 | MISSIONS
Durable Mars Rovers Sent into Third Overtime Period
(NASA) - NASA has approved up to 18 more months of operations for Spirit and Opportunity.

Apr 05, 2005 | SCIENCE
Astrobiology Researchers Meet to Share New Findings
(NASA - ARC) - NASA scientists will discuss key aspects of astrobiology during an April 10-14 meeting in Boulder, Colorado.|

Mar 25, 2005 | SCIENCE
NASA Scientists to Discuss Risks of Moon Dust
(NASA - ARC) - In an upcoming workshop, NASA scientists will discuss the medical risks that Moon dust may pose for astronauts.

Mar 16, 2005 | MISSIONS
High Winds Make Spirit Full of Energy
(NASA - JPL) - Scientists are learning from NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers during the dust storm season on Mars.

Mar 08, 2005 | SCIENCE
Safe Zone in Earth's Radiation Belt
(NASA) - Scientists have developed a new theory for how the 'safe zone' between the Van Allen Belts was formed.

Mar 07, 2005 | SCIENCE
NASA Study Suggests Giant Space Clouds Iced Earth
(NASA - ARC) - According to two recent technical papers supported by NASA's Astrobiology Institute, giant clouds in space may have led to global extinctions.

Mar 02, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Issues Solicitation for Crew Exploration Vehicle
(NASA) - NASA issues a Request for Proposals for the spacecraft that will carry astronauts to the Moon by 2020.

Mar 01, 2005 | MISSIONS
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope Exposes Dusty Galactic Hideouts
(NASA) - Spitzer Space Telescope uncovered a hidden population of bright galaxies drenched in dust.

Feb 22, 2005 | SCIENCE
NASA Satellite Observes Mysterious Earth Energy
(NASA) - Scientists using NASA's RHESSI satellite detected flashes of gamma ray energy in Earth's upper atmosphere in greater detail than ever before.

Feb 21, 2005 | SCIENCE
NASA Statement on False Claim of Evidence of Life on Mars
(NASA) - News reports on February 16, 2005, that NASA scientists from Ames Research Center have found strong evidence that life may exist on Mars are incorrect.

Feb 18, 2005 | MISSIONS
SMART-1 Mission Extended
(ESA) - SMART-1 will now continue its mission until August 2006.

Feb 16, 2005 | SCIENCE
NASA Awards Grant to Study Cancer Risks from Space Radiation
(NASA) - NASA has awarded a research grant to study the risk of solid tumor cancer from exposure to space radiation.

Feb 02, 2005 | SCIENCE
Sickening Solar Flares
(NASA) - NASA researchers discuss what a recent solar proton storm might have done to astronauts on the Moon.

Feb 01, 2005 | SCIENCE
Moss Project Shows How Some Plants Grow Without Gravity
(NASA) - Experiments on moss grown aboard two Space Shuttle missions showed the plants didn't behave as scientists expected them to in the near-absence of gravity.

Jan 28, 2005 | MISSIONS
Genesis Gives Scientists a Piece of the Sun
(NASA) - NASA scientists have sent to academic researchers a piece of the sun gathered by the Genesis spacecraft.

Jan 27, 2005 | MISSIONS
NASA Selects Small Explorer Mission
(NASA) - NASA has selected a new satellite that will make the first map of the boundary between the Solar System and interstellar space.

Jan 25, 2005 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Tracks Seen from Orbit
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landed on the red planet a year ago.

Jan 20, 2005 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Rover Finds an Iron Meteorite on Mars
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity has found an iron meteorite, the first meteorite of any type ever identified on another planet.

Jan 13, 2005 | SCIENCE
Spitzer Sees Dusty Aftermath of Pluto-Sized Collision
(NASA) - Astronomers say a dusty disc swirling around the nearby star Vega was probably caused by collisions of objects perhaps as big as the planet Pluto.

Jan 10, 2005 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Uses High-Tech X-Ray Equipment to Examine Dinosaur Skull
(NASA) - As NASA charts a bold new course into the future, the space agency is briefly taking a step back in time to examine life's past.

Jan 04, 2005 | MISSIONS
NASA Rovers' Adventures on Mars Continue
(NASA) - The Spirit rover begins its second year on Mars investigating puzzling rocks unlike any found earlier.

Dec 30, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Events Commemorate Rover Anniversary on Mars
(NASA) - Events are to be held at JPL on January 3rd to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Mars Exploration Rovers mission.

Dec 21, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Earn Journal's 'Best Science' Title
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers' discovery of evidence of past water on Mars is named scientific "Breakthrough of the Year".

Dec 17, 2004 | SCIENCE
Earth's Safe Zone Became Hot During Legendary Solar Storms
(NASA) - A NASA-funded study found a region between radiation belts surrounding the Earth is not as benign as once thought.

Dec 13, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Spot Water-Clue Mineral, Frost, Clouds
(NASA - JPL) - Scientists have identified a water-signature mineral in bedrock examined by Spirit in the "Colombia Hills."

Dec 06, 2004 | MISSIONS
Reports Detail Rover Discoveries of Wet Martian History
(NASA - JPL) - Major research journal publishes findings from the Mars Exploration rovers.

Nov 11, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status
(NASA - JPL) - Operators for the Opportunity rover are choosing a path for exiting Endurance Crater.

Nov 05, 2004 | MISSIONS
Spirit Adds Clues about History of Rocks in Martian Hills
(NASA - JPL) - Ten months after Spirit's dramatic landing, all of the instruments on both of the Mars Exploration Rovers are still working well.

Nov 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
New NASA Satellite to Study Black Hole Birth and Gamma Ray Bursts
(NASA) - NASA's Swift mission is designed to study the connection between black holes and gamma ray bursts.

Oct 29, 2004 | SCIENCE
Traveling to Mars and Hibernating like a Brown Bear
(ESA) - Researchers at ESA are studying how animals hibernate and the potential application this behavior may have for missions to Mars.

Oct 18, 2004 | MISSIONS
SMART-1 on Track for Moon Encounter
(ESA) - SMART-1 completed its last ion engine thrust maneuver that will get the spacecraft to its Moon capture point on November 13.

Oct 08, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Probing Water History at Two Sites
(NASA - JPL) - Mars Exploration Rover team members report new findings about the history of water on Mars.

Oct 01, 2004 | MISSIONS
After Trio of Explosions, Scientists Say Supernova Is Imminent
(NASA) - Three recent blasts from three wholly different regions in space have left scientists scrambling.

Sep 30, 2004 | SCIENCE
Study Suggests Spaceflight May Decrease Human Immunity
(NASA) - The conditions of space flight, as well as the stresses experienced before launch and after landing, may have adverse effects on the human immune system.

Sep 29, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
Mars Drill Will Seek Knowledge and Resources
(NASA) - A futuristic drilling rig designed for use on the Moon or on Mars is now being tested in Canada.

Sep 28, 2004 | SCIENCE
Shields Up!
(NASA) - A breeze of interstellar helium atoms is blowing through the solar system.

Sep 22, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Selects Contractor for First Prometheus Mission to Jupiter
(NASA) - Northrop Grumman Space Technology has been selected as the contractor for co-designing the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) spacecraft.

Sep 22, 2004 | MISSIONS
Rover Missions Renewed as Mars Emerges from Behind Sun
(NASA - JPL) - The Mars Exploration Rovers are now active again, and NASA has decided to extend their mission for another six months.

Sep 17, 2004 | MISSIONS
Genesis Mission Status Report
(NASA - JPL) - Genesis scientists are hopeful about samples recovered from the Genesis canister.

Sep 13, 2004 | MISSIONS
Genesis Scientists Bouncing Back from Hard Landing
(NASA - JPL) - Scientists examining the Genesis canister are encouraged by what they see.

Sep 09, 2004 | MISSIONS
Genesis Science Canister Moved into Cleanroom
(NASA - JPL) - The science canister from the Genesis mission has been moved into a cleanroom in Utah.

Sep 08, 2004 | MISSIONS
Genesis Sample Return Capsule Hits the Ground
(NASA) - The Genesis sample return capsule's drogue and parafoil did not deploy as planned today, and the capsule impacted on the ground in the Utah desert.

Sep 06, 2004 | MISSIONS
Genesis Reentry
(NASA) - On September 8th, Genesis will return samples of the Sun to Earth.

Sep 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity has resumed using its rock abrasion tool.

Aug 31, 2004 | SCIENCE
Scientists Discover First of a New Class of Extrasolar Planets
(NASA) - Astronomers announced today the discovery of a new class of extrasolar planets that are far smaller than gas giants like Jupiter.

Aug 26, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Odyssey Begins Overtime after Successful Mission
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter will now begin working overtime after completing its prime mission.

Aug 24, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Mission Returns with a Piece of the Sun
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Genesis spacecraft is set to swing by Earth and jettison a sample return capsule filled with particles of the Sun.

Aug 23, 2004 | SCIENCE
Have Blood, Will Travel
(NASA) - Scientists work to understand the effects of space radiation on key blood-making cells in humans.

Aug 18, 2004 | MISSIONS
Bedrock in Mars' Gusev Crater Hints at Watery Past
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit has found evidence that water thoroughly altered some rocks in Mars' Gusev Crater.

Aug 16, 2004 | MISSIONS
Cluster Finds Giant Gas Vortices
(ESA) - Cluster has discovered vortices of ejected solar material at the edge of Earth's magnetosphere.

Aug 12, 2004 | MISSIONS
Trajectory Maneuver Brings Spacecraft Closer to Home
(NASA - JPL) - Just 30 days before its return to Earth, the Genesis spacecraft successfully completed its twentieth trajectory maneuver.

Aug 11, 2004 | MISSIONS
Relays from Mars Show International Interplanetary Networking
(NASA - JPL) - Mars Express demonstrates its ability to serve as a communications link to Mars.

Aug 09, 2004 | MISSIONS
Rocks Tell Stories in Reports of Spirit's First 90 Martian Days
(NASA - JPL) - Scientific findings from Spirit's first three months on Mars were published last Friday.

Aug 04, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Announces Space Radiation Materials Research Grants
(NASA) - NASA has selected 19 researchers to conduct ground-based research in space radiation biology.

Jul 26, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
Spinning Brains
(NASA) - Researchers discuss how spinning spaceships could affect astronauts.

Jul 21, 2004 | MISSIONS
What Neil & Buzz Left on the Moon
(NASA) - A cutting-edge Apollo 11 science experiment left behind in the Sea of Tranquility is still running today.

Jul 16, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
Space Tech Captures Toxic Microorganisms
(ESA) - Technology developed to ensure clean air for astronauts is now helping people on Earth.

Jul 14, 2004 | MISSIONS
Voyager 1, Prepare for Action
(NASA) - At the outer limits of our solar system, a solar shock wave is about to overtake NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft.

Jul 13, 2004 | SCIENCE
IAA's Vision for Exploring Deep Space
(ESA) - The International Academy of Astronautics has released its vision for the scientific exploration of space in the 21st century.

Jul 07, 2004 | SCIENCE
Scientists Track Blast Wave To The Edge Of The Solar System
(NASA) - On July 8, scientists will discuss what was learned from last fall's record-shattering solar storms.

Jul 06, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Researchers Consider Mobile Lunar Base Concepts
(NASA - ARC) - NASA researchers are developing concepts for mobile bases on the Moon.

Jun 28, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Surprises Continue; Spirit, Too, Finds Hematite
(NASA - JPL) - Both Spirit and Opportunity have found new surprises for researchers back on Earth.

Jun 15, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Going The Extra Mile
(NASA) - NASA's Mars rovers are delighting scientists with their extra credit assignments.

Jun 10, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Continue Unique Exploration of Mars
(NASA – JPL) - Opportunity prepares to move forward into Endurance crater.

Jun 08, 2004 |
A 'Swarm' of Satellites for a Unique Look Inside Earth
(ESA) - ESA has determined which of the proposed Earth Explorer candidate missions will be developed and launched.

Jun 04, 2004 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Gets Green Light To Enter Crater
(NASA) - NASA decides to send Opportunity into 'Endurance' crater.

Jun 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
Rovers Examining Hills and Crater in Bonus-Time Mission
(NASA – JPL) - NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers continue to discover clues about water on Mars, even after the end of their primary mission.

May 19, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Inspects Stone Ejected From Crater
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity has been examining rocks blasted out of the "Endurance" impact crater.

May 17, 2004 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
XMM-Newton Detects X-ray 'Solar Cycle' in Distant Star
(ESA) - XMM-Newton has observed the cycling behavior of X-ray radiation from a distant, Sun-like star.

May 07, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Arrival at Deeper Crater Provides a Tempting Eyeful
(NASA - JPL) - After a six-week trek, Opportunity has reached the stadium-sized 'Endurance Crater'.

