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2003 NSDUH Data Collection Final Report

Appendix A
New-to-Project Home Study Cover Memo

TO:  New-to-Project Field Interviewers

FROM:  David Cunningham, National Field Director

SUBJECT:  Home Study Package for the 2003 NSDUH Field Interviewer Training Session

Welcome to the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). We are pleased to have you working with us on one of our country's most important studies.

Enclosed are all of the materials you need to prepare successfully for your upcoming Field Interviewer (FI) training session. This home study training package includes several important components. Please try to complete all parts of this home study package within five (5) days of receipt. This will help us ensure that everyone has all of the materials needed prior to training.

The specific items you should have received in this package are:

There is a precise order in which we need you to complete this home study package.

The order in which you are to complete this home study package is:

  1. Read this memo in its entirety.

  2. Carefully review the NSDUH FI Manual, and the NSDUH FI Computer Manual. These two manuals are most effective when reviewed together, according to the following order:

  3.   FI Manual   FI Computer Manual
    Read First: Chapters 1 & 2 then image of arrow pointing right toward next step Chapters 1, 2 & 3
    Read Second: Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6 then image of arrow pointing right toward next step Chapters 4 & 5
    Read Third: Chapters 7 & 8 then image of arrow pointing right toward next step Chapter 6
    Read Fourth: Chapters 9, 10 & 11 then image of arrow pointing right toward next step Chapter 7 & 8
    Read Fifth: Chapter 12    

  4. Complete the Home Study Review Questions from the FI Manual and the FI Computer Manual. Bring the completed review questions with you to training.

Below are additional details on the homestudy process and your upcoming training session.

Now that you have read this memo in its entirety, you may proceed with step 2, your review of the FI Manual and FI Computer Manual.

If you have any questions about the information contained in this home study package, or any other project-related questions, please contact your Field Supervisor.

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing you at training!

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This page was last updated on May 20, 2008 .

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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