The Land improvement - Contractors of America
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Welcome to LICA!


About us...

For fifty years, LICA contractors have paved the way for our country's growth an expansion. We have contractors from coast to coast, providing a wide range of services: grading, excavating, drainage, landscaping, paving, wetland development and site preparation just to name a few.

Our contractors work in cities, on farms, ranches and in rural areas. They work with dedication and commitment to the professional conservation of soil and water. You should always choose a LICA Contractor for all your construction needs. Look for the familiar LICA triangle proudly displayed on our equipment.

If you are a contractor, you should become a member of this great association! We strive to improve the business climate by working for better legislation and regulations, by keeping our members abreast of the current changes impacting their operations, and providing training in the latest technology.

Click here for scholarship application.

LICA Creed

LAND ...
The foundation of the Nation
The basis of all wealth
The Heritage of the wise
The thrifty and prudent
The poor man's joy and comfort
The silent partner of man
The producer of food, fiber and fuel
The basis of factories
The foundation of banks
All that man builds is from the land.
We often take it for granted, or even abuse it, 
and yet many unthinkingly and unknowingly pass the land by.
What man finally does with the land will be the deciding factor of his survival.