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2001 National Fish Forum

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Chicago, May 6 & 9, 2001


Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Health in partnership with the EPA, this forum was held in conjunction with the two-day National Risk Communication Conference. 356 participants attended the Forum and Conference (representing 49 states and 52 Native American tribal organizations, federal agencies, universities and private organizations).

Attendees listened to presentations and participated in regional breakout sessions to discuss state and tribal fish consumption advisory programs; consistency of these programs with each other and with EPA guidance, particularly with respect to mercury; and regional issues and concerns to be communicated to EPA's Office of Water.

Presenters at the 2001 Forum spoke on a range of topics within two broad categories: chemical updates and linkages between the Fish Advisory and Water Quality Standards programs.

Summary Document (PDF) (134 pp., 3.4 MB)

Proceedings from the National Risk Communication Conference

The first national conference on risk communication addressed the risks of consuming chemically contaminated fish. The conference was convened by the Minnesota Department of Health and EPA's National Fish Advisory Program. The Society for Risk Analysis also cosponsored the meeting. Participants from across the country shared information on risk communication methods that are effective for populations exposed to and susceptible to chemical contaminants in fish, especially those who may have difficulty receiving, understanding, or accepting risk information.

The purpose of the conference was to develop recommendations on risk communication techniques that are effective in reaching specific audiences and informing them of the risks from eating contaminated fish. (A complete description of the conference goals and objectives is provided in Part VI, Appendix A, of the proceedings document.)

Proceedings Document (PDF) (196 pp., 708 K)

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