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NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland
(Phone: 216-433-2406/216-433-8806)

Mark Hess
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
(Phone: 301-286-8982)

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December 19, 2000 - (date of initial web publication)

February 06, 2002 - update


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With the Pulsed Plasma Thrusters providing pitch control, EO-1's Advanced Land Imager (ALI) took this photo over Colorado, demonstrating the ability of the thruster to maintain precise control of the spacecraft needed while collecting Earth imagery.

A new generation of thrusters has been used to precisely guide and point a satellite in space, paving the way for use of this technology on future spacecraft to save weight, fuel and cut power consumption.

Engineers used Pulsed Plasma Thrusters (PPT) onboard NASA's EO-1 satellite as a precision attitude control actuator in space. A single PPT unit with two opposing thrust nozzles controlled the 1166-pound (529 kg) spacecraft's pitch (up and down) axis for 4 hours as it made several orbits of the Earth.

Continued testing of the EO-1 PPT is expected to demonstrate additional attitude control capability and thruster performance characteristics.


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NASA's Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, developed the PPT system, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., managed, designed and implemented the PPT experiment into the EO-1 spacecraft.

"Our initial operations with the PPT have been highly successful and we have reached a significant milestone," said Chuck Zakrzwski, Propulsion Systems Engineer at Goddard. "The thruster and the entire spacecraft performed as expected during the PPT calibration and closed loop attitude control tests."

"The path is now open for PPT use on new missions due to the successes in our flight validation and ongoing PPT development," said Scott Benson, Propulsion Programmatic Manager at Glenn.

The PPT is a unique electromagnetic propulsion system that utilizes solid bars of Teflon as fuel. Pulses of electricity, lasting only one one-thousandth of a second, are fired across the Teflon bar. Each pulse turns a minute amount of the Teflon into an electrically charged gas that is accelerated out of the thruster. Each pulse has approximately the same force as dropping a paper clip into the palm of your hand from about one-half inch away. Because the PPT also uses electromagnetic forces, it is three times more fuel efficient than conventional chemical thrusters.

NASA's EO-1 spacecraft is the first to fly the smaller, lighter and more efficient new generation PPT. Engineers tested the thruster's precision attitude control ability by using the PPT in place of one of the conventional reaction wheels. This is the first time this has ever been done and demonstrates the technology could be used as a precision attitude control actuator as well as a precision orbit adjust thruster.

"Potentially, a set of PPTs could be used to replace reaction wheels and their associated electromagnetic torquers as well as the conventional chemical propulsion for both orbit and attitude control," Zakrzwski said. "An analogy to this would be an automobile that has its power steering and its forward motion supplied by their common power source - the car's engine - rather than separate, multiple power sources."

"Such a configuration would offer better performance and likely be more weight and cost effective than conventional systems," Benson said. "The PPT's extremely small impulse level, high propellant efficiency, low power and compact size make it well suited for a number of precision pointing and precision positioning functions on future spacecraft."

The Pulsed Plasma Thruster Technology Demonstration is the result of a partnership between NASA's Goddard Space Flight and Glenn Research Centers, General Dynamics Space Propulsion Systems and Swales Aerospace. The EO-1 spacecraft is managed by Goddard and was built by Swales Aerospace. The spacecraft is part of the New Millennium Program managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


In the future, exploration of the Earth will demand research tools that can not only make some of their own decisions, but deliver results faster, better and cheaper than their forebears. NASA's launch of the experimental EO-1 satellite is a significant milestone in that journey. Part of the space agency's New Millennium Program, engineers designed EO-1 to test advanced technologies for instruments pointed at our own planet. The satellite will not only demonstrate significant improvements in data collection capabilities, but will also test methods for dramatically reducing costs and complexity to achieve state of the art goals. As the first New Millennium satellite designed to look at the Earth, NASA hopes EO-1 will open a new era in exploration of our own planet.

A View from Above

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The hexagonal satellite called EO-1 carries a suite of instruments designed to test new technologies while also conducting valuable research about our home planet. Flying almost 438 miles above the Earth, the satellite's scientific hardware can deliver some of the data collection capabilities previously possible only from satellites far larger and more complex.

Fully outfitted, EO-1 weighs nearly 1166 pounds at launch. ItÕs being sent into orbit on a Delta 7320-10 rocket launched from Vandenberg AFB in California.

Clearing the View

Movie still of the face of the earth


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The Atmospheric Corrector Between the Earth and any satellite on orbit lies an ocean through which all information must pass. It's the atmosphere, and to the highly precise sensors of delicate orbiting systems, it can be just like looking through a cloudy or warped window. For researchers, this is a problem that must always be taken into account when looking at Earth from space. But the EO-1 project will test a new device designed to compensate for atmospheric distortion. It's called The Atmospheric Corrector (AC). If proven effective, such a device will likely be applicable to other scientific or commercial remote sensing missions where water vapor or other particles in the atmosphere might cause measurements of the surface to degrade. Until now, experts have generally compensated for atmospheric distortion by using predicted or modeled mathematical values for how much the atmospheric layer between the Earth and their instrument causes changes to images. But EO-1's Atmospheric Corrector changes that strategy. By gathering actual, real time information about how the atmosphere distorts images from the ground, scientists can calibrate their sensors to create significantly clearer images of what they're studying. The device should provide significant improvements in generating accurate surface reflectance measurements for land imaging missions. Further, the algorithms developed for use with the Atmospheric Corrector will enable more accurate measurements and classification of land resources and better models for land management in the future.

