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Evaluation Resources

Research, evaluation, and assessment are significant elements of the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP). Since TOP applications are rated in part on their evaluation plans, the resources listed below may help you create and conduct evaluations of information technology projects. In addition, TOP has developed Evaluation Guides that help users integrate evaluation into their projects.

Please Note: The Department of Commerce does not endorse any particular product, company, information provider, or the content of the sites referenced below.

Federal Efforts

Department of Agriculture
Within the Department of Agriculture, the Economic Research Service is among the organizations that provide useful statistical data, economic analysis, and reports.

Department of Commerce
Within the Department of Commerce, the Advanced Technology Program's Economic Assessment Office, the Economics and Statistics Administration, and NTIA's Office of Policy Analysis and Development, are among the ogranizations that provide useful stastical data, information on evaluation techniques, and reports.

Department of Education
Within the Department of Education, the Office of Educational Technology and the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) are among the offices that provide useful information on evaluation techniques, resources, and reports.

Department of Health and Human Services
Within the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) is responsible for major activities in the areas of strategic planning, policy research and evaluation, and economic analysis.

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) is responsible for maintaining current information to monitor housing needs, housing market conditions, and the operation of existing programs; and for conducting research on priority housing and community-development issues

National Science Foundation
Within the National Science Foundation, the Directorate for Education and Human Resources' Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication and the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences' Division of Science Resources Studies are among the divisions that provide useful information on evaluation techniques, resources, and reports.

United States Office of Management and Budget
The United States Office of Management and Budget developed a primer on performance measurement that focuses on measuring economic and financial performance.

Associations and Foundations

American Evaluation Association
The American Evaluation Association is an international professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation. Evaluation involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of programs, policies, personnel, products, and organizations to improve their effectiveness.

American Sociological Association
The American Sociological Association (ASA), founded in 1905, is a non-profit membership association dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good.

Evaluation Exchange
The Evaluation Exchange, sponsored by the Harvard Family Research Project, is an interactive forum for the exchange of ideas, lessons, and practices in the evaluation of family support and community development programs, promoting discussion among persons from a variety of organizational affiliations and viewpoints.

Grantmakers Evaluation Network
The Grantmakers Evaluation Network (GEN) is an affinity group of the Council on Foundations. The purpose of GEN is to promote the development and growth of evaluation in philanthropy. GEN will seek to leverage, expand, and diversify the sources of philanthropic dollars for evaluation and to build the capacity of members and others in its pursuit.

Innovation Network (InnoNet)
InnoNet is a non-profit organization that offers a number of free services and resources for groups seeking evaluation and strategic planning assistance. InnoNet's mission is to build the skills, knowledge, and processes within public and non-profit organizations to improve their overall organizational learning and effectiveness.

Public Education Network
The Public Education Network (PEN) website, Nonprofit Development Tools, contains numerous tools for strategic planning, outsourcing services, planning and building a website, and research and evaluation.

Outcome Measurement Resource Network
The Outcome Measurement Resource Network, sponsored by the United Way of America, provides a step-by-step manual for health, human service, and youth- and family-serving agencies that is both methodologically sound and highly practical.

Society for Applied Sociology
The Society for Applied Sociology, founded in 1978, is an international organization for professionals involved in applying sociological knowledge in a wide variety of settings.

Journals and Recent Reports and Studies

An Educator's Guide to Evaluating The Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms.  Released in December 1999, this guide was developed for the U.S. Department of Education by the American Institutes for Research in conjunction with its formative evaluation of the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund. The guide represents a joint effort among the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, the Office of Educational Technology, and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. The guide should be viewed as a tool for individuals who have little or no formal training in research or evaluation. Its intended informal style and accompanying worksheets provide the basic principles of evaluation and are designed to help district and school personnel gain an overview of and ideas for evaluating local technology initiatives.

The 1998 National Survey of U.S. Public Library Outlet Internet Connectivity.  On November 19, 1998, the American Library Association (ALA) and the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) released their survey of library connectivity. The survey was conducted by Dr. John Carlo Bertot, associate professor in the School of Information Science and Policy at the University at Albany, State University of New York, and Dr. Charles R. McClure, distinguished professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse (N.Y.) University.


These events may be of interest to evaluators and those looking to learn more about research and evaluation. TOP does not officially endorse these events, except where indicated. To suggest an event listing, send the URL of your event to Dr. Francine Jefferson,

See also Publications and Resources — for reports and information from TOP.

TOP Evaluation Specialist

Dr. Francine Jefferson 202-482-2048 (F) 202-501-5136

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