Apr 30, 2004 | MISSIONS
Expedition 8 Returns to Earth
(NASA) - Expedition 8 safely returns to Earth as Expedition 9 begins their mission aboard the International Space Station.

Apr 29, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rovers Finish Primary Mission and Roll Onward
(NASA - JPL) - The Mars Exploration Rovers have begun 'extra-credit' assignments after completing their originally planned mission.

Apr 28, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Tests Computer 'Mobile Agents' and Helper Robot in Utah Desert
(NASA - ARC) - Technologies for future human missions to Mars began field tests this week.

NASA Develops Software for Mars Mission
(NASA – ARC) - A new science planning support system is helping the Mars Exploration Rovers with their daily operations.

Apr 20, 2004 | SCIENCE
Electric Martian Dust Devils
(NASA - GSFC) - Dust devils on Mars might have high-voltage electric fields.

Apr 19, 2004 | MISSIONS
Expedition 9 On the Way to the Space Station
(NASA) - The Expedition 9 crew left last night for the International Space Station.

Apr 12, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Enables Scientists To Work Together While Miles Apart
(NASA) - NASA's new RSEM microscope will help scientist solve problems encountered by astronauts during long-duration space flights.

Apr 08, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Extends Mars Rovers' Mission
(NASA – HQ) - NASA approves up to five months of overtime assignments for the Mars Exploration Rovers.

Apr 06, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Spacecraft Locks the Vault on its Sapphire, Diamond
(NASA – JPL) - Since October 2001 NASA's Genesis spacecraft has exposed specially designed collector arrays to the Sun's solar wind.

Apr 05, 2004 | MISSIONS
Spirit Finds Multi-Layer Hints of Past Water at Mars' Gusev Site
(NASA – JPL) - Spirit finds rock that may have been repeatedly exposed to water in Gusev crater.

Apr 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
Here Comes the Sun
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Genesis mission will be the first to return material collected from beyond the moon.

Apr 01, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
Living Off the Land
(NASA) - NASA Geologists are working to make human missions to the Moon and Mars possible.

Mar 29, 2004 | MISSIONS
New Phase of Exploration Beginning for Mars Rovers
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit enters new phase of exploration just before its 3-month primary mission ends.

Mar 23, 2004 | MISSIONS
More Clues Emerge to Mars' Watery Past
(NASA) - Researchers think that Opportunity is now parked on the edge of what used to be a salty sea on Mars.

Mar 23, 2004 | MISSIONS
Leaving the Nest
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity rolled out of its landing crater and gained a new view of Meridiani Planum.

Mar 20, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mineral in Mars 'Berries' Adds to Water Story
(NASA - JPL) - Small mineral spheres analyzed by Opportunity provide further understanding of past water at Meridiani Planum.

Mar 17, 2004 | MISSIONS
The Continuing Adventures of Ulysses
(NASA) - The NASA/ESA Ulysses spacecraft has begun a newly extended mission to study the Sun.

Mar 16, 2004 | MISSIONS
SOHO Spots a Prominent Prominence
(NASA) - SOHO recently detected a large mass of relatively cool plasma ejected from the Sun.

Mar 08, 2004 | MISSIONS
Volcanic Rock in Mars' Gusev Crater Hints at Past Water
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Spirit rover has found its own potential evidence of past water on Mars.

Mar 03, 2004 | MISSIONS
Meridiani Planum: 'Drenched'
(NASA) - Scientists discuss Opportunity's evidence for past water on Mars.

Mar 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Rover Finds Strong Evidence Meridiani Planum Was Wet
(NASA - JPL) - Scientists have concluded that the area of Mars where NASA's Opportunity rover is exploring was soaking wet in the past.

Feb 27, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
Greenhouses on Mars
(NASA) - NASA-supported researchers are trying to understand how greenhouses may work on other planets.

Feb 23, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Updates
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit continues to examine the trench it created, and Opportunity is busy using its microscope.

Feb 20, 2004 | MISSIONS
SORCE Celebrates One Year in Space
(NASA) - NASA's SORCE satellite celebrates its first anniversary after a very eventful year.

Feb 18, 2004 | SCIENCE
Can People Go to Mars
(NASA) - NASA discusses how space radiation may affect a human mission to Mars.

Feb 16, 2004 | MISSIONS
Check Before Digging
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity prepares to dig and Spirit goes for a long drive.

Feb 11, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
AI to Help Martian Exploration
( - Scientists are developing a computer system that will help robotic and human explorers on Mars.

Feb 10, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Pictures Raise 'Blueberry Muffin' Questions
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit finishes drilling into volcanic basalt as Opportunity studies small spheres embedded in bedrock.

Feb 05, 2004 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Sees Tiny Spheres in Martian Soil
(NASA – JPL) - NASA's Opportunity has examined its first patch of soil.

Feb 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Spirit Restored to Health
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit is healthy again due to the recovery work of mission engineers.

Feb 02, 2004 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Roles onto Martian Ground
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity has driven onto the soil of Mars.

Jan 30, 2004 | MISSIONS
Successful Progress Launch
(ESA) - A Russian supply rocket headed for the International Space Station is carrying equipment to study the affects of radiation on astronauts.

Jan 30, 2004 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Rover Begins Standing Up
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity has untucked its front wheels in preparation to move, and the recovering Spirit has sent another picture from Mars.

Jan 28, 2004 | TECHNOLOGIES
Mars Mice
(NASA) - In 2006, a group of mice-astronauts will orbit Earth in order to learn what it's like to live on Mars.

From Robotic Geologists to Human Geologists on Mars
(NASA - JPL) - Scientists are using the Mars Exploration Rovers to determine the potential for future human mission to the Red Planet.

Jan 25, 2004 | MISSIONS
First Images of Opportunity Site Show Bizarre Landscape
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Opportunity rover returned the first pictures of its landing site early today.

Jan 23, 2004 | MISSIONS
Further Communication Planned with Spirit
(NASA - JPL) - Early this morning, the flight team for the Mars Exploration Rovers received data from the Spirit rover at Gusev Crater.

Jan 21, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Mars Rover's First Soil Analysis Yields Surprises
(NASA - JPL) - The first use of the tools on the arm of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit reveals puzzles about the soil it examined.

Jan 20, 2004 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Opportunity Mission Status
(NASA - JPL) - Opportunity prepares for its arrival at Mars.

Jan 15, 2004 | MISSIONS
Spirit Rolls onto Martian Soil
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit successfully drove off its lander platform and onto the soil of Mars early today.

Jan 14, 2004 | MISSIONS
Spirit Gets a Travel Itinerary
(NASA -JPL) - Spirit has rotated on its lander and is preparing to undertake its new mission itinerary.

Jan 13, 2004 | MISSIONS
Chiao Replaces McArthur As Next Space Station Commander
(NASA) - NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao will replace William S. McArthur, Jr., as the commander of Expedition 9.

Jan 12, 2004 | MISSIONS
Spirit Rover Nearly Ready to Roll
(NASA - JPL) - With its arm and all six wheels free, Spirit is nearly ready to begin exploring the Martian surface.

Jan 09, 2004 | SCIENCE
Bush to Seek Manned Flights to Moon, Mars
( - President Bush will discuss his 'vision for expanding the space program' next week.

Jan 07, 2004 | MISSIONS
Most Detailed Picture of Mars Ever
(NASA -JPL) - Spirit has sent its first full-color picture of Mars.

Jan 07, 2004 |
Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field
(NASA) - Scientists mapping the Earth's magnetic field discuss its dynamic changes in both the past and present.

Jan 05, 2004 | MISSIONS
Healthy Rover Shows Its New Neighborhood on Mars
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit has begun to examine its surroundings.

Jan 05, 2004 | MISSIONS
Spirit Lands on Mars and Sends Postcards
(NASA - JPL) - Spirit has returned the first images from its landing site inside the Gusev Crater on Mars.

Dec 30, 2003 | MISSIONS
Destination: Gusev Crater
(NASA) - On January 3, NASA's Mars rover Spirit is scheduled to land in a strange crater that might be an ancient martian lake bed.

Dec 12, 2003 | SCIENCE
Extensive Destruction Powers Solar Explosions
(NASA - GSFC) - Destruction of magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere likely power enormous solar explosions.

Dec 11, 2003 | SCIENCE
NASA Scientists to Discuss Search for Extraterrestrial Life
(NASA - ARC) - A discussion about the search for extraterrestrial life will be held tomorrow as part of the American Geophysical Union's fall meeting.

Dec 05, 2003 | SCIENCE
Cracks in Earth's Magnetic Shield
(NASA) - Researchers find that cracks in the magnetic field can remain open for hours, allowing the solar wind to gush through.

Dec 03, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
Membranes on Mars
(NASA) - Thin membranes developed by NASA-funded researchers could help people go to Mars--and clean the air here on Earth.

Dec 02, 2003 | MISSIONS
Spotlight: Challenges of Getting to Mars
(NASA - JPL) - As the landing for the Mars Exploration Rovers approaches, researchers at NASA discuss the difficulties of getting to Mars.

Nov 26, 2003 | MISSIONS
NASA Briefing to Preview Twin Rovers' Arrival at Mars
(NASA - ARC) - The arrival date of the Mars Exploration Rovers 'Spirit' and 'Opportunity' is quickly approaching.

Nov 21, 2003 | SCIENCE
Focus on Solar Outbursts
(ESA) - After more than 20 years of watching the sun, scientists are beginning to understand the patterns of solar activity.

Nov 17, 2003 | SCIENCE
The Sun Goes Haywire
(NASA) - Solar maximum is years past, yet the sun has been remarkably active lately. Is the sunspot cycle broken?

Nov 07, 2003 | SCIENCE
The Biggest Solar Flare Ever is Classified as X28
(ESA) - The largest solar flare in history erupted on November 4th after weeks of heightened solar activity.

Cluster Detects Changes in Magnetosphere
(ESA) - Recent solar activity has provided scientists with an excellent opportunity to study changes in the Earth's magnetosphere.

Oct 30, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
Another Giant Solar Explosion
(ESA) - Solar activity that started with Tuesday's enormous solar flare continues.

Enormous X-ray Solar Flare Seen by SOHO
(ESA) - One of the largest solar flares on record exploded this past Tuesday, showering Earth with radiation.

Oct 28, 2003 | MISSIONS
Station Crew Lands Safely
(NASA) - The Expedition 7 crew safely returned home from their six month stay aboard the International Space Station.

Oct 24, 2003 | SCIENCE
Solar Superstorm
(NASA) - Scientists are beginning to understand a historic solar storm in 1859. One day, they say, it could happen again.

Oct 20, 2003 | MISSIONS
Expedition 8 Arrives at Station
(NASA) - The next crew of the International Space Station has safely arrived.

Oct 17, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
New NASA Facility Will Help Protect Crews From Radiation
(NASA) - The new NASA Space Radiation Laboratory will help scientists develop ways to protect spacecraft crews from harmful radiation.

Oct 14, 2003 | MISSIONS
Space Infrared Telescope Facility Mission Status
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Space Infrared Telescope Facility has been successfully focused.

Oct 07, 2003 | SCIENCE
DNA Biosentinels
(NASA) - NASA-supported researchers are learning easier ways to snag strands of DNA and examine them one by one under a microscope.

Sep 12, 2003 | SCIENCE
Solar Flares on Steroids
(NASA) - Scientists have discovered solar flares that originate from stars thousands of light years away.

Sep 09, 2003 | MISSIONS
Lending an Improved Ear
(NASA - JPL) - With new NASA-funded upgrades, the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia will once again help communicate with spacecraft exploring the solar system.

Aug 25, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
Harvesting Mars
(NASA) - A NASA-supported scientist is learning how to harvest rocket fuel and water from the Red Planet.

Aug 11, 2003 | MISSIONS
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status
(NASA - JPL) - The first in-flight checkouts of the science instruments aboard NASA’s twin Mars Exploration Rovers were recently completed.

Aug 08, 2003 | MISSIONS
Mars 2007 'Phoenix' Will Study Water Near Mars' North Pole
(NASA - JPL) - NASA has announced the selection of the University of Arizona 'Phoenix' mission for launch in 2007.

Jul 28, 2003 | EDUCATION
Students and Teachers to Explore Mars
(NASA - JPL) - High school students are given the opportunity to work on research projects during the Mars Exploration Rover missions.

Jul 23, 2003 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Opportunity Mission Status
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Opportunity spacecraft has successfully completed its first trajectory correction maneuver.

Jul 09, 2003 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Launches
(NASA - KSC) - The Mars rover 'Opportunity' launched successfully on Monday, July 7.

