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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is incredible that it has taken this long to tighten up the border-crossing rules of indentifying ourselves at the border!

I have traveled to Europe and had to show my passport at every-single border I crossed over………and I can tell you; it was scrutinized, not just glanced at.

I don’t care if the lines at the border take longer to cross! I still want tight security! Frequent travelers better get their ID up to date if they don’t want to wait forever in long lines!

I also think the REAL ID should have been up and running by now, it’s taking way too long.

January 17, 2008 6:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DHS should not be allowing any time extension to states to start using the REAL ID! It was supposed to start fully in 2008! THIS YEAR!

We need it; we have been waiting much too long already! We need it to keep illegal aliens OUT and we need it to keep Terrorists OUT. We need it to keep multiple-types of criminals OUT of our country!

The delay is unacceptable. WHY ARE YOU PUTING US AT RISK FOR A 13-YEAR DELAY? You have to get tough! You have followed through!

If you do not get tough and stick to the law; such as starting this REAL ID plan and enforcing our borders; we are just going to have to listen to the whining of special interest groups for years………

January 18, 2008 10:42 AM

Blogger Gordon Walton said...

I say NO to the Real ID act. I'm fine with strict border control for people ENTERING our country. If the Federal government was doing their job rather than advocating globalism and open borders we wouldn't be overrun with illegal aliens and an increased risk of terrorism.

But making us all carry our "papers" is reminiscent of fascist dictatorship. Show us you can do you job on the borders and on immigration before asking us to give up more liberties.

January 20, 2008 9:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the DHS/Border Crossings will not and do not accept any Embassay "consulant-cards" at the border as vaild ID!?

Everyone knows that Mexico hands those out to illegal aliens like chicklets! Invaild & illegal to use as actual ID! So that had better not be on your list!

January 21, 2008 4:51 PM

Blogger Toby said...

Where was the vote taken which allowed this change in law to be enacted?

I don't remember getting to vote for this change.

Funny how you, Mr. Chertoff, all by yourself seem to be able to tell Americans what they can and can't do.

Somewhere in the mists of my memory there's thing old book, or parchment, or something . . .

Oh wait! Now I remember! It's the Constitution.

Go read it.

February 2, 2008 2:00 PM