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The Office of the United States Trade Representative

Statement of USTR Rob Portman on Signing of U.S.-Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement

"This is an historic day for the United States and our six partners in CAFTA-DR. This free trade agreement makes stronger the bond between us and our neighbors.

"CAFTA-DR creates an alliance for fair trade and will promote security and stability in our region. This is a win-win agreement that benefits American workers with greater access to important markets, and our trading partners with new economic opportunities.

"I commend President Bush for his bold vision and for his commitment to ensuring passage of this agreement.

"America's support for CAFTA-DR sends a strong signal to the world that the United States is committed to market liberalization. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress and our trading partners around the world to provide global opportunities for free and fair trade through the Doha Development Agenda."