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Working with Us

Photo of researcher and thin-film PV modules built into roofing shingles.

Researchers from NREL and United Solar Systems Corporation developed thin-film photovoltaic modules that are built right into roofing shingles.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) offers industry, university, and other government agencies opportunities to leverage our research expertise. Working with outside organizations is the key to moving advanced photovoltaic (PV) technologies into the clean energy market. There are many ways to work with NREL's PV research program and the National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV), a virtual collaborative of U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, universities, and industry partners.

Developing Technology Partnerships

NREL offers a variety of technology partnership agreements to help you gain access to our research expertise in photovoltaic technology. There are a variety of ways for your organization to get involved with NREL's photovoltaic research activities:

  • Work collaboratively with us on a photovoltaic research project through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).

  • Pay NREL to conduct research without your collaboration through Work for Others (WFOs) or sponsored research, such as an Analytical Services Agreements (ASAs). These options are effective ways for industry to make good use of the NCPV's expertise and unique research facilities.

  • Submit a proposal in response to any active solicitation for assisting NREL with a photovoltaic R&D activity.

  • Work with NREL researchers through mentored research internships for undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Work collaboratively with NREL researchers on the Solar America Initiative research under a newly proposed PV incubator that is targeted at R&D of PV systems and component prototypes with full functionality produced in pilot-scale operations.

Licensing Our Technology

Your company can license any available patented photovoltaic technology. For more information, see a list of solar technologies available for licensing.

Using Our Facilities

To help advance research and/or strengthen product marketability in photovoltaic research, NREL's Solar Energy Research Facility, Outdoor Test Facility, and our new Science and Technology Facility are available to industrial, university, and government researchers for collaborative research. We can also provide experienced research staff to help conduct testing, or you can perform testing on your own. To learn more, please visit these other sections of the NREL PV Research Web:

Contact Us

Please contact us if you would like to explore collaborative research opportunities with NREL's PV research program and the National Center for Photovoltaics.

David Christensen

Please note that a collaborative research opportunity does not include postdoctoral researchers, research associates, internships, or other forms of employment. Learn more about NREL's employment programs for postdoctoral researchers, research associates, internships, and employment.