Women's Health
In the Spotlight
College Health and Safety
As you get ready for college, learn these tips to staying safe and
healthy. A college health and safety
health-e-cards are also available.
Girlfriends' Health and Safety Tips
Follow these tips to help
keep you and your girlfriends safe and healthy.
Science and Research
Smoking Prevalence among Women of Reproductive Age- United States, 2006
CDC analyzed state-specific prevalence of smoking and attempts to quit
among women of reproductive age. Data indicated a six-fold difference
between the state and territory with the highest and lowest prevalence.
Among women of reproductive age, those aged 18-24 years were most likely
to have attempted to quit, but least likely to have quit smoking.
National Hospital Discharge Survey, 2006
This report presents information about inpatient hospital utilization
during 2006 as well as trend data for selected variables. Over
one-quarter of all procedures performed on females were obstetrical.
Cesarean section and repair of current obstetric laceration were the
most frequent obstetrical procedures performed.
Adoption Experiences of Women and Men and Demand for Children to Adopt
by Women 18-44 Years of Age in the United States, 2002
This report presents national estimates of the prevalence of adoption
for men and women 18-44 years of age, the demand for children to adopt
by women, and women’s preferences for characteristics of the adopted
child. U.S. men aged 18-44 years are more than twice as likely as women
of the same age group to have adopted a child. Among all women aged
18-44 in 2002, only 1.1% had adopted a child and 1.6% were currently
seeking to adopt.
Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy-Related Hypertension in Los
Angeles County, California, 1991-2003 (9/5/08)
The rates of gestational diabetes and pregnancy-related hypertension are
increasing in Los Angeles County. Further research is needed to determine
the causes of the observed increases and the growing racial/ethnic
disparities in those rates.
Health and Wellness
Get Smart with Fruits and Veggies
Learn cost-saving ideas for incorporating more fruits and veggies into
your life with these 5 tip sheets.
Emergency Planning Tips if You're Pregnant or Have Young Children
If you are pregnant or have infants or young children, find out how to
plan for an emergency or disaster.
Calcium and Bone Health
Bones play many roles in the body. They provide structure, protect
organs, anchor muscles, and store calcium. Adequate calcium consumption
and weight-bearing physical activity build strong bones, optimizes bone
mass, and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Programs and Partnerships
Electronic Media and Youth Violence: A CDC Issue Brief for Educators and
Electronic aggression is defined as any kind of harassment or bullying
that occurs through email, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites,
blogs, or text messaging. This brief summarizes what is known, provides
strategies for addressing the issue with young people, and discusses the
implications for school staff, education policy makers, and parents and
Help Older Adults Live Better, Longer: Prevent Falls and Traumatic Brain
Injury Webcast (Public Health Grand Rounds)
One goal of the September 25, 2008 webcast is to increase the awareness and
understanding of the impact falls and fall injuries (especially Traumatic
Brain Injury (TBI)) have on older adults and on our health care system.
Another goal is to promote a national dialogue on using evidence-based
interventions in communities across the United States to prevent falls and
fall injuries such as TBI among older adults.
Nation Alliance (HNA)
Although the United States invests more than any other country in
healthcare, our nation is not as healthy as most developed nations. The
Healthiest Nation Alliance proposes that our Nation can and must invest more
to protect health. Make health the “default choice” for all people and all
communities. Join to help America become one of the world’s healthiest
Conferences and Events
National Survey of Family Growth Research Conference, October 16-17, 2008, Hyattsville, Maryland
Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference, December 10-12, 2008, Atlanta, GA
Chronic Disease Prevention
& Control, February 23-25, 2009, Washington, DC
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Page last modified: September 15, 2008
Page last reviewed: September 8, 2008