Seeing Earth's Quilt Anew --The Advanced Land Imager

EO-1 satellite

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In many ways, the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) embodies the engineering ideal that less is more. A principle component to the EO-1 mission, ALI is an Earth observing instrument designed to generate images of the planet based on various wavelengths of light reflected from the surface.

Project designers developed the instrument to be comparable with or exceed the capabilities of Landsat's Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus. Further, the EO-1 project team designed ALI to deliver these images at a significant reduction in weight, technical complexity, and cost-- all vital features to facilitating development of advanced Earth observing satellites.

Beyond the Pale-Hyperion Imaging Spectrometer

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It's not so much that the Hyperion instrument will be able to see the Earth more "close up" or have a higher spatial resolution than previous instruments. Yet Hyperion's goals are nothing less than ambitious. The instrument is designed to gather highly complex data from a given region on the Earth by viewing the surface in terms of 220 distinct colors or "bands" of light. Think of looking at a photograph in black in white and then comparing the exact same frame in color.

Even though there is no greater resolution to the image, no change in perspective, lighting, or magnification, the amount of data presented to the viewer has greatly increased. Project managers designed Hyperion to fill in that kind of data in observed regions on the ground. The uses for an instrument than can make such fine spectral distinctions include studies of land use, changes in land cover, mineral resource assessment, research into coastal processes, changes in the atmosphere and more.

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Advanced Technology on EO -1:
Changing Directions - Pulsed Plasma Thruster

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As a demonstration of experimental technology, much of the EO-1 project requires carefully considered scheduling. A good example of this is the testing phase of the Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT).

his innovative design for a steering thruster uses solid Teflon as a means for changing the satellite's spatial orientation. When small amounts of the propellant are turned to plasma by an electrical discharge, it's accelerated out of the steering nozzle by an electromagnetic field. But that's where the careful scheduling of the tests comes into play. Because of the plasma discharge, project managers will test the thruster after most of the other systems on the satellite have put through their paces. This will help insure that there's no contamination or corruption of any instrumentation on board from the thruster plume. As designed, the Pulsed Plasma Thruster is not expected to cause any problems for other systems, but the flight of EO-1 will put that assumption to the test. The new thruster will be used to maintain fine pitch attitude control for the spacecraft--essentially small navigational adjustments. If the technology is proven to work as designed, it could have a wide range of uses in future spacecraft systems. One of the principle advantages of the Pulsed Plasma Thruster is its lack of liquid propellant, removing the potential for sloshing fuel inside spacecraft tanks to affect delicate instrument measurements.

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Shedding Light on new Solar Technologies

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Lightweight Flexible Solar Array Spacecraft must either produce their own electricity from chemical processes or solar power. Most unmanned satellites rely on the sun. Above the atmosphere, light from our nearest star is far brighter than after it passes through miles of air and water vapor to us on the ground, and it's never diminished by clouds. But there's still the issue of its collection and conversion into useful electricity. It's hard enough to design, build, launch, and maintain a satellite in orbit. But without working instruments on board, there's little point. On the ground we're used to simply plugging virtually infinite electrical devices into waiting outlets. But in space, power is at a premium, and even with abundant solar energy, the hardware necessary to harness the sun still exacts significant engineering demands. The EO-1 satellite will have two solar panels. The main panel --the wide, wing looking extension attached to the spacecraft--is basically a variant of proven technology, flown on many previous missions. The array is composed of cells made from either silicon or gallium arsenide on Germanium, essentially crystals grown in a lab and carefully placed on a fragile supporting wafer. But on one side of the satellite's underbelly, engineers have attached a new, experimental solar panel in an effort to generate significantly more power at a fraction of the weight, size, and complexity. It's called the Lightweight Flexible Solar Array (LFSA). Unlike its larger sibling, it employs a surface of copper indium diselinide, originally deposited on a lightweight, flexible backing in the form of a vapor. Not only is it significantly lighter than solar cells designed as crystals, but it can also operate on a flexible, less rigid surface, with significantly higher returns on its electrical output. That is, where the main solar array can generate roughly 40 watts per kilogram, the new solar panel is expected to be able to generate roughly 100 watts per kilogram. Additionally, with the inclusion of new hinges on the release mechanism of the panel based on advanced shape memory alloys, further weight and risk will be reduced, compared to traditional technologies that use pyrotechnics for deployment. Flight validation of a technology like this is imperative, because certain real-world conditions cannot be simulated adequately on the ground. One of the more interesting hurdles for the system to confront concerns how it stands up to the rigors of a near-Earth environment. Even in low Earth orbit, there are traces of gas and particulates which can have real effects on spacecraft performance. In the case of the Lightweight Flexible Solar Array, engineers want to test how well it can stand up to atomic oxygen. This form of oxygen can dramatically degrade delicate, thin chemical films. To prove its usefulness in future missions, the new solar panel will be placed on the side of the satellite that most directly bears the brunt of any atmospheric pressure, called the ram side, so as to maximize the effects of atomic oxygen on the solar panel. Successful development of Lightweight Flexible Solar Array technologies will dramatically enhance future satellite engineers ability to maximize the value of what they can put into orbit by delivering more reliable sources of ever precious power in greater quantities.