Jul 05, 2003 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Delayed Twenty-Four Hours
(NASA – KSC) - The launch of Opportunity has been rescheduled for July 7.

Jul 03, 2003 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Launch Delayed
(NASA - KSC) - The launch of Opportunity has been rescheduled for July 6.

Jul 01, 2003 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Delayed
(NASA - KSC) - The launch of the second Mars Exploration Rover has been postponed to no earlier than Saturday, July 5.

Jul 01, 2003 | MISSIONS
First Space Station Science Officer to Lead NASA Undersea Crew
(NASA) - Astronaut and ISS science officer Peggy Whitson recently served as commander for the crew of this year's first NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations mission.

Jun 30, 2003 | MISSIONS
Opportunity Launch Delayed
(NASA) - The second Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, is now targeted for launch on Wednesday, July 2.

Jun 23, 2003 | MISSIONS
Launch of Delta II with 'Opportunity' Targeted for June 28
(NASA - KSC) - Launch of NASA's second Mars Exploration Rover is officially set for Saturday, June 28.

Jun 22, 2003 | MISSIONS
MER-B Delayed
(NASA - KSC) - The launch of NASA's second Mars Exploration Rover has been delayed at least two days.

Jun 19, 2003 | MISSIONS
MER-B Status Report
(NASA - KSC) - With the successful launch of 'Spirit', mission specialists now turn to NASA's second Mars Exploration Rover, 'Opportunity'.

Jun 16, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
Preparing a Human Mission to Mars via Antarctica and Toulouse
(ESA) - Proposals are now being sought for experiments that will help researchers understand the effects of long duration spaceflight.

Jun 13, 2003 | SCIENCE
Earth Formed Much Earlier Than Thought?
( - New research indicates that Earth may have become a planetary body much earlier than previously believed.

Jun 10, 2003 | MISSIONS
NASA's 'Spirit' Rises on Its Way to Mars
(NASA - JPL) - The first of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers began its journey to the Red Planet today.

Jun 09, 2003 | MISSIONS
Next Rover Launch Attempt Set for Tuesday
(NASA) - Weather has again caused a launch delay for the first Mars Exploration Rover.

Jun 08, 2003 | MISSIONS
Rover Launch Scrubbed Due to Weather
(NASA) - The launch of the first Mars Exploration Rover has been rescheduled for Monday, June 9.

Jun 06, 2003 | MISSIONS
Mission Briefing Held Prior to June 8 Launch of Mars Exploration Rover
(NASA - KSC) - The Science/Mission briefing for the Launch of MER-A was held today at KSC.

Jun 05, 2003 | MISSIONS
NASA Will Send Two Robotic Geologists to Roam on Mars
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Mars Exploration Rover project kicks off by launching the first of two unique robotic geologists on June 8.

Jun 05, 2003 | SCIENCE
RHESSI's Lucky Break May Lead to Secret of Ultimate Explosions
(NASA – GSFC) - NASA's RHESSI satellite may have uncovered important clues about the mechanism for producing gamma-ray bursts.

May 30, 2003 | MISSIONS
MER-A Mars Exploration Rover Targeted for Launch June 8
(NASA - KSC) - The first of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers will now launch on June 8.

May 27, 2003 | MISSIONS
Mars Exploration Rover Spacecraft Undergo Biological Testing and Cleaning
(NASA - KSC) - NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spacecraft are cleaned before launch in accordance with NASA's planetary protection policy.

May 22, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
A New Way to Explore the Surface of Mars
(NASA) - Students from NC State are helping NASA explore the surface of Mars.

May 22, 2003 | MISSIONS
Mars Exploration Rover Status Report
(NASA - KSC) - The final preparations are now being made for the launch of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers.

May 21, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Selects In-Space Propulsion Innovations For Research
(NASA) - NASA selects 15 industry, government and academic organizations to pursue new technology that could revolutionize space exploration.

May 05, 2003 | MISSIONS
Expedition 6 Crew Returns Home
(NASA) - The sixth crew of the International Space Station has returned safely to Earth.

May 05, 2003 | MISSIONS
Looking for Life of Any Shape or Form
(ESA) - The European Space Agency discusses current and future missions in astrobiology.

Live Webcast Will Preview Mars Rover Adventure
(NASA - JPL) - A live, interactive broadcast on May 1st will preview NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Apr 28, 2003 | MISSIONS
Space Station Status Report
(NASA) - The International Space Station welcomed its new crew earlier today.

Apr 25, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Satellite Measures Earth’s Carbon Metabolism
(NASA GSFC) - NASA unveils the first consistent and continuous global measurement of Earth's 'metabolism'.

Apr 24, 2003 | SCIENCE
A Star with two North Poles
(NASA) - Sometimes the Sun's magnetic field goes haywire, and the effects are felt throughout the solar system.

Apr 16, 2003 | MISSIONS
Russian Cargo Ship Nudges Space Station to Higher Orbit
( - Russian cargo ship helps Space Station prepare for its next crew.

Apr 15, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
University at Buffalo Students to 'Explore Mars' in Utah
(NASA) - Doctoral students at the University of Buffalo help simulate a human mission to Mars.

Apr 14, 2003 | MISSIONS
NASA Rovers Slated to Examine Two Intriguing Sites on Mars
(NASA – JPL) - Landing sites have been chosen for NASA's twin Mars rovers.

Apr 04, 2003 | MISSIONS
Expedition 7 Crew Set to Launch
(NASA) - Primary crew members for the International Space Station's Expedition 7 have been named.

New Space Observatory to Study the Old, the Cold and the Dusty
(NASA JPL) - A new NASA observatory will examine protoplanetary discs.

Mar 26, 2003 | SCIENCE
Solar Effects On and Near Earth
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - A look at how changes in solar output can affect technology and space missions.

Mar 25, 2003 | MISSIONS
Europe Calls for Payload Proposals
(ESA) - The European Space Agency offers opportunities for scientists to help explore Mars.

Mar 20, 2003 | TECHNOLOGIES
ESA Prepares to Present SMART-1 to the Press
(ESA) - The ESA will present its first lunar mission to the press on April 3, 2003.

Mar 17, 2003 | EDUCATION
Scientists Educate Public on Connections between the Sun and Earth
(ESA) - As part of Sun-Earth days, scientists will explain current theories about how the Sun affects life on Earth.

Mar 12, 2003 | SCIENCE
Argument over Dinosaur Demise Continues
( - Scientists argue over the potential links between asteroid impacts, volcanic activity and the end of the dinosaurs.

Feb 26, 2003 | MISSIONS
NASA Starts Countdown to Mars Mission
( - The first launch date for NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers nears as researchers prepare to search for signs of life on the Red Planet.

Feb 25, 2003 | MISSIONS
Our Next Caller is…From Mars
(ESA) - Mars will be a busy place later this year when robotic missions from the USA, Europe and Japan all arrive at the Red Planet.

Jan 13, 2003 | MISSIONS
CHIPS Satellite Lifts Off
(NASA) - The spacecraft will look for traces of a supernova that may have altered life on Earth.

Dec 27, 2002 | SCIENCE
Evolution's Sweet Tooth
(Astrobiology Magazine) - How did intelligence evolve? A scientist studying differences between humans and great apes may have found a biochemical step in that direction.

Dec 04, 2002 | SCIENCE
Are Aliens a Bunch of Smarty-Pants?
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Scientists debate how long it takes to grow a brain.

Dec 03, 2002 | SCIENCE
Pop-up Planets
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Giant planets may form in only centuries instead of tens of millions of years.

Nov 26, 2002 | SCIENCE
Life from Scratch?
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Scientists plan to create a microbe with the minimum number of genes necessary to sustain life.

Nov 26, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Surviving the Final Frontier
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Can microbes travel between planets aboard meteorites?

Nov 18, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
A Spaceship among Meteors
(NASA) - With millions of people watching, the International Space Station will glide over North America during the 2002 Leonid meteor storm.

Nov 14, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
NASA Prepares for 'Last Chance' Meteor Shower
(NASA) - NASA astrobiologist Dr. Peter Jenniskens takes to the air in his fourth and final airborne mission to study the Leonid meteor shower.

Space Station's Second Anniversary
(NASA) - This week marks two years of science research aboard the International Space Station.

Nov 07, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Mission Kicks off 3rd Year of Space Station Science
(NASA) - The Shuttle will head for the station with new experiments, a new station crew, and a 14-ton girder.

Nov 06, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Space Shuttle Returns First Soybeans Grown on Space Station
(NASA) - The soybeans may reveal whether microgravity alters the chemistry of plants.

Oct 31, 2002 | SCIENCE
Cutting through the Protein Knots
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Scientists simulate part of the folding of a protein, using a worldwide network of over 200,000 computers.

Oct 29, 2002 | SCIENCE
Licancabur Expedition Journal: Part Two
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrol reports stumbling upon the largest field of stromatolites she has ever seen.

Oct 28, 2002 | SCIENCE
Concerted Evolution
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Statistical analysis reveals that patterns in genes resemble good musical structure. The patterns may reveal how genes evolved.

Oct 23, 2002 | SCIENCE
When Did Life Begin? Ask a Rock
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Ancient rocks in Greenland may provide important information about the earliest life on Earth.

Oct 21, 2002 | SCIENCE
What's Living in the World's Highest Lake?
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Astrobiologists have begun an expedition to a pond at the tip of a volcano.

Oct 18, 2002 | MISSIONS
Atlantis Returns Home
(NASA) - The Space Shuttle touched down at Kennedy Space Center this morning.

Oct 16, 2002 | MISSIONS
Astronauts Complete Spacewalks and Head for Home
(NASA) - With its construction work finished, Shuttle Atlantis undocked from the International Space Station this morning.

Oct 15, 2002 | SCIENCE
Studying Evolution with Digital Organisms
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Digital organisms that exist only as computer code may lead to a new understanding of evolution.

Oct 11, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Boost for Life on Jupiter Moon
(BBC) - New observations made by the Galileo spacecraft may strengthen the argument for life on Europa.

Oct 10, 2002 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Crew Arrives at Space Station, Begins First Spacewalk
(NASA) - Astronauts attached the enormous S1 Truss to the station and began activating it.

Oct 07, 2002 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Atlantis Lifts Off
(NASA) - The Space Shuttle is set to dock with the International Space Station on Wednesday.

Space Medicine
(NASA) - In order for astronauts to safely travel to Mars and other planets, new technologies must be developed to dope with the ill effects of space.

Oct 03, 2002 | MISSIONS
Hurricane Threat Delays Shuttle Launch
(USA Today) - Hurricane Lili led mission managers to postpone Wednesday's planned lift-off until this Monday.

Oct 02, 2002 | SCIENCE
Water Worlds
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Astronomers have detected possible signs of water on extrasolar planets.

Oct 01, 2002 | SCIENCE
Video: an Interview with Andrew Knoll
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - A world without elephants? Paleontologist Andrew Knoll discusses what he calls "the biotic crisis."

Sep 27, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Shortlisting Stars With Planets
(Astrobiololgy Magazine) - ESA researchers discover the first evidence of dust rings surrounding our solar system.

Search for Life at the Top of the World
( - Scientists who study life in extreme environments prepare to take students on a virtual fieldtrip to the world’s highest lake.

Sep 23, 2002 | SCIENCE
Rings Around the Earth: a Clue to Climate Change?
(Sandia National Labs) - An asteroid impact may have formed temporary rings around Earth, much like the rings of Saturn.

Sep 18, 2002 | SCIENCE
Planet Building Volcanoes No Longer Rule, but They Still Rage
( - Volcanoes play an important role in the processes of life.

Sep 16, 2002 | SCIENCE
Tiny Camera Observes Worms Spinning at 100 Times Earth’s Gravity
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Tiny worms are being observed by NASA scientists to explore how life adapts to gravity beyond Earth.

Sep 13, 2002 | SCIENCE
Antarctic Animals Feel the Heat
(BBC) - Warming of the waters surrounding Antarctica may mean extinction for much of the continent’s local sea-life

Sep 12, 2002 | SCIENCE
Life Reached Land a Billion Years Ago
(Life Reached Land a Billion Years Ago) - Possible traces of the first organisms ever to inhabit the land have been identified in northwestern Scotland.

Sep 11, 2002 | SCIENCE
Tuning in to Other Worlds
(Astrobiology Magazine) - The forces that light auroras above Earth also discharge radio waves. Scientists may find distant planets by listening for radio bursts.

Sep 10, 2002 | MISSIONS
No Drought of Mars Landing Sites
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Proposed landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers may yield evidence of liquid water on ancient Mars.

Sep 06, 2002 | SCIENCE
Runnegar to Lead NASA Astrobiology Institute
(NASA) - Astrobiologist Bruce Runnegar will direct the virtual organization, a network of NASA field centers, universities and research organizations.

