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Community College Initiatives

Photo of Summit Participants at Daytona Beach College with the schools mascot.

Summit Participants at Daytona Beach College pose with College Mascot

Community College Summit Initiative Program

The Community College Summit Initiative Program (Summit program) is an outgrowth of the U.S. University Presidents Summit on International Education , co-hosted by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings in January 2006. The Summit Initiative Program provides funding to support international students from selected countries to study at U.S. community colleges. Currently, students from Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey are eligible to participate and are recruited by Fulbright Commissions and U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Offices in these countries.

Students may pursue studies in fields including agriculture, business management and administration, tourism and hospitality management, health professions including nursing, media, information technology, and engineering science. Students will also participate in practical training, service learning, and enrichment activities. The goal of the program is to equip students with practical skills that will qualify them for jobs, enabling them to contribute to the economic development of their countries. After completing a one-year certificate or two-year AA degree program, participants will return to their home countries to apply their newly learned skills.

Fellowship in Technical Education

An Egypt-specific component of the Summit program, the Fellowship in Technical Education provides Egyptian vocational school teachers and administrators with a professional development program including intensive English language instruction, seminars on pedagogy and curriculum development, mentoring, job-shadowing, and a final capstone project.

Community Colleges for International Development (CCID), a nationwide consortium of community colleges, received the grant to administer the Summit program. The first cohort of students arrived in 2007.

Community College Initiative - Egypt

As an outgrowth of the Summit program, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affiars, in cooperation with USAID and the Egyptian Ministry of Education, is planning to bring an additional one thousand Egyptians to pursue job skills development programs at community colleges around the United States in the coming years using the Summit program model. The first group of 175 Egyptians will arrive in August 2008.


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