Mission Statement

Toronto, Canada

June 15-16, 1999

Mission Description

The U.S. Commercial Service in Canada will host REPCAN '99, a multi-sector trade mission and solo exhibition, at the Toronto Congress Centre on June 15-16, 1999. This event is designed to provide U.S. small-to-medium sized, export-ready, enterprises (SMEs) in all business sectors with an efficient, cost-effective, opportunity to enter the Canadian market and establish profitable commercial relations with prospective agents, distributors, end-users and joint venture partners. REPCAN '99 also provides SMEs with an ideal opportunity to become familiar with business opportunities in Canada, our number one export market in the world; and gain practical international business experience in a business environment which offers the potential for high returns and minimal risk when working with the U.S. Commercial Service.

REPCAN '99 offers each participant a two-day program of individual business appointments with pre-qualified prospective business partners; product and service display facilities; and extensive market exposure in Canada. REPCAN participants benefit from a full range of business facilitation services provided by the U.S. Commercial Service, including market research, business briefings, networking events and logistic support from portal to portal. REPCAN provides SMEs with a maximum return on their promotional dollar and is clearly the most effective and economical vehicle for SMEs to join the largest and most dynamic trade relationship in the world.

More specifically, for US$1,200.00 REPCAN participants will receive:

Commercial Setting

U.S. - Canada trade has more than doubled since the Free Trade Agreement (the predecessor of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented in 1989. Today, U.S. exports to Canada trade is valued at more than US$700 million dollars per day and it continues to grow.

Canada is the number one export market in the world for the United States and accounts for a greater percentage of total U.S. exports than all the countries of Europe combined. Furthermore, business opportunities in Canada cover the full spectrum of industry sectors and business activity. In terms of its size, receptivity, proximity and similarity to the U.S. economy, the Canadian market offers U.S. SMEs the very best prospects for success in exporting.

Despite the recent devaluation of the Canadian dollar in the international market (US$1.00 = C$.0.65 as of 09/03/98), the nature and location of the Canadian market still draws U.S. exports to Canada.

Mission Goals

REPCAN is designed to provide U.S. export-ready, small and medium-sized, firms a cost-effective, low risk, and simplified means to establish and develop valuable long-term business contacts in Canada, our number one export market; To provide state, regional and local governments a ready-made vehicle to introduce their SMEs, including rural and minority-owned businesses, to the Canadian market; and to provide all individual participants and multipliers a means to successfully develop exports to Canada.

Mission Scenario

REPCAN '99 participants will begin on Monday, June 14, 1999 with a participants' briefing and reception. The exhibition, to be held at the Toronto Congress Centre, will open on June 15, 1999. Individual one-on-one business meetings with pre-qualified prospective Canadian business partners will be scheduled throughout the days of June 15th and 16th. In addition to one-on-one meetings on site, video conferences and off-site meetings will be conducted as appropriate.

Each participant will be provided with a furnished meeting/exhibit area (to include a table, chairs, signage) suitable for table-top and/or pop-up displays of samples and product literature. REPCAN will include a Business Information Office (BIO) and a Customs Facilitation Office to provide participants with logistical support, information, and any other assistance they may require to help realize their trade objectives in Canada.


Recruitment for REPCAN '99 will begin with the release of this mission statement and publication of this announcement in the Federal Register.

REPCAN '99 will accommodate a total of 50 U.S. participants.

Recruitment Start: Immediately

Registration Ends: May 1, 1999

Participants Arrive: June 14, 1999

Briefing and Ice-breaker Reception: June 14, 1999

Official Opening of exhibit and start of individual appointment schedules: June 15, 1999

End of Event: June 16, 1999

Recruitment and Criteria for Participation

Recruitment for REPCAN '99 will accomplished through U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEACs). Promotional material will also be sent to State trade offices; small business associations; and relevant U.S. multipliers and trade associations. The Commercial Service in Toronto will also publicize REPCAN '99 on the Internet, including CS Canada's homepage; http://www.ita.doc.gov/cscanada; via video conferencing events; e-mail and direct mail to individual companies, as well as in the Federal Register.

CS Ottawa and Toronto, in cooperation with the USEACs will also organize a series of seminars across the United States to promote REP CAN '99.

The criteria for participation are as follows:

Any partisan political activities of an applicant, including political contributions, will be entirely irrelevant to the selection process.

Contact Information

Madellon C. Lopes, Project Manager
U.S. Commercial Service, Toronto
480 University Avenue, Suite 602
Toronto, Ontario M5G. 1V2

Tel: 416/595-5412, Ext. 227

Fax: 416/595-5419

E-mail: madellon.lopes@mail.doc.gov