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The Office of the United States Trade Representative

Joint Statement by the United States Trade Representative Rob Portman and Federal Councillor Joseph Deiss
Davos, Switzerland 01/28/2006

"The United States and Switzerland have decided to establish a Swiss-U.S. Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum as we work to strengthen our already close bilateral economic relationship. To build on the momentum created by our intensive discussions over the past seven months, we will use this forum to pursue initiatives in specific areas where we share mutual interests with a view to concluding agreements or other arrangements that offer real opportunities for workers, farmers, service providers, manufacturers and consumers in our two countries. Our staffs will develop the details of this forum and an initial work program in the coming weeks. We will review progress on the forum and the work program by mid year.

"Our exploratory discussions on a potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) have been very useful for both governments and provided the basis for the new Swiss-U.S. Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum. Both countries remain interested in a possible comprehensive free trade agreement and may resume discussions at a later stage.

"The United States and Switzerland will continue their already close cooperation in the World Trade Organization and other international organizations."
