Arkansas Department of Health - ADH
Other Contact Information
4815 West Markham Street, Slot 22
Little Rock,
AR 72205-3867
800-462-0599 (Voice - Toll-free)
800-651-3493 (Voice - Toll-free, Emergency assistance)
501-661-2000 (Voice)
501-661-2414 (FAX)
800-322-5580 (TTY, Deaf Message Relay)
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) mission is to promote public health policies and practices that assure a healthy quality of life for Arkansans. ADH is comprised of ten business units, including five public health regions that support services provided in 94 local health units across the state. ADH offers services focused on six priority areas that include: providing personal health services in local health clinics and in the homes of qualified patients who are acutely, chronically or terminally ill; educating and monitoring industries that impact the public’s health, such as food service, water systems, individual sewage systems, and health facilities; providing guidance, leadership and technical assistance to local Hometown Health Improvement Initiatives working to improve the health of communities; promoting healthy behaviors through the Healthy Arkansas Initiative; responding to public health emergencies through bioterrorism preparedness, communicable disease, and emergency response programs; and monitoring and investigating public health trends and problems.
Print Resources
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) publishes pamphlets on chronic diseases, communicable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, tobacco prevention and education, personal care, family planning, prenatal care, immunizations, nutrition, safety and other topics. News articles and public service announcements are available on topics such as head lice, food safety, West Nile virus, influenza, and safe drinking water. For more information, visit the ADH Web site.
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