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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Subject: INFORMATION: Guidance on the Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program
February 1, 2006
  Original Signed by:    
From: Jill L. Hochman
Director, Office of Interstate and Border Planning
Reply to
Attn. of :
To: See addresses.

The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit to you guidance on implementing the revised Coordinated Border Infrastructure (CBI) program, Section 1303 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The purpose of the program is to improve the safe movement of motor vehicles at or across the land border between the U.S. and Canada and the land border between the U.S. and Mexico. Funds will be distributed to border States by formula. This program replaces the TEA-21 Coordinated Border Infrastructure discretionary program which ended in FY2005. The guidance and a summary of the revised program are attached to this memorandum.

The revised CBI program envisions special oversight by the FHWA Division Office involved. The State must provide appropriate documentation describing the eligibility of each project approved for funding under this border program. The attached eligibility checklist form may be used for this purpose. The Division Office will forward the type of information included on the form to the Office of Interstate and Border Planning (HEPI-10).

Please note that all projects approved for funding in this program must meet the intent of the legislation and have a clear and direct connection to cross-border movement of vehicles. To be eligible for CBI funding, a project must improve and facilitate/expedite cross-border motor vehicle and cargo movements.

Thank you for your assistance in implementing the CBI program. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Sarah Clements at or 202-366-6798.


Fact Sheet


Eligibility Form

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Robert E. Hollis (HDA-AZ)

Gene Fong (HDA-CA)

J. Don Martinez (HDA-NM)

Curtis Dan Reagan (HDA-TX)

David C. Miller (HDA-AK)

Stephen A. Moreno (HDA-ID)

Jonathan McDade (HDA-ME)

James J. Steele (HDA-MI)

Thomas Sorel (HDA-MN)

Janice W. Brown (HDA-MT)

Kathleen O. Laffey (HDA-NH)

Robert E. Arnold (HDA-NY)

Al Radliff (HDA-ND)

Larry Dwyer (HDA-VT)

Daniel M. Mathis (HDA-WA)

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