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Pushing the Edges of Technology

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Touring some of EO-1's Systems EO-1 is primarily a test bed for new technologies and techniques. In this series, we point out several of the devices that comprise the satellite. Advanced Land Imager Atmospheric Corrector Hyperion (Hyperspectral Imager) X-Band Phased Array Antenna Carbon-Carbon Radiator Lightweight Flexible Solar Array Autonomous Star Tracker

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The Landsat Duet: Enhanced Formation Flying, Part I (Two Way EFF animation

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By design, EO-1 is primarily tasked to study the surface of the Earth. But the satellite's reason for being is the essentially the next logical step in fulfilling the mandate put forth by the 1992 Land Remote Sensing Policy Act (Section 105 of Public Law 102-555). That act calls for the development of a sound data policy for information collected by Landsat 7. So, if the law speaks about Landsat, how does EO-1 fit in? If the technologies prove their promise, the new experimental satellite begins to light a way for future, continued development of the Landsat data legacy. EO-1's Advanced Land Imager, it's Hyperion hyperspectral imager, and the new Atmospheric Corrector all have direct application to the issue of providing next generation Landsat type data; the two satellites share a common ancestry. To that end, a novel experiment will be conducted with EO-1 and Landsat 7 working in concert. In the first satellite maneuver of its kind, EO-1 and Landsat 7 will assume an orbital "formation", flying approximately one minute apart on the same ground track. In terms of distance, this will place the two spacecraft approximately 270 miles (450 kilometers) apart, plus or minus 30 miles (50 kilometers) or so. This affords scientists and engineers the opportunity to do some valuable tests. By flying the same route so close together, nearly identical images taken by each satellite can be compared on the ground. As potentially powerful improvements to existing technologies, use of the Advanced Land Imager and the Hyperion instruments on EO-1 in concert with Landsat overflights refine the calibration. Of more immediate interest is the opportunity to try EO-1's Atmospheric Corrector as a tool for refining data collected by its fellow satellite Landsat, flying one minute ahead. There's a lot of information expected from EO-1. For each scene the spacecraft generates, over 20 gigabits of scene data from the Advanced Land Imager, Hyperion, and Atmospheric Corrector will be collected and stored on the on-board solid state data recorder at high rates. When the EO-1 spacecraft is in range of a ground station, the spacecraft will automatically transmit its recorded image to the ground station for temporary storage.

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A String of Pearls: Enhanced Formation Flying, Part II (Four Way EFF animation)

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The New Millennium Program is not simply about designing individual, experimental satellites. NMP efforts also strive for new ways to design and implement software and computer programming techniques, as well as ambitious project goals that often include multiple systems working in harmony. With EO-1, NASA plans to fly a spacecraft in formation with three other research satellites for the first time. Soon after achieving orbit, the satellite will become part of a carefully choreographed constellation, joining Landsat 7, the Earth observing flagship Terra, and SAC-C, an instrument designed and managed by the space agency of Argentina. The operation offers unique research possibilities, including highly precise cross calibration of instruments, and atmospheric correction of data acquired by Landsat 7 and the MODIS instrument onboard the Terra spacecraft. Terra will fly in the fourth position of the EO-1 constellation; SAC-C third; EO-1 assumes the second slot, and Landsat 7 takes the front of the line. Enhanced Formation Flying (EFF) tests highly sophisticated software systems, including so-called "fuzzy logic" algorithms to resolve navigational and operational conflicts that inevitably occur in flight. Some of the benefits of flying satellites in formation come in the area of risk management. By using small fleets of less expensive, less complex satellites in place of singularly large, highly sophisticated platforms, a catastrophic failure does not necessarily cause irreparable harm to an overall mission. Further, by flying a suite of sensors in formation, researchers can essentially create one enormous "virtual" satellite by integrating the data collected individually by each smaller instrument.

Large Ambitions in a Small Package

SAC-C SAC-C is an international cooperative mission between NASA and the Argentine Commission on Space Activities (CONAE).

SAC-C logo

The Argentine space agency in providing the spacecraft and some of its instrumentation, while NASA will provided the launch vehicle and other components. The SAC-C program also encompasses technical contributions from Brazil, Denmark, France, and Italy. SAC-C will study terrestrial and marine ecosystems, monitor atmospheric temperature and water vapor, examine variabilities in the ionosphere, study the interaction between the Earth's magnetic field and the Sun, provide multi-spectral images of the Earth in order to monitor the condition and dynamics of the terrestrial and marine biosphere and environment, and more. The satellite even includes an experiment to track the migratory route of the Franca whale. By working in concert with NASA, SAC-C will be able to significantly add to the growing pool of orbiting observatories that are seeking to better understand how our planet works.

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