Sep 04, 2002 | SCIENCE
Tracking the Path of Green Slime
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Cyanobacteria on Earth today yield a great deal of information about the evolution of life throughout history.

Aug 29, 2002 | MISSIONS
No Bugs Please, This Is a Clean Planet!
(ESA) - ESA is making sure its robotic missions to bodies within our solar system are biologically ‘clean’.

Aug 27, 2002 | SCIENCE
Dino-Killer Asteroid Triggered Huge Tsunamis
(Discovery) - Ancient landslides along the Pacific Coast tell of a 65-million-year-old asteroid impact.

Rehearsal Readies Scientists for NASA's Next Mars Landing
(NASA) - Scientists have spent the last few weeks in the desert, rehearsing their roles for Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Aug 20, 2002 | SCIENCE
Microorganisms Grow at Low Pressures, Implying Possible Life on Mars
(Univ. of Arkansas) - Researchers have shown that microorganisms can grow at pressures similar to those found at the Martian surface.

Aug 15, 2002 | MISSIONS
Work Starts On Assembling Beagle 2
(Space Daily) - Assembly of the European Space Agency’s Beagle 2 lander has begun, and researchers hope it will be on the surface of Mars by late next year.

Aug 14, 2002 | SCIENCE
Continuing Search for Ancient Martian Life
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Researchers have published their latest evidence for ancient microbes in a meteorite from Mars.

Aug 09, 2002 | MISSIONS
A Robotic Return to the Moon
( - The National Research Council has released a report proposing a robotic mission to the Moon's South Pole.

Aug 06, 2002 | SCIENCE
Soybean Plants Thriving aboard Space Station
(NASA) - The Advanced Astroculture experiment will further our understanding of how Earth life reacts to conditions in space.

Aug 01, 2002 | SCIENCE
Eukaryotic Origins: Revolution in the Classification of Life
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Was the nucleus of a cell once a separate bacterium that was engulfed by another microbe?

Jul 30, 2002 | MISSIONS
NASA's Mars 'Czar' Gives a Status Report on Red Planet Plans
( - Orlando Figueroa discusses bringing back a piece of Mars and other long-term missions.

Jul 25, 2002 | SCIENCE
Solar System's Path May Have Spurred Ice Ages
( - Our solar system's orbit through the galaxy may have exposed it periodically to cosmic rays which altered Earth's climate.

Jul 23, 2002 | SCIENCE
The Earth is a Tough Place
( - At a conference in Australia, astrobiologists turned their attention to geology: the early Earth, evidence of asteroid impacts, and deadly super-volcanoes

Jul 12, 2002 |
Bioastronomy 2002: Scientists Look for Life
( - Over 200 researchers are meeting near Australia's Great Barrier Reef to discuss the potential for life elsewhere in the universe.

Ice Cube of Exotic Microbes
(Astrobiology Magazine) - A pocket of permafrost deep beneath Antarctica offers a chance to test sterile drilling techniques before exploring elsewhere for exotic microbes.

Jul 09, 2002 | SCIENCE
Carbon Conundrum
(Astrobiology Magazine) - Scientists are gaining greater insight into the carbon cycle, which profoundly influences Earth's climate.

Jul 08, 2002 | SCIENCE
Protecting the Planet: Q&A with Asteroid Hunter David Morrison
( - Morrison describes the hunt for objects that could pose a potential threat to Earth.

Jun 28, 2002 | SCIENCE
Curious Skeletons
(NASA) - Cytoskeletons, the support structures of cells, may influence how cells behave in space.

Jun 27, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Defining Life
(Astrobiology Magazine) - A clear definition of life is necessary if we're to recognize it elsewhere in the universe.

Jun 26, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Large Former Lake, Catastrophic Flood Identified on Mars
(Spaceflight Now) - The lake once covered an area the size of Texas and New Mexico combined.

Jun 17, 2002 | MISSIONS
Bad Weather Delays Shuttle Landing
(NASA) - Forecasts of thunderstorms are forcing Shuttle Endeavour to try again Tuesday.

Jun 13, 2002 | MISSIONS
Command of Space Station Changes Hands; Construction Proceeds
(NASA) - As the new crew sets up shop at the space station, shuttle astronauts walk in space to continue building the outpost.

Jun 07, 2002 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Arrives at Space Station
(NASA) - The shuttle brings with it a new crew for the station.

Jun 04, 2002 | SCIENCE
Stephen Jay Gould Remembered
(SF Chronicle) - Gould argued that evolution proceeds not smoothly, but in fits and starts.

May 22, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Other Worlds Not So Strange, Top Planet Hunter Says
( - Astronomers are beginning to find planetary systems that resemble our own.

May 21, 2002 | MISSIONS
Hubble Telescope: Surprise Tool in Search for Life
( - Hubble has unexpectedly made major contributions to astrobiology.

May 20, 2002 | SCIENCE
Mars Meteorite's Link to Life Questioned
( - A pair of scientists argue that magnetite crystals in a Mars meteorite weren't produced by microorganisms.

May 17, 2002 | SCIENCE
Age of Dinosaurs Bracketed by Asteroid or Comet Impacts
(Columbia Univ.) - New research bolsters the theory that the age of dinosaurs not only ended with an asteroid or comet impact, but began with one as well.

May 13, 2002 | SCIENCE
Cosmic Catastrophe
(BBC) - A scientist believes that an exploding star will one day wipe out life on Earth.

May 08, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Study Urges Caution about Possible Dangerous Martian Life
( - The National Research Council has outlined planetary protection measures for a human trip to Mars.

May 07, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Australia Prepares for Asteroid Scavenger's Otherworldly Cargo
( - Officials review planetary protection measures for the MUSES-C sample return.

Sending RATs to Mars
(NASA) - The Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) will drill for signs of water in Mars' distant past.

Apr 29, 2002 | SCIENCE
Looking for Life in All the Right Places
( - A report from the second Astrobiology Science Conference.

Apr 26, 2002 | SCIENCE
Antifreeze Discovered in Space
(National Radio Astronomy Observatory) - The compound is also involved the formation of sugar molecules necessary for life.

Apr 24, 2002 | SCIENCE
Darwinian Star Formation Weeds Out Wimps
( - Large stars may steal their smaller neighbors' planet-making material.

Apr 24, 2002 | MISSIONS
Mars Rover Landing Spots: Blowing In The Wind
( - Scientists have discovered a new problem with some of the proposed landing sites for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers: strong winds.

Astrobiology Explorer Chosen for Feasibility Study
(NASA) - The proposed space telescope will look for the building blocks of life in interstellar space.

NASA Scientists Receive First Plant Images from Space Station
(NASA) - The video images will help scientists understand how weightlessness affects plant development.

Apr 19, 2002 | MISSIONS
Atlantis Makes Perfect Landing
(NASA) - The mission delivered new experiments to the space station and brought completed studies back.

Shuttle Heads for Home
(NASA) - Space Shuttle Atlantis undocked from the International Space Station yesterday, leaving behind new experiments and taking completed ones home.

Apr 15, 2002 | SCIENCE
Signs of Another Solar System Like Ours
( - Scientists have uncovered additional evidence that planets are forming in a cloud of dust around the star Beta Pictoris.

Apr 11, 2002 | SCIENCE
Audio: Developments in Astrobiology
(KQED-FM) - In conjunction with the second Astrobiology Science Conference, astrobiologists describe developments in the field.

Apr 10, 2002 | MISSIONS
Atlantis Docks with Space Station
(NASA) - The two spacecraft hooked up as they flew over central China.

Space Shuttle Heads for the Space Station
(NASA) - Shuttle Atlantis is set to arrive at the station on Wednesday.

Plant Growth in Space
(NASA) - After several delays, the Space Shuttle is set to blast off this afternoon. It carries with it an apparatus to study how weightlessness affects plants.

Bacteria in Zero-G
(NASA) - As it blasts off Sunday afternoon, the Space Shuttle will carry along an experiment to find out why bacteria grow better in space.

Mar 25, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Why it Snows at Mars' North Pole
( - A computer simulation may explain why more water ice collects at Mars' north pole than at its south pole.

Mar 19, 2002 | MISSIONS
Radiation Instrument Goes back to Work
(NASA) - Engineers have fixed the malfunctioning Martian Radiation Environment experiment (MARIE) aboard the Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

Mar 15, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Mars Rover Landing Site Sweet Spots Not So Sweet
( - Spacecraft orbiting Mars have revealed problems with proposed landing sites for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers.

Mar 14, 2002 | SCIENCE
Exploding Star May Have Sparked Earth Disaster
(CNN) - Scientists argue that a nearby supernova caused a mini-extinction of marine life 2 million years ago.

Vast Ice Fields Suggest Life on Mars Possible
(L.A. Times) - Scientists say they are 'blown away' by the Odyssey spacecraft's findings.

Feb 27, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Digital Data Puts Mars on Map
(BBC) - A new high-resolution atlas of Mars could help determine whether the planet is geologically active.

Feb 26, 2002 | SCIENCE
Alien Life More Likely to Be Found outside Solar System
(Spaceflight Now) - Astrobiologist Norman Pace believes Mars and Europa aren't very promising places for life.

Feb 14, 2002 | SCIENCE
Wrenching Tides on Europa Could Force Life to Evolve
( - Ruptures in Europa's icy crust might permit photosynthesis and compel life to adapt rapidly.

Profile: David Wynn-Williams
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - In frozen Antarctica, an astrobiologist studies how to hunt for life on Mars.

Mars Global Surveyor Begins Second Year of Extended Mission
(Malin Space Science Systems) - A new 3-D image from the probe shows layers perhaps deposited by wind or water.

Ideas that Gel
(NASA) - Aerogel, the world's lightest solid, will catch pieces of a comet.

Feb 06, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Four Sites Considered for Landers
(Florida Today) - Isidis Planitia has replaced Athabasca Vallis as one of the candidate landing sites for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers.

Looking for Life's Imprint—Light Years Away
(NASA) - The Terrestrial Planet Finder may one day find life on distant planets by identifying chemicals in their atmospheres.

Jan 28, 2002 | SCIENCE
The Great Dying
(NASA) - The worst mass extinction in Earth's history may have been caused by an asteroid or comet impact.

Cell Wars
(NASA) - In space, immune cells don't work the way they do on the ground.

In Search of E.T.'s Breath
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The atmospheres of distant planets may tell us if life is present.

Jan 13, 2002 | SCIENCE
Evidence of Bacteria on Europa?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Reddish streaks criss-crossing this icy moon of Jupiter might be a sign of life.

Jan 09, 2002 | SCIENCE
Radiation from Space May Affect Biological Evolution
(UT Austin) - Bursts of radiation from the Sun, from supernovae, or from deep space might wipe out life on other planets. Then again, they might speed up life's evolution.

Jan 08, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Space Station Crew Completes Microgravity Experiments
(NASA) - The astronauts have conducted a number of experiments on the effects of spaceflight on cell biology and human health.

Signs of Life: On the Lookout for Extraterrestrial Sweet Spots
( - A new report reviews methods for detecting extraterrestrial life, and for preventing cross-contamination of planets.

Young Stars in the 'Pillars of Creation'
(ESO) - New infrared images of the Eagle Nebula may help determine whether very bright stars prevent planets from forming around nearby newborn stars.

Kevlar vs. Comets: Bullet-Proof Craft to Get Closest Comet Views Ever
( - NASA's CONTOUR spacecraft will be pelted by high-velocity particles as it swoops in for close-up views of comets.

Dec 26, 2001 | SCIENCE
The First Sulfur Eaters
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - In three-and-a-half-billion-year-old rocks, scientists have found indications of a type of bacteria that consumes sulfate—possibly one of the oldest known life forms on the planet.

All-Terrain Rovers May Scale Mars' Cliffs
(NASA) - The robots may search for signs of past or present life by exploring water seepage or exposed geologic layers

Dec 18, 2001 | SCIENCE
Test-tube RNA
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Scientists have produced evidence that life may have evolved from RNA.

New Signs of Water on Mars Create Hope of Great Discovery
( - The Mars Odyssey orbiter has found preliminary signs of water or water ice just below the planet's surface.

Dec 17, 2001 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Endeavour Returns to Earth
(NASA) - The shuttle brings home the third space station crew after four months in space.

Dec 14, 2001 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Prepares to Separate from Space Station, Head for Home
(NASA) - Having transferred a new crew to the station, space shuttle Endeavour will undock Saturday and land Monday.

Dec 13, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Where to Land on Mars? It's Not an Easy Choice
(NASA) - Scientists have selected four candidate landing sites for the twin Mars Exploration Rovers.

