Table 5,,,,,,,,,,,,, Top 20 NAFTA Border Truck Crossings into the United States: 1997 and 2000,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rank in,,1997,,2000,,Average number of truck crossings per day,,1997,,2000,,"Percentage change, 1997-2000", 2000,Port name,(thousands),,(thousands),,(2000),,(percent),,(percent),,(Percent), 1," Detroit, MI","1,420",,"1,769",,"4,848",,15.4,,15.3,, 24.6 , 2," Laredo, TX","1,251",,"1,493",,"4,091",,13.6,,12.9,, 19.3 , 3," Buffalo-Niagara, NY","1,054",,"1,198",,"3,282",,11.4,,10.4,, 13.7 , 4," Port Huron, MI",679,,839,,"2,299",,7.4,,7.3,, 23.5 , 5," El Paso, TX",583,,720,,"1,974",,6.3,,6.2,, 23.6 , 6," Otay Mesa/San Ysidro, CA",568,,688,,"1,886",,6.2,,5.9,, 21.2 , 7," Blaine, WA",463,,517,,"1,416",,5.0,,4.5,, 11.6 , 8," Champlain-Rouse Pt., NY",299,,391,,"1,071",,3.2,,3.4,, 30.7 , 9," Hidalgo, TX",235,,374,,"1,025",,2.5,,3.2,, 59.3 , 10," Brownsville, TX",248,,299,,820,,2.7,,2.6,, 20.9 , 11," Calexico East/Calexico, CA",U,,279,,764,,U,,2.4,, U , 12," Alexandria Bay, NY",220,,278,,763,,2.4,,2.4,, 26.5 , 13," Nogales, AZ",243,,255,,698,,2.6,,2.2,, 4.9 , 14," Pembina, ND",152,,214,,587,,1.7,,1.9,, 40.9 , 15," Calais, ME",126,,154,,422,,1.4,,1.3,, 22.5 , 16," Sweetgrass, MT",112,,146,,400,,1.2,,1.3,, 30.5 , 17," Derby Line, VT",101,,139,,380,,1.1,,1.2,, 37.6 , 18," Houlton, ME",103,,133,,364,,1.1,,1.1,, 28.8 , 19," Highgate Springs, VT",99,,133,,364,,1.1,,1.1,, 33.9 , 20," Jackman, ME",87,,128,,350,,0.9,,1.1,, 47.1 , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,"Total, top 20 ports","8,041",,"10,148",,"27,802",,87.3,,87.7,, 26.2 , ,"Total, all ports","9,215",,"11,574",,"31,709",,100.0,,100.0,, 25.6 , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, KEY: U = data are unavailable.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, "NOTE: Data represent the number of truck crossings, not the number of unique vehicles, and include both loaded and unloaded ",,,,,,,,,,,,, trucks. Data for the port of Calexico is typically reported as a combined total with Calexico East. "SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulations, May 2001; based on " "data from U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Customs Service, Mission Support Services, Office of Field Operations."