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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Performance Management

Compensation Conference Program Taking Shape

If pay, classification, and performance management are important to you, don't miss OPM's Strategic Compensation Conference on September 8-9, 1999, at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. This conference will provide Federal managers and HR specialists with updates, forecasts and practical information about the total Federal compensation environment. Learn how to compensate employee performance in a way that will support your agency's mission and strategic objectives.

Proposed Conference Sessions. The Strategic Compensation Conference will offer 23 breakout sessions, including:

Balanced Scorecard: Focusing on Results. Agency representatives will explain how they have focused employee performance plans on measuring results and how the approach has worked.

Balanced Scorecard: Customer and Employee Feedback. Agency representatives will explain how they measure customer and employee satisfaction and how they use them to improve and reward organizational and individual performance.

Performance Management Update. OPM staff will report on the latest policy developments for appraisals and awards, as well as evolving issues.

Total Compensation Update. Key players in a long-term, comprehensive review of Governmentwide compensation policy will describe the issues and challenges of determining what mix of compensation tools the Government should make available for agencies to use in support of their unique missions and cultures.

Non-Traditional Compensation: The Total Rewards Concept. This session will focus on how to recognize contributions and performance without increasing spending.

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Contribution-Based Pay in Air Force Laboratories. Air Force representatives will describe their contribution-based broadbanding and performance system-an OPM-approved demonstration project.

Pay Flexibilities. Agency representatives and OPM experts will examine the wide range of pay flexibilities and non-pay alternatives agencies can use to recruit and retain a high-quality workforce.

Compensation and Labor Relations Issues. Staff from OPM's Center for Partnership and Labor Management Relations will discuss current labor management issues involved in pay, classification, and performance management.

Broadbanding: System Design Issues. A discussion led by agency and OPM experts will cover classification, pay, and performance management issues involved in designing broadbanding systems.

Broadbanding: Technical Issues. Agency representatives and OPM experts will describe pay administration and other technical issues that must be addressed when implementing a broadbanding system.

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Incentives & Recognition. Attendees will hear discussions of the strategic use of awards and the latest developments in employee and group incentives and recognition.

Pay for Performance Outside Title 5. This session will focus on the experiences and lessons learned with performance-oriented pay strategies other than the General Schedule. Presenters will be agency representatives from non-title 5 agencies.

Testing Compensation Approaches in Demonstration Projects. Key players in reviewing personnel demonstration projects will discuss the range of options being tested under current projects, project evaluation results, and future expectations.

Using the General Schedule Leader Grade Evaluation Guide. OPM staff will report on the development of "The Team Leader Guide."

Registration Information. The cost of the 2-day conference is $475. To obtain a registration form for the Strategic Compensation Conference, call Radiah Rose on 202-606-2548, or email us at

Originally published on June 1999

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