Dec 12, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Mars Global Surveyor Sees Possible Climate Change
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Photos indicate that Mars' climate is changing even now.

Dec 07, 2001 | MISSIONS
Endeavour Arrives at Space Station
(NASA) - Endeavour brings with it a new space station crew to relieve the current crew.

Europe Heads for Mars
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The Beagle 2, a compact, lightweight lander carried on the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Express orbiter, will search for signs of life on the Red Planet.

Dec 06, 2001 | MISSIONS
Endeavour Heads toward Space Station
(NASA) - Space Shuttle Endeavour lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, yesterday en route to the International Space Station.

Dec 03, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
New Evidence That Water Once Covered Mars
(AP) - Hydrogen gas in Mars' upper atmosphere suggests that large amounts of water once flowed over Mars.

Nov 30, 2001 | MISSIONS
Space Shuttle launch Moved to Tuesday
(NASA) - The delay will allow time to dock an unmanned Russian cargo ship more firmly to the International Space Station

Nov 29, 2001 | MISSIONS
Today's Planned Shuttle Launch Postponed until Tomorrow
(NASA) - The launch was delayed due to problems with the docking of a Russian cargo ship at the International Space Station.

Nov 28, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Alien Atmosphere Discovered
(NASA) - NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has detected the atmosphere of a planet circling a distant Sun-like star.

Quail Eggs to Provide Clues to Effects of Microgravity
(NASA) - Equipment to study the effects of weightlessness on the development of bird embryos is set to fly into space this Thursday aboard the space shuttle.

NASA Selects Investigations for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
(NASA) - The 10 science investigations include searching for water on Mars.

Small Ozone Hole Nearing Europe
(European Space Agency) - Although the mini ozone hole is expected to reach southern Scandinavia, scientitsts do not expect it to be harmful.

Nov 08, 2001 | SCIENCE
Astrobiologists to Launch Mission to Early Earth
(Univ. of Rochester) - Researchers from the University of Rochester are burrowing deep underground to determine the signature of early life.

Nov 07, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
Computer Vision Test Holds Promise for Robotic Eye Doctor
(NASA) - A new method for detecting the onset of eye diseases and brain tumors may benefit patients on Earth as well as in space.

Nov 06, 2001 | SCIENCE
Hydrothermal Vents: Life's First Home?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The discovery of vent life in early 1977 began a dramatic shift in the study of the origin of life

Good Vibrations
(NASA) - A new treatment under study by NASA-funded doctors could reverse bone loss experienced by astronauts in space.

Nov 05, 2001 | SCIENCE
Space Research Provides New Evidence on the Role of Gravity in Fertilization
(NASA) - Studies of sea urchins on Earth and in space indicate that gravity may have a significant impact on reproduction.

Nov 02, 2001 | SCIENCE
Scientists Toast the Discovery of Vinyl Alcohol in Interstellar Space
(Space Daily) - Astronomers have detected vinyl alcohol, a complex organic compound, in a cloud of interstellar gas and dust.

Oct 31, 2001 | SCIENCE
Invasion of the Deep-sea Microbes
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - A team of scientists is presently using the deep-sea submersible "Alvin" to monitor how microbes colonize hydrothermal vents.

Oct 30, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Bulldozer Rovers Could Get the Scoop on Mars
(NASA) - Tiny bulldozer rovers may some day dish up the dirt and pack it in on Mars.

Success of Mars Odyssey Satellite Puts Communications Link in Place for Upcoming Rover Mission
(Cornell Univ.) - In 2004, the Odyssey orbiter will send data collected by two surface rovers back to Earth.

Oct 26, 2001 | SCIENCE
'Tis the Season for Auroras
(NASA) - Autumn is a good time to spot Northern Lights, and scientists would like to know why.

Oct 25, 2001 | SCIENCE
NASA Looks for Sleepy Volunteers
(NASA) - NASA researchers are soliciting volunteers to to stay in bed for one month in order to simulate the effects of microgravity on the human body.

Oct 24, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
Bee Vision: The Latest Buzz in Space Exploration
(NASA) - With their ability to see the unique patterns of flowers visible only in the ultraviolet range, bees have inspired NASA researchers to develop new technologies to search for life on other planets.

Oct 18, 2001 | SCIENCE
Photosynthesis: Take It or Leave It
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - A serendipitous examination of ocean waters last year brought a big surprise for a team of US and Canadian scientists, causing marine ecologists to rethink the details of photosynthesis in ocean ecosystems.

Oct 16, 2001 | SCIENCE
Space Bones
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Weightlessness sure looks like a lot of fun, but prolonged exposure to zero-g in space can have some negative side effects—like the weakening of human bones.

Oct 15, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
Space Technologies Aid in Preventing Infant Deaths
(European Space Agency) - Technologies used for understanding how Earth life responds to conditions in space may help protect life on Earth as well.

Oct 05, 2001 | SCIENCE
Genomics Meets Geology
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Researchers at the NASA Astrobiology Institute are combining chemistry, geological history and paleontology in an effort to better understand the origin and evolution of life on Earth.

Surviving the Stress of Extreme Environments
(European Space Agency) - At a recent conference in Toulouse, France, researchers discussed the ways in which stress may affect future missions beyond Earth orbit.

Oct 02, 2001 | SCIENCE
Evolution's Double Take
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Researchers claim that hydrogenosomes—cell components that allow some organisms to survive in oxygen-free environments—have repeatedly evolved from mitochondria in the course of evolution.

Space station experiment 'shakes' for science
(NASA) - During the first two weeks of September, the Space Station crew assisted with the "shaker" tests of an experimental device to protect delicate microgravity research from vibrations.

Sep 10, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Space Station Crew Keeping Watch on Earth
(CNN) - Astronauts aboard the International Space Station aren't using their cameras simply to take amazing vacation photos; they're providing researchers with important information about conditions here on Earth.

Sep 10, 2001 | SCIENCE
Space Station Astronauts: Trip to Mars is Doable
(CNN) - The recently returned crew of the International Space Station believe humans would be able to adapt to Martian conditions despite the ill effects of spending months in microgravity.

Sep 07, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
First Commercial Space Station Planned by MirCorp and Russians
( - Astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station may be getting new neighbors in the near future.

Sep 06, 2001 | SCIENCE
Asteroid or Comet Caused Earth's Largest Mass Extinction
( - Scientists working in China have have unearthed additional evidence that the Permian-Triassic extinction was triggered by an asteroid or comet impact.

NASA Makes Data from Mars Life Experiments Available to Scientists
(Washington Post) - Twenty-five years after the Viking mission tested for evidence of life on Mars, NASA has made the data available for reexamination by the scientific community.

Scientists Hunt for Light Flashes from Extraterrestrial Civilizations
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - An increasing number of researchers are seeking signals from extraterrestrial civilizations not by listening to a radio antenna but by looking through a telescope.

Aug 30, 2001 | SCIENCE
Solar Max is Over, Earth's Future Looks Brighter
( - Now that a spell of intense solar activity has passed, changes may be in store for Earth.

Aug 30, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
First Cells Being Grown on Space Station
(NASA) - The first cell culture experiments aboard the International Space Station are on the way to being completed by early next week.

Aug 24, 2001 | SCIENCE
Guerrero Negro
(NASA Astrobiology) - Near the seaside town of Guerrero Negro in Mexico's Baja Peninsula, microbial mats could tell us about the early Earth, and about finding life on other planets.

Aug 23, 2001 | SCIENCE
Advances in Our Understanding of Life
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Excerpts from testimony by astrobiologist Jack Farmer to the House Subcommiteee on Space and Aeronautics.

Aug 22, 2001 | MISSIONS
Space Shuttle Returns to Earth
(NASA) - Three space station astronauts ended five months in space as the shuttle brought them home to Earth today.

Mars Odyssey Mission Status
(NASA) - While the spacecraft is in overall good health. flight controllers have turned off the Martian Radiation Environment Experiment (MARIE) after the instrument did not respond.

Mars Airplane Prototype Completes Test Flight
(NASA) - A test version of an airplane that someday may fly over Mars successfully completed a high-altitude flight.

Aug 20, 2001 | MISSIONS
With Final Spacewalk Complete, Shuttle Departs Space Station
(NASA) - Attention now turns to the Shuttle's return to Earth on Wednesday.

Aug 20, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Solar-Powered Plane Breaks Altitude Records
(USA Today) - NASA’s Helios aircraft, designed to fly for periods of up to three months, may provide a new means of studying the Earth’s environment and exploring Mars.

Shuttle Astronauts Complete First Spacewalk, Continue Station Crew Transition
(NASA) - The astronauts installed an ammonia coolant reservoir and a suite of experiments on the exterior of the International Space Station.

Aug 15, 2001 | SCIENCE
Study Doubles Number of Potential Earth-Like Planets
( - Terrestrial planets may be able to form around binary stars as well as solitary stars.

Detecting Other Worlds: Transit Photometry
( - By looking for slight variations in the brightness of stars, astronomers are able to detect Earth-sized planets outside of the solar system.

Aug 13, 2001 | MISSIONS
Space Shuttle Lifts off, Docks with Space Station
(NASA) - The mission will deliver a new crew to the International Space Station, and bring the current crew home to Earth.

Aug 09, 2001 | SCIENCE
NASA Scientists Propose New Theory of Earth's Early Evolution
(NASA) - NASA scientists recently proposed a new explanation for the rise of oxygen in Earth's early atmosphere—an event that may have jumpstarted the evolution of complex life.

Aug 08, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Shuttle Prepares for Launch
(NASA) - Space Shuttle Discovery is set to lift off Thursday.

Aug 08, 2001 | SCIENCE
Lightning Jumpstarts Evolution
(Nature) - Using laboratory-generated lighting, researchers have caused bacteria in soil to trade DNA with each other.

Aug 06, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Next Space Station Crew Ready to Focus on Research
( - The crew will set off for the International Space Station on Thursday. For four months they will study the effects of living in space.

Aug 06, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Astronauts' Bodies Suffer Without Gravity
(NASA) - The absence of gravity in space can cause serious problems for astronauts, including muscle and bone loss, when they return to the Earth’s surface.

Aug 02, 2001 | SCIENCE
Did Tectonics Get an Early Start?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The conditions necessary for complex life may have arisen earlier than previously thought.

Aug 02, 2001 | SCIENCE
SETI and the Search for Life
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Excerpts from testimony by SETI researcher Christopher F. Chyba to the "Life in the Universe" congressional hearings.

Looking for Life at the Poles of Mars
( - While most liquid water on Mars may lie deep underground, life might exist close to the surface of the polar ice caps.

Waste Not, Want Not on the Road to Mars
(ESA) - An artificial ecosystem prepares to undergo its first tests.

Jul 31, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Is the Signature of life on Mars Present in Decades-old Data?
(University of Southern California) - A scientist claims that results from 25 years ago show evidence of life in a scoopful of Martian soil.

Jul 31, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Space Seeds Return to Earth
(Science@NASA) - Seed pods grown in space will help determine whether plants can complete normal life cycles while in orbit.

Jul 27, 2001 | SCIENCE
The Search for Life in the Universe
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Excerpts from testimony submitted to the "Life in the Universe" hearings held by the House Subcommiteee on Space and Aeronautics.

Jul 27, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Eilene Theilig: Faith, by Jupiter
(CNN) - The manager of NASA’s Galileo mission to Jupiter discusses the 12-year-old spacecraft and what it has taught us so far.

Jul 26, 2001 | SCIENCE
Detecting Other Worlds: The 'Pulse' Method
( - Using a technique known as pulsar timing, scientists are able to detect planets around stars outside of our solar system.

Jul 23, 2001 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Astronauts Complete Final Space Walk, Head for Home
(NASA) - The Space Shuttle is set to return to Earth tonight.

Twenty-Five Years after Viking, Mars Life Debate Continues
(CNN) - On the anniversary of the first Viking landing on Mars, scientists disagree over what Viking found when it scooped up Martian soil.

Jul 19, 2001 | SCIENCE
Nitrates, Lightning Key to Life at Early Earth
( - Researchers have helped to explain how proto-plants paved the way for life as we know it.

Jul 18, 2001 | MISSIONS
Second Space Walk Complete
(NASA) - Astronauts successfully attached oxygen and nitrogen tanks to the International Space Station's newly installed airlock.

New Wheels Developed for Mars
(Florida Today) - Creative wheel designs are required to get around the planet's difficult terrain.

Jul 18, 2001 | MISSIONS
Dust Storm Rages on Mars
(CNN) - NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor has spotted a large dust storm on Mars, and researchers expect that the storm will continue to grow.

Zooming in on Mars
( - Set for launch in 2005, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) will be essential to selecting landing sites for future missions.

