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| Leadership and Management Science Unit | National Executive Institute |
| Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar and Regional Command Colleges |

National Executive Institute (NEI)

The NEI is an executive training program primarily designed for the chief executive officers of the nation's largest municipal, county, and state law enforcement organizations. Each class attends three one-week sessions spread over several months.

Graduates – NEI Associates

The NEI began in 1976 and, to date, more than 500 executives have graduated. Upon graduation they are eligible to join the NEI Associates (NEIA). It is through this association that continuous training and research occur. Each year, the NEIA conducts a training conference where current research is reported and future research planned.
Eligibility Criteria

NEI participants must be the chief executive officer of a population served of 250,000 and an agency that consists of more than 500 sworn personnel. Also invited each year are three to five federal law enforcement officials, and an equal number of international law enforcement officials. Classes have 30-35 participants.


U.S. participants are nominated by the Special Agent in Charge of the local FBI field office. International invitations are extended through Legal Attaches in U.S. Embassies. Participants must be conversant in English.

Goals of Program

There are two primary goals of the NEI, one of which is to act as a vehicle to enhance cooperation and coordination of policing throughout the law enforcement community. A second goal is individual learning. One of the most valuable aspects of the NEI is the range and diversity of its participating executives. They bring immensely different levels of experience and perspectives of executives' roles. To facilitate individual executive learning, a wide range of associations and feedback occur between speakers and participants. Continuous learning is facilitated in membership and participation in the NEI Associates. The ultimate goal is for society to benefit through further development of leaders. Many examples of the success of the program occur daily through enhanced cooperation between leaders and their agencies, all in the interest of justice.

Heraldry of NEI Seal

The NEI seal symbolizes the past, present, and future of the law enforcement Graphic: NEI Sealprofession.

The Latin motto, "non sibi, sed patriae," translates into "not for oneself, but for one's country." This is a tribute to those officers who have made great sacrifices for the honor of their profession and also to the thousands of law enforcement officers who have died in defense of law, order, and justice.

The book of law symbolizes our rich legal heritage and a deep commitment to the rule of law with ultimate sovereignty resting with the people.

The quill of Thomas Jefferson represents the ultimate power of man's intellect and reason.

The three stars bordering each side of the seal represent the three levels of government and the corresponding levels of law enforcement. They signify the need for mutual cooperation and respect.

The scalloped edge surrounding the seal is representative of the problems confronting law enforcement at the present time and our unified resolve to face these concerns with the dedication and determination to persevere against forces of adversity.

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