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July 14, 2000 - (date of web publication)


solar flare

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solar flare

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solar flare

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(Click on Images 1, 2 and 3 to see movies of the solar flare)  

An explosion on the Sun July 14, 2000 smacked Earth's magnetosphere with one of the most intense blast of solar particles ever detected by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Advanced Composition Explorer Spacecraft (ACE). The solar explosion, called a flare, was accompanied by an ejection of hot, electrically charged gas directed toward the Earth. NOAA's Space Environment Center predicted strong to severe geomagnetic disturbances on Saturday and Sunday. The arrival at Earth of this massive electrified gas cloud, called a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), can cause vivid auroral (northern and southern lights) displays these days, depending on the orientation of the magnetic field within the CME.


 (Lake Tahoe, NV -- June 20, 2000) -- A three-dimensional numerical model developed by scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and 'field tested' by astronomers at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) may help explain the nature and origin of solar eruptions. These eruptions are known to trigger stormy space weather, which can, in turn, damage communications satellites, endanger astronauts in space, and disrupt transmissions along electrical power lines on Earth. 

A theoretical reconstruction of the evolving magnetic fields in a flaring region on the Sun, using NRL's "pressure-cooker model" (as it has been informally nicknamed), matched actual observations made by SAO scientists using NASA's Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) of the so-called "Bastille Day" flare on July 14, 1998. According to the NRL-Smithsonian team, this close agreement between theoretical predictions and observations demonstrates the viability of the model for understanding how energetic solar eruptions occur and perhaps predicting them in advance. 

The key strength of the pressure-cooker model is its novel description of the conditions that allow the release of energy, leading to eruptive flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Magnetic energy emerges from the solar interior, appears low in the solar atmosphere, and accumulates under a magnetic "lid." When the lid has a weak spot -- in this case, the "null point", where the magnetic field is equal to zero -- the accumulated low-ling energy can blow violently through the lid of the "Pressure Cooker". 

The NRL "pressure cooker " differs from competing CME models in that the magnetic field is assumed to have a more complicated (quadrupolar) geometry, with a null point located high in the solar atmosphere. Other models, which assume a simpler (bipolar) geometry and rely on different mechanisms for triggering eruptions, "have never been compared with actual solar observations as precisely as we did in our study," notes Dr. Guillaume Aulanier. "This test," he continues, "allowed us to confirm all of the conditions required to initiate a CME according to our model." 

This is one of the first attempts by the NRL-SAO research collaboration to reconstruct and interpret the complex magnetic field of a real observed flaring region. TRACE's Bastille Day coverage provided some of the finest detailed observations of an eruptive flare ever obtained. In particular, the continuous telemetry of the instrument provided more data on pre-flare activity than has previously been available, which was essential for validating the model and confirming the pressure cooker process. The scientists intend to use additional TRACE data, SOHO/EIT observations, and future data from the SOLAR-B and STEREO missions to further test the pressure cooker model.

The scientific paper describing this research will be published in the Astrophysical Journal in September 2000. 

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(Click on right pic above to see CME visual clip taken by LASCO C-2 on June 6, 2000.  Venus is visible to the right.)

The arrival from the Sun of billion-ton electrified-gas clouds that cause severe space storms can now be predicted to within a half-day, a great improvement over the best previous estimates of two to five days.

Scientists at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, have created a model that reliably predicts how much time it takes for these clouds, called Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), to traverse the gulf between the Sun and the Earth, based on their initial speed from the Sun and their interaction with the solar wind.

The new model uses recent observations from the European Space Agency/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the NASA WIND spacecraft. The model has been validated and made more accurate using historical observations from the Helios-1 (Germany/NASA), the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (NASA), and the Space Test Program P78-1 (United States Air Force) spacecraft.

Earth-directed CMEs cause space storms by interacting with the Earth's magnetic field, distorting its shape and accelerating electrically charged particles (electrons and atomic nuclei) trapped within. Severe solar weather is often heralded by dramatic auroral displays (northern and southern lights), but space storms are occasionally harmful, potentially disrupting satellites, radio communications and power systems.

"The new model more accurately predicts the arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections, and will greatly benefit people who operate systems affected by space storms," said lead author Dr. Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy of Catholic University, a Senior Research Associate at the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. "The improved forecasts let operators of sensitive systems take protective action at the proper time and minimize the unproductive time when systems are placed in a safe mode to weather the storm."

Gopalswamy and colleagues will present this research today during a meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society at Lake Tahoe, Stateline, NV.

Coronal Mass Ejections leave the Sun at various speeds, ranging from 12 to 1,250 miles (about 20 to 2,000 kilometers) per second. Only the CMEs directed at Earth are potentially harmful; estimating when they will arrive is difficult because their speed changes due to interaction with the solar wind, a stream of electrically charged gas blowing constantly from the Sun at about 250 miles (about 400 kilometers) per second.

Just as a motorboat heading downstream will slow to the speed of the river's current if its motor is turned off, Coronal Mass Ejections starting out from the Sun more quickly than the solar wind eventually are slowed by the drag of this "stream." If a boat pulls up anchor, it will gradually accelerate until it is moving at the speed of the current. Similarly, CMEs that start out more slowly than the solar wind are pulled along until they match the solar wind's speed.

Using data from solar-observing spacecraft, Gopalswamy and his team discovered how much the solar wind sped up or slowed down various Coronal Mass Ejections according to their initial speeds.  If the initial speed of a CME is known, the new model accurately accounts for the influence of the solar wind on the CME speed, and the CME arrival time at Earth can now be precisely estimated.

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