Jul 16, 2001 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Docks with Space Station; First Space walk Complete
(NASA) - Astronauts from Space Shuttle Atlantis have installed a new airlock on the International Space Station.

Jul 12, 2001 | MISSIONS
Space Shuttle Heads for Space Station
(NASA) - Shuttle Atlantis lifted off successfully from Kennedy Space Center early this morning.

Jul 11, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Shuttle Launch Preparations Continue
(NASA) - The mission is scheduled to launch Thursday at 2:04 a.m. Pacific (5:04 a.m. Eastern/09:04 GMT).

Jul 10, 2001 | SCIENCE
The Meaning of Life
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Researchers consider the societal implications of finding life elsewhere in the universe.

Jul 09, 2001 | MISSIONS
First Crew of Simulated Mars Base Settles In
(The Mars Society) - A simulated Mars base is now open for business.

Space Station Sends Back First Radiation Data
(NASA) - The data, obtained by thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs), will help charactize the radiation environment aboard the International Space Station.

Jul 02, 2001 | SCIENCE
Detecting Other Worlds: The 'Flash' (Gravitational Lens) Method
( - Gravity from galaxies, stars, or planets can bend light to form points, arcs, and even halos—an effect known as a gravitational lens.

Jun 29, 2001 | SCIENCE
Mercury Accused of Dislodging Asteroid that Doomed Dinosaurs
( - A shift in the orbit of Mercury may have perturbed the asteroid belt, nudging an asteroid toward Earth.

Simulating a Martian Colony in the Arctic
( - A prototype Mars base will permit a full-dress rehearsal for a human trip to Mars

Jun 26, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA Readies Solar-Powered, High-Altitude Plane
( - The plane will give scientists a first inkling of what flight would be like on Mars.

Rosetta: a Spacecraft in Search of Pristine Matter
(Spaceflight Now) - The mission will get a close-up view of a comet's nucleus.

Jun 23, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Europa: Chewy or Crunchy?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - For geophysicist William B. Moore, the question of whether life exists on Jupiter's moon Europa boils down to whether the moon's center is chewy or crunchy.

Jun 18, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
A Pregnancy Test for Mars
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The same antibody technology used in home pregnancy tests may one day search for find signs of past or present life on Mars.

Jun 15, 2001 | SCIENCE
Do We Know What Killed the Dinosaurs?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Exactly how a single asteroid impact caused so much devastation remains a matter of debate.

NASA Selects Mars Scout Concepts for Further Study
(NASA) - The mission concepts include gliders, satellites flying in formation, and sample return.

Jun 13, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Swept Away: Evidence of Erosion on Mars
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Flowing water may have eroded a broad swath of the surface of Mars roughly 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago.

Jun 08, 2001 | SCIENCE
Jurassic Spark: Early Ancestor of Mammals Found
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The tiny mammal is 40 million years older than any mammalian fossil previously found.

Jun 06, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Europe Launches into Astrobiology
(ESA) - The European Space Agency (ESA) has proposed an ambitious astrobiology program called Aurora.

May 31, 2001 | MISSIONS
What Space Needs: the Human Touch
(Science@NASA) - NASA's Human Exploration and Development of Space enterprise tackles the problem of sending humans into space.

May 30, 2001 | SCIENCE
Did Hades Freeze Over?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Ice ages may have enveloped the Earth early in its history

AI Software to Command Mission
(NASA) - Spacecraft and robotic explorers that can make their own decisions will be essential for future space exploration.

May 24, 2001 | SCIENCE
Detecting Other Worlds through Doppler Spectroscopy
( - Of the 60 known extrasolar planets, almost all have been discovered by a technique called doppler spectroscopy.

Canadian University Works to Sustain Life in Deep Space
( - A new laboratory will help researchers design renewable life support systems for long-duration space missions.

May 21, 2001 | SCIENCE
Mass Extinction that Led to Rise of Dinosaurs Happened Quickly
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - The age of dinosaurs not only may have ended with an asteroid or comet impact—it may have started with one.

Human Travel to Mars May Happen Sooner Than Expected, Scientists Say
(National Georaphic) - Researchers are considering the feasibility of a human mission to Mars.

Remote Devon Island Is Site of Mars Research
( Today) - Researchers will spend the summer living in a simulated Mars base.

May 08, 2001 | MISSIONS
Humans to Mars in 20 Years or Less, NASA Chief Says
( - According to NASA administrator Daniel Goldin, research conducted aboard the International Space Station will help make travel to Mars possible.

May 07, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
How Jupiter Got Big
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - How did the largest planet in our solar system form? New theories on how planets like Jupiter form put traditional theories to the test.

The Phantom Torso
(Science@NASA) - An unusual space traveler named Fred is orbiting Earth aboard the International Space Station. His job? To keep astronauts safe from space radiation.

May 04, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
Unpuzzling Proteins
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Thanks to a new supercomputer, scientists may be a step closer to understanding one of nature's more difficult puzzles: protein folding.

Future Telescopes Could Be Constellations in Themselves
( Today) - One day clusters of space-based telescopes will combine their images to produce a virtual large telescope in space.

May 03, 2001 | SCIENCE
Planets May Be Rarer than Previously Thought
(Spaceflight Now/Vanderbilt Univ.) - Ultraviolet light from nearby massive stars may blast away developing planetary systems.

May 02, 2001 | MISSIONS
Space Weather on Mars
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Future human explorers of Mars can leave their umbrellas back on Earth, but perhaps they shouldn't forget their Geiger counters! A NASA experiment en route to the Red Planet aims to find out.

May 01, 2001 | MISSIONS
Space Shuttle Touches Down
( - During their mission, the Shuttle crew installed a large robotic arm on the International Space Station.

Apr 30, 2001 | SCIENCE
Does the Famous Martian Meteorite Really Point to Life?
(NASA/ - Debate continues over whether Martian meteorite ALH84001 contains evidence of ancient life on Mars.

Apr 30, 2001 | MISSIONS
Soyuz Docks with Station; Endeavour Prepares for Landing
(NASA) - The crew of Space Shuttle Endeavor are preparing for a landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida tomorrow.

Apr 27, 2001 | SCIENCE
Asteroid/Comet Impacts and Human Evolution
( - A pair of British scientists argue that asteroid or comet impacts may have influenced human evolution.

Keeping "Cool" at Deep-Sea Vents
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Using a novel detector attached to a submarine, researchers study weird worms that inhabit deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites.

Apr 19, 2001 | MISSIONS
Shuttle blasts off
(NASA) - The spacecraft is on its way to the International Space Station.

Apr 18, 2001 | MISSIONS
The amazing Canadarm2
(Science@NASA) - The newest Canadian robotic arm will be essential for building and maintaining the International Space Station.

Apr 18, 2001 | MISSIONS
Shuttle countdown continues
(NASA) - Shuttle Endeavor is scheduled to launch tomorrow at 11:41 a.m. Pacific.

Apr 16, 2001 | MISSIONS
Contracts awarded for initial Mars sample return studies
(NASA) - A mission to bring Martian soil back to Earth could launch as early as 2011.

Apr 11, 2001 | SCIENCE
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - An expedition to geysers on the floor of the Indian Ocean is studying how animals there evolve and disperse geographically.

Life's chemical fingerprints
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Using a technique called Raman spectroscopy, researchers are developing instruments that may one day search for life on Mars, Europa, or Callisto.

Apr 03, 2001 | SCIENCE
Solar storm brings northern lights to Texas, Georgia, San Jose
( - The display was caused by a solar flare striking Earth's magnetosphere.

The Lure of Hematite
(Science@NASA) - On rusty-red Mars, a curious deposit of gray-colored hematite (a mineral cousin of common household rust) could hold the key to the mystery of elusive Martian water.

Mar 27, 2001 | MISSIONS
British scientists propose Mars sample return mission
(CNN) - The 2009 mission would gather a small sample of Martian soil and return it to Earth in 2011.

Mar 21, 2001 | SCIENCE
Evo devo learns a larval lesson
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Scientists have studied the life history of animals, part of a field called development, for many decades. Other scientists have studied how life arose and evolved on Earth. For the first time since the early part of this century, the two fields are coming together, in a new discipline called "Evo Devo."

Mar 19, 2001 | MISSIONS
2001 Mars Odyssey to find out what Mars is made of
(NASA) - NASA's next mission to Mars is set to launch on April 7.

Mar 16, 2001 | TECHNOLOGIES
Ice probe reveals images deep within Antarctic ice
(NASA) - The technology may one day be used to explore other planets.

Mar 14, 2001 | SCIENCE
Looking for Signs of Life in Acid-Washed Rocks
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Extraordinary clues to the history of biological evolution on Earth often come from something as mundane as rocks. To better understand the close connection between life and geology -- and how one affects the other -- new laboratory methods are being developed to tease out the information that ancient rocks contain.

SETI@Arecibo: The Plodding Pace of Discovery
( - Searching for possible signs of extraterrestrial civilizations sounds exciting. But day-to-day work of Project Phoenix is mostly mundane.

Mar 08, 2001 | SCIENCE
Dinosaurs may have died off quickly
(BBC) - New research supports the idea that an asteroid or comet impact wiped out the dinosaurs.

Mar 02, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Two Rovers in Search of a Landing Site
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - In 2003, NASA will send two rovers to Mars to search for signs of water in the planet's ancient past. But where exactly on Mars should they look for it?

Feb 23, 2001 | SCIENCE
One-Handed Life
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Scientists with the NASA Astrobiology Institute have created self-replicating molecules that produce only "left-handed" molecules or only "right-handed" molecules.The findings may help explain why life is based on left-handed amino acids.

Students uncover baffling Martian boulders
(NASA) - A group of students working with a NASA spacecraft camera have stumbled upon a surprising cluster of dark boulders in the middle of light-colored terrain.

Feb 19, 2001 | SCIENCE
Evolution: land plants divided and ruled
(Nature) - Two very different groups of plants used the same trick to get a foothold on land.

Feb 16, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Probe finds sedimentary rock in unlikely place on Mars
(Spaceflight Now/NASA) - New photos of the Martian surface reveal sedimentary layers at higher latitudes than expected.

Feb 12, 2001 | MISSIONS
Spacecraft lands on asteroid
(Spaceflight Now) - NEAR Shoemaker has become the first spacecraft to descend to the surface of an asteroid.

Feb 08, 2001 | MISSIONS
A picture-perfect launch
(NASA) - Shuttle Atlantis lifted off yesterday on its way to a Friday rendezous with the International Space Station. Atlantis is carrying the Destiny research laboratory, to be installed on the station.

Feb 07, 2001 | SCIENCE
Looking for life, astrobiologists dive deep
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Coral-like mounds on the floor of a Canadian lake may make it easier someday to identify life on other planets.

Feb 05, 2001 | SCIENCE
The oldest life on land
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Fossilized remnants of a microbial mat provide evidence that life existed on land as early as 2.6 to 2.7 billion years ago. The findings suggest that an oxygen atmosphere and a protective ozone layer were in place around Earth by that time.

Feb 02, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Jovian moons
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Jupiter's four largest moons were discovered by Galileo in 1610. Three of them might hold oceans of liquid water beneath their icy exteriors. Liquid water is a prerequisite for life.

Scientists Find Clues That Life Began in Deep Space
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Duplicating the harsh conditions of space in their laboratory, NASA scientists have created primitive cells with membrane-like structures.

Jan 26, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Mars ocean hypothesis hits the shore
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Photographs of the Martian surface find no sign of a sea cliff along a possible ancient shoreline.

Jan 18, 2001 | SCIENCE
Astrobiologists find evidence of early life on land
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Scientists with NASA's Astrobiology Institute have discovered evidence that microbial life emerged on land between 2.6 billion and 2.7 billion years ago, much earlier than previously thought.

Jan 04, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Planets may be more common than previously thought
(Nature) - Clouds of hydrogen gas may remain around young stars longer than expected, giving Jupiter-like planets more time to form.

Dec 26, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
The science of the International Space Station
(CNN) - The space station will allow scientists to study what can't be studied elsewhere: the effects of microgravity on Earth life.

Dec 26, 2000 | SCIENCE
Scientists investigate virus reactivation in astronauts
(Medscape [free registration req'd]) - NASA scientists are investigating whether dormant viruses in the body are likely to reactivate during spaceflight.

Dec 22, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Scientists to begin selecting landing sites for Mars rovers
( - The two rovers will search for evidence of liquid water in Mars' ancient past.

Dec 20, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Beagle 2 landing site on Mars selected
(ESA) - The region appears to be a sedimentary basin where traces of life could have been preserved.

Dec 18, 2000 | SCIENCE
Asteroid impact: Dinosaurs may have died of poisoning or suffocation
(CNN/AP) - The asteroid impact might have stirred up sulfur compounds, which are toxic and acidic, or carbon dioxide, which could have robbed the dinosaurs of oxygen.

Dec 10, 2000 | MISSIONS
Shuttle prepares to head home
(NASA) - Its mission to the International Space Station complete, Space Shuttle Endeavor will land on Monday.

Dec 08, 2000 | MISSIONS
NASA's Galileo celebrates five years orbiting Jupiter
(NASA) - In its years of service, Galileo has provided evidence of liquid water on Europa and Callisto.

Dec 04, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Evidence of ancient lakes on Mars
(NASA) - If life once existed on Mars, sedimentary layers in the lake beds might be the place to look for fossils.

Nov 22, 2000 | SCIENCE
Scientists simulate how an asteroid dug a crater
( - The impact in the Yucatan peninsula 65 million years ago may have wiped out the dinosaurs.

Earth-observing spacecraft launched
(NASA) - The EO-1 satellite will test new technologies for land imaging and for flying in formation.

New Mars research facility to involve scientists, college students, teachers, kids
(NASA) - The facility will permit scientists, teachers, college students and even grade-school kids to participate in the exploration of another planet.

Nov 13, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Organic molecules fall to Earth in meteors
(NASA) - According to airborne observations of the Leonids meteor shower, life's raw materials might have come from space.

Nov 09, 2000 | MISSIONS
Space station crew alerted to solar storm
( - The increased level of solar radiation will not threaten the astronauts.

Nov 07, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Group fears Mars sample return might contaminate Earth
(CNN) - Planetary protection is one of astrobiology's primary objectives.

Sharper, clearer 3D map of Mars
(NASA) - The map, released last year, reveals evidence of water on ancient Mars. An update adds crisp detail.

NASA outlines Mars exploration program for next two decades
(NASA) - Missions will include advanced robotic rovers and the return to Earth of samples of Martian soil.

Oct 24, 2000 | MISSIONS
Shuttle Discovery ends successful mission
(NASA) - The International Space Station is now ready for its first permanent crew.

Oct 23, 2000 | MISSIONS
France to join U.S. in Mars exploration mission
( - The Mars 2003 Rover mission may be launched aboard the European Arianne 5 rocket.

Oct 20, 2000 | SCIENCE
Earth's fidgeting climate
(Science@NASA) - Is global warming the result of human activity or natural variation?

Oct 19, 2000 | SCIENCE
New species emerge faster than previously thought
(BBC) - Salmon in a lake have split into separate species in just 60-70 years.

Oct 18, 2000 | SCIENCE
Bacteria brought back to life after 250 million years
(BBC) - Microbes dormant for 250 million years have been revived. The findings may have implications for the search for life on Mars and for the origin of life on Earth.

Dust disk found around Sun-like star
( - The discovery may shed light on how planets form.

Oct 12, 2000 | SCIENCE
Origin of sexual reproduction remains a mystery
(BBC) - A study casts doubt on the accepted theory of why sexual reproduction evolved.

Oct 09, 2000 | SCIENCE
Do mammoth bones hold clues to mass die-off?
(MSNBC/AP) - A researcher argues that a virus wiped out most species of large mammals 13,000 years ago.

Oct 03, 2000 | SCIENCE
Climate feels the Sun's effects
(BBC) - Scientists argue that while global warming is primarily due to human activity, changes in the Sun's activity also play a role in Earth's climate.

Oct 02, 2000 | SCIENCE
First salt-loving bug sequenced
(BBC) - Scientists have cracked the genetic code of a microbe that thrives in extremely salty water. The findings could help astrobiologists determine the limits that life can endure.

How deep to dig for life on Mars?
(NASA) - NASA researchers have simulated chemical processes in the Martian soil. Their findings will help determine how deep to dig to look for life on Mars.

Sep 12, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Astrobiology-related research gets underway aboard International Space Station
(NASA) - Astronauts will load a protein crystal growth experiment onto the station.

Balloons may explore Mars
( - A new technology may lead to dozens of balloons drifting over the Martian surface.

Aug 31, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Life thrives at edge of glaciers
( - The findings indicate that polar ice caps of Mars may be a prime location to look for life.

Mars Express mission taking shape
(Spaceflight Now/ESA) - Construction and testing of the European space probe is underway.

Galileo returning data on Ganymede and Europa
(Spaceflight Now/NASA) - Measurements of Ganymede's magnetic field may indicate whether there is an ocean of water beneath its surface.

Aug 21, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Liquid water on the surface of Mars?
( - A group of scientists disputes the consensus that liquid water can't exist on the Martian surface.

Aug 19, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Cosmic clouds yield puzzling concentrations of water
(Spaceflight Now/NASA) - Data from the SWAS satellite reveals that water vapor may be highly concentrated in regions where stars and planets form. SWAS has also measured water vapor in the atmospheres of Mars and Jupiter.

Microscope to search for life on Mars
( - The microscope will be carried aboard the British Beagle 2 lander, set to land in 2003.

Making Mars bricks
( - A college student is developing a method for Mars astronauts to build radiation-proof structures from the soil around them.

Aug 16, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Possible ice mountains seen on Titan
(Spaceflight Now/University of Arizona) - A bright spot on this moon of Saturn may be mountains of water ice drenched in a rain of liquid methane.

Researchers learn from simulated Mars base
( - The Mars Arctic Research Station is providing insights into how to design human missions to Mars.

Testing a spacesuit for Mars
( - In a Mars-like region of the Arctic, researchers are attempting to conduct their geological research while wearing a prototype spacesuit.

Going to the Arctic to look for life on Mars
( - In the Canadian Arctic, a researcher with the Haughton-Mars expedition is testing technologies that may one day search for DNA on Mars.

NASA plans to send twin rovers to Mars in 2003
(Spaceflight Now/NASA) - The two rovers will study the history of water on Mars and search for evidence of life.

Jul 26, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Yellowstone microbes ride on NASA rocket
(CNN) - The flight is testing whether meteorites could have spread life from one planet to another.

Jul 25, 2000 | MISSIONS
Zvezda docks with International Space Station
(NASA) - The Russian-built module is now a central component of the International Space Station.

Chandra sees heavy elements forming
(NASA Science News) - Astronomers using the Chandra X-ray Observatory are seeing how supernovae spray the essential elements of life into interstellar space.

First pair of Cluster II satellites launched
(ESA) - A total of four satellites will fly in formation, studying how the Sun and the Earth interact

Jul 06, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Galileo to crash into Jupiter
( - To avoid contaminating Jupiter's moons, NASA will deliberately crash land the aging spacecraft.

Six new extrasolar planets discovered
(Spaceflight Now) - More than forty extrasolar planets have been discovered so far. Most are around stars with an abundance of heavy elements.

Jun 22, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Evidence of liquid water on Mars
(NASA) - Images show signs of water seeping from an underground aquifer. Where there is liquid water, there might be life.

Jun 18, 2000 | TECHNOLOGIES
Radio astronomy wins protection
(BBC) - Telecommunication signals will be forbidden to interefere with radio telescopes.

Scientists discover sugar molecules in space
( - The building blocks of life may be common throughout the universe.

Jun 14, 2000 | TECHNOLOGIES
Sensor webs to look for life
(Spaceflight Now) - In a garden in Southern California, NASA is testing a new generation of life-detection technology.

Cracks in Europa's ice may create habitat for life
( - As icebergs slide past each other, friction may melt ice. The liquid water might provide a habitat for living organisms.

May 31, 2000 | SCIENCE
Evidence that dinosaurs died quickly from asteroid impact
(CBC) - A new study of the fossil record suggests that dinosaurs became extinct abruptly. The finding supports the theory that they were wiped out by an asteroid.

Shuttle returns to Earth
(NASA) - Atlantis' astronauts glided to a pre-dawn landing. Their mission included student experiments testing the effects of space on Earth life.

Students control a prototype Mars rover
(Science@NASA) - Students from around the country will take control of a prototype Mars rover named FIDO as it explores a Nevada desert.

Robotic missions to explore the solar system
( - Robots may bring back samples from the Moon and the asteroid belt, and may look for life on Europa. Robotic helicopters could explore Mars and Titan.

May 02, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Have we missed signs of life on Mars?
(Spaceflight Now) - The Viking landers may have overlooked traces of life on Mars because they were searching for the wrong chemicals.

Organic molecules detected in interstellar dust
(Spaceflight Now/Max Planck Institute) - The Stardust space probe has collected particles of interstellar dust containing tar-like organic molecules. The particles were captured using a unique material called aerogel.

Apr 27, 2000 | MISSIONS
Life detection technology gets room to grow
( - The postponement of missions to Mars gives scientists more time to hone technologies for searching for life.

Apr 27, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Frosty view of Mars seen in new Global Surveyor images
(NASA) - New images from the Mars Global Surveyor reveal seasonal changes on the Red Planet. Ice recedes from the south pole, while frost encrusts on a crater in the north.

Apr 20, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
New image of Europa
(Spaceflight Now) - The image suggests the presence materials conducive to life on Europa's icy surface.

Apr 19, 2000 | EDUCATION
How to be an astronaut 101
(Science@NASA) - Lt. Col. Cady Coleman describes what it's like to be an astronaut, and discusses research into the effects of microgravity.

Apr 18, 2000 | SCIENCE
Using models to explore regulation of gene expression
(UniSci) - A researcher is using statistical models to explore how genes function.

Apr 17, 2000 | MISSIONS
Mars Express on target and forging links with Japan
(ESA) - Work on the mission to Mars is proceeding on schedule.

Apr 17, 2000 | MISSIONS
Cassini survives the asteroid belt
(Science@NASA) - The Cassini mission may shed light on whether organics in the outer solar system influenced the origin of life.

Apr 11, 2000 | SCIENCE
Fruit fly sheds light on genetics, evolution
(NY Times [free registration req'd]) - Last month, scientists uncovered the complete genetic blueprint of the Drosophila fruit fly.

Apr 10, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
New Global Surveyor images reveal exotic Martian landscape
(NASA) - Two new photo mosaics may help determine the composition of the southern polar caps of Mars.

Mar 30, 2000 | MISSIONS
Administrator urges NASA: Keep daring to dream
(NASA) - Administrator Daniel S. Goldin encouraged NASA employees to continue to "press the boundaries" of exploration.

Mar 27, 2000 | MISSIONS
Space Weather Satellite Blasts Off
(Science@NASA) - The IMAGE satellite may dramatically advance our understanding of the magnetosphere, which protects the Earth from solar radiation.

Device to extract oxygen from Martian atmosphere
(CNN) - Astronauts may one day make their own oxygen on Mars.

Mar 14, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Evidence of buried water channels on Mars
(NY Times [free registration req'd]) - The findings add to the evidence that an ocean of water existed on ancient Mars.

Mar 01, 2000 | SCIENCE
Sulfur in meteorites offers no evidence of Mars life
(SpaceViews) - Scientists claim that that sulfur concentrations found in Martian meteorites are the result of atmospheric processes and not of life on Mars. Sulfur concentrations may not be an effective biomarker.

Feb 29, 2000 | MISSIONS
Construction of comet spacecraft to begin
(CNN) - The Contour space probe will examine two to three comets up close.

Feb 24, 2000 | SCIENCE
Fossil plants help on ancient climate, within limits
(UniSci) - Researchers have found evidence that fossil plants can shed light on ancient climates.

Feb 21, 2000 | MISSIONS
With mission ending, NASA considers crash-landing Galileo probe
(Yahoo!/AP) - The spacecraft could send valuable data as it plunges into Jupiter or one of its moons. NASA will not crash Galileo into Europa for fear of planetary contamination.

Feb 16, 2000 | MISSIONS
Signal probably from Earth, not from Mars Polar Lander
(NASA) - Scientists now believe that a signal picked up last month probably came from a terrestrial source, not from the Mars Polar Lander.

Feb 06, 2000 | SCIENCE
Small sunspot, big flare
(Science@NASA) - One of the brightest solar flares of the current cycle erupted this weekend from a relatively small sunspot group.

Feb 03, 2000 | SCIENCE
Solar smoke rings
(Science@NASA) - The Sun put on a dynamic show this week with a series of swirling coronal mass ejections.

Jan 27, 2000 | EDUCATION
High school students wanted to plan life and work on Mars
(NASA) - High school students, some of whom may live on Mars one day, have a chance to plan what living and working conditions will be on the Red Planet. The Second Annual NASA JSC Mars Settlement Design Competition takes place February 11-13.

Jan 17, 2000 | SCIENCE
Passing star may have disrupted planetary system
(UniSci) - Stars straying past a planetary system may distort the orbits of the planets.

Jan 12, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Organic molecules in space found
(Yahoo!/AP) - Complex organic molecules are the raw materials of life. The findings suggest that these compounds might be available throughout the universe for the formation of life.

Jan 10, 2000 | TECHNOLOGIES
Amphibious monster rover for Mars and beyond
( - A future Mars rover may roll past obstacles on beachball-like tires.

Jan 05, 2000 | MISSIONS
Shuttle may be launched to repair International Space Station
(CNN) - NASA is considering a Space Shuttle mission in March to replace failed batteries aboard the International Space Station.

Jan 02, 2000 | SCIENCE
Astronomer aims to find more planets among the stars
(Dallas Morning News) - A scientist hopes to discover whether stars older than our Sun have planets. His findings may have significant implications for how common life is throughout the universe.

Jan 01, 2000 | SCIENCE
Snowball Earth
(Scientific American) - The climate of ancient Earth may have seesawed between kilometer-thick ice covering the planet and sweltering heat. The drastic swings may have given rise to multicellular life forms.

Dec 17, 1999 | TECHNOLOGIES
Balloon flight will help scientists understand how to shield Mars crews
(Science@NASA) - A 10-day balloon flight this month will carry aloft two small cosmic ray detectors. Their findings will help protect future astronauts from radiation in deep space and on Mars.

Dec 16, 1999 | SCIENCE
First light ever seen from extrasolar planet
( - The planet is the first outside our solar system to be observed directly. Other extrasolar planets have been detected indirectly, by changes in the brightness, color, or position of the stars they orbit.

Radiation-resistant microbe could play major role in Martian exploration
(Science@NASA) - The microbe can help scientists determine the best locations to seek life on Mars. Later, it may help keep astronauts healthy. Finally, it may reshape Mars for colonists.

Dec 13, 1999 | SCIENCE
British scientists launch UK Astrobiology Forum
(BBC) - The UK Astrobiology Forum will permit British researchers to share knowledge relevant to astrobiology.

Dec 11, 1999 | MISSIONS
NASA chief refuses to rule out Mars 2001 lander
(SpaceViews) - Despite the recent loss of the Mars Polar Lander, NASA Administrator Dan Goldin would not rule out a mission to land on Mars in 2001.

Dec 09, 1999 | MISSIONS
Clinton defends NASA after Mars Polar Lander loss
(SpaceViews) - The President asserted the importance of space exploration, adding, "I don't think we should quit now."

Dec 07, 1999 | MISSIONS
Hopes fade for Mars spacecraft
(NASA) - Mission controllers for NASA's Mars Polar Lander acknowledge that they hold out very little hope of communicating with the spacecraft.

Dec 06, 1999 | MISSIONS
Efforts to contact Mars Polar Lander continue
(NASA) - Another attempt to reestablish communications with the spacecraft is set for shortly after midnight on December 7.

Dec 06, 1999 | MISSIONS
Web chat: NASA experts answer your questions about the Mars Polar Lander
(NASA) - Join in an asynchronous chat with experts and scientists from now through December 17. Brief answers to questions will be provided.

Dec 02, 1999 | EDUCATION
Thursday's Classroom visits the Red Planet
(Science@NASA) - To coincide with Friday's landing of the Mars Polar Lander, this week's episode of Thursday's Classroom features lessons and activities about the Red Planet, its climate, martian water, and the hunt for microscopic fossils. Lesson Plans include a humorous science fiction story about the Mars Microprobes, "South Pole Mars Bars" (a comparison of temperatures at the south poles of Mars and Earth), Martian Math, and much more.

Nov 30, 1999 | TECHNOLOGIES
Using planet's atmosphere to conserve spacecraft fuel
(UniSci) - The Mars Global Surveyor mission used aerodynamic drag to slow into its initial orbit. Future spacecraft could use this type of aerobraking to shift from one orbit to another as needed.

Nov 30, 1999 | MISSIONS
NASA rejects Mars Airplane in favor of Mars communication satellite
(SpaceViews) - As its first low-cost Mars Micromission, NASA has selected a satellite to improve transmissions between other Mars spacecraft and Earth. The decision will delay or cancel the Mars Airplane mission.

Nov 30, 1999 | MISSIONS
Mars Polar Lander nears arrival
(NASA) - NASA returns to the surface of Mars on December 3 with a spacecraft that will land near the edge of Mars' frigid south polar cap.

Nov 21, 1999 | SCIENCE
Looking For Life 'Out There' Draws Upon Inner Need to Explore
( - At NASA's Ames Research Center, a two-day workshop on the social implications of astrobiology was held on November 16-17

Revised instruments announced for Mars Express
(SpaceViews) - The European Space agency (ESA) will upgrade instruments on the Mars Express mission to help fill the gap left by the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter.

Europe is sending probe to the moon
(SpaceViews) - ESA has approved SMART-1, a mission to test a variety of technologies, study the origin of the Moon, and look for further evidence of water ice there.

Nov 10, 1999 | SCIENCE
New scale of space storms unveiled
(SpaceViews) - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced unveiled a new scale for measuring the intensity of emissions from the Sun.

Astrobiology: the science of the new frontier
( - In a small room in the Senate last week, scientists got together to discuss a field that may chart the future of NASA, of space exploration, and of the human race: Astrobiology.

Oct 25, 1999 | SCIENCE
Biologists raise caution about colonies in space
(San Franciso Chronicle) - A study suggests that children born in space might suffer permanent nervous-system damage unless exposed to earthlike gravity at key points during their early development.

Oct 20, 1999 | MISSIONS
Flying the vomit comet has its ups and downs
( - For passengers of the "vomit comet," the NASA aircraft used to simulate the effects of weightless in space, the plane lives up to its name.

Oct 19, 1999 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Selecting a landing site for Mars 2001 mission
(SpaceDaily) - The site, a basin that may have been covered by water long ago, is a promising place to look for sedimentary rocks that might contain microfossils.

Oct 11, 1999 | EDUCATION
Satellite built by women students prepares for launch
(EE Times) - The "picosatellite" (extremely small satellite), built by a team of undergraduates at the University of Santa Clara, will study the Earth's ionosphere

Oct 11, 1999 | SCIENCE
How an asteroid impact causes extinction
( - Objects from space may have played a crucial role in the evolution of life on Earth.

Oct 04, 1999 | SCIENCE
Hardy Microbes appear able to survive in space
(Washington Post) - NASA astrobiologist Rocco Mancinelli's findings bolster the hypothesis that microbial life may have evovled elsewhere and spread to Earth, or vice versa. His research also underscores the need for planetary protection from exterrestrial organisms in sample-return missions.

Oct 01, 1999 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
New Mars images: no evidence of ancient shorelines
(NASA) - According to a team of researchers, new photos show no sign of past oceans on Mars.

Sep 29, 1999 | EDUCATION
NASA opens educator center and high-tech classroom in Pomona, California
(NASA) - The center will provide resources for teachers at all levels who wish to include the space program in their curricula.

Sep 29, 1999 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA picks 14 researchers to advance 'human support technologies'
(NASA) - These technologies could help humans safely conduct long-duration missions in space. The proposed technologies include monitoring of environmental contaminants, space suit concepts, waste management and reuse, telemedicine, and augmented reality for enhanced human performance.

Space station glovebox ready for scientists to design experiments
(Science@NASA) - The glovebox will permit astronauts to conduct experiments on the effects of microgravity (weightlessness).

Sep 02, 1999 | SCIENCE
Dinosaurs may have been thriving just before asteroid impact
(Chicago Tribune) - Scientists have debated whether dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid, or whether they were already in decline when the asteroid hit. Rich fossil finds in South America suggest they were still going strong shortly before the catastrophe.

Cadets offer to launch Mars Society's payload
( - As their senior project, US Air Force cadets are attempting to send a rocket into Earth orbit. They have offered its payload space to launch and test equipment for future Mars missions.

Aug 28, 1999 | SCIENCE
Debate: were mass extinctions caused by impacts or volcanoes?
(New Scientist) - In this book review, a scientist discusses possible causes of mass extinctions 65 million years ago, including a comet or asteroid impact, and an increase in volcanic activity.

NASA chooses partner for first interferometer in space
(NASA) - The mission will use spacecraft flying in formation to create a large virtual telescope.

Aug 25, 1999 | MISSIONS
NASA announces next Mars landing site
(NASA) - The Mars Polar Lander will study the planet's climate history, and look for evidence of water there.

Hunt for life on Mars gets rehearsal in Egyptian Desert
(Houston Chronicle/AFP) - Radar for searching for life on Mars will be tested in Egypt. The technologies will be used aboard the Mars Express mission.

Ideal domestic animal for Mars colonies: Rabbits?
( - One commentator believes small size, rapid breeding, low maintenance, and other characteristics make rabbits the choice for Mars colonists.

Living off the land -- on an asteroid
( - Nearly all the raw materials needed to build a self-sufficient space colony are available on a typical asteroid.

Aug 23, 1999 | TECHNOLOGIES
NASA to blast Internet into outer space
( - Future space missions will require sophisticated systems to communicate with Earth and among themselves. Internet technology may provide the solution.

Aug 22, 1999 | EDUCATION
Teachers spend summer with NASA scientists and an astronaut
(Boston Globe) - Working on experiments at NASA bases, teachers come up with ideas for the classroom.

Aug 20, 1999 | SCIENCE
Amino acids in Martian meteorite may be terrestrial contamination
(SpaceViews) - The findings call into question evidence of life found in another Mars meteorite.

Tiny satellites fly in formation
(NASA) - The technology may be used in future planetary exploration.

Aug 18, 1999 | SCIENCE
Nobel laureate to lead NASA Astrobiology Institute
(Washington Post) - Next month Dr. Baruch Blumberg takes over as director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. The institute is one element of NASA's astrobiology effort.

Aug 18, 1999 | MISSIONS
Cassini-Huygens flies by Earth
(Science@NASA) - The spacecraft has passed through Earth's gravity again to slingshot itself to Saturn.

Aug 17, 1999 | MISSIONS
The fallout from Cassini
(Scientific American) - Controversy over the spacecraft's plutonium may threaten future missions to explore the solar system.

Aug 17, 1999 | EDUCATION
Students study weightlessness by experiencing the real thing
(Full coverage) - Students aboard a NASA plane undergo a moment of microgravity, and conduct experiments on its effects.

Aug 16, 1999 | MISSIONS
Galileo Europa Mission status report
(NASA) - The spacecraft has flown past Callisto, a moon of Jupiter. Previous evidence suggests an ocean of liquid water may lie beneath Callisto's icy crust.

Aug 12, 1999 | MISSIONS
Galileo to fly by Europa today
(NASA) - The moon of Jupiter is a prime target in the search for life elsewhere in the solar system.

Aug 06, 1999 | SCIENCE
Are plants going the way of the dinosaurs?
(Christian Science Monitor) - Scientists raise concerns about plant extinctions.

Aug 06, 1999 | SCIENCE
All green land plants may share common ancestor
(Science Daily) - Genetic research suggests that all green land plants may have descended from a single freshwater algae.

Aug 03, 1999 | SCIENCE
"Sloppy copy" discovery sheds light on evolution
(UniSci) - Researchers have established how ultraviolet radiation leads to genetic mutation in a type of bacteria.

Aug 03, 1999 | SCIENCE
Nearby Supernova May Have Caused Mini-Extinction
(Science Daily) - Radioactive material beneath the ocean floor could have been left by a supernova 5 million years ago.

Jul 27, 1999 | SCIENCE
Astrobiologists to hunt for microbes in Siberia
(Science@NASA) - Cryophiles are single-celled organisms that thrive in cold conditions. They may hold clues to whether life could exist on other worlds, and to how to find it.

Jul 20, 1999 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Scientists debate implications of Mars pictures
(CNN) - At the Fifth International Conference on Mars, researchers differed over what the photos from Mars Global Surveyor tell us. They discussed the evidence of water and the possibility of life on past and present Mars.

Jul 01, 1999 | MISSIONS
New Hubble images of Mars
(Science@NASA) - The images reveal Mars' dynamic, fluctuating climate.

Culturing a future
(NASA) - A rotating cylinder is able to mimic the effects of microgravity on cells and tissue.

Jan 13, 1996 | SCIENCE
Did Cancer Kill the Dinosaurs?
(New Scientist) - Collapsing stars might release enough neutrinos to sicken animals on planets light-years away.

Jan 13, 1995 | SCIENCE
Exploding Star May Have Caused Earthly Extinctions
(AP) - Radiation from a nearby supernova may have devasted life on Earth 225 million years ago.

The preceding news links are provided as a public service for interested users. The views and claims expressed in external internet sites are not necessarily those of NASA.


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Editor: Minafra
NASA Official: Lynn J. Rothschild
Last Updated: November 13, 2007
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