NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. All Feature Stories

    June 2007

    NAI Scientist Receives Award from L'Oréal

    NAI Feature Stories / June 17

    Earth's Future Glimpsed on Titan

    NAI Feature Stories / June 11
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    MESSENGER Probes Venus' Atmosphere

    NAI Feature Stories / June 6
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    NAI Scientist Receives Presidential Award

    NAI Feature Stories / June 5

    May 2007

    A Habitable World Around Gliese 581?

    NAI Feature Stories / May 16

    Astrobiology Magazine's European Edition - France

    NAI Feature Stories / May 16

    NAI Expands to Include Four New Teams

    NAI Feature Stories / May 8
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    NAI’s Tullis Onstott makes “Time 100”

    NAI Feature Stories / May 2

    April 2007

    Found: Earth-Like Planet

    NAI Feature Stories / April 30
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    Endurance Explorer

    ASTEP Feature Stories / April 27
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    Technology Improves Imaging of Exoplanets

    NAI Feature Stories / April 17

    NAI Scientist Receives Hazel Barnes Prize

    NAI Feature Stories / April 12

    An Update from "Mars"

    NAI Feature Stories / April 9

    Lab-On-a-Chip Works Aboard the ISS

    NAI Feature Stories / April 8
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    Taking the Ocean's Pulse

    ASTEP Feature Stories / April 2

    March 2007

    The Virus Hunters

    NAI Feature Stories / March 27
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    NAI Scientists Honored by American Society for Microbiology

    NAI Feature Stories / March 25
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    Extreme Life in China's Deserts

    ASTEP Feature Stories / March 21

    NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Images Seas on Titan

    NAI Feature Stories / March 13
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    DEPTHX Tests the Waters for Future Exploration of Europa

    ASTEP Feature Stories / March 6
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    February 2007

    NAI Graduate Student Selected to Help Plan for Future Mars EVA

    NAI Feature Stories / February 28

    Astrobiologists Discuss Mars Habitability on NPR

    NAI Feature Stories / February 22
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    January 2007

    Liquid Water on Mars: Is It Still Flowing?

    NAI Feature Stories / January 9
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    December 2006

    Astrobiology and Stardust

    NAI Feature Stories / December 13
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    NAI Researchers Search for Meteorites in Antarctica

    NAI Feature Stories / December 5
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    November 2006

    Earth’s Hidden Biospheres

    NAI Feature Stories / November 5
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    NASA Study Shows Titan and Early Earth Atmospheres are Similar

    NAI Feature Stories / November 5
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    October 2006

    Astrobiology Primer Published!

    NAI Feature Stories / October 30

    Impact from the Deep

    NAI Feature Stories / October 18

    September 2006

    A New Book on the Evoution of Earth's Early Atmosphere

    NAI Feature Stories / September 7
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    August 2006

    NAI Welcomes New Director

    NAI Feature Stories / August 14

    July 2006

    Father of Earth-formation models, Carnegie's George Wetherill, dies at 80

    NAI Feature Stories / July 23

    NAI Scientists Successfully Drill into Subglacial Lake

    NAI Feature Stories / July 6
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    June 2006

    A Deeper Look into the Watery Plumes of Enceladus

    NAI Feature Stories / June 4
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    May 2006

    New Astrobiology TV Documentary Features NAI Scientists

    NAI Feature Stories / May 25

    March 2006

    Going Deep

    ASTEP Feature Stories / March 30
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    Hot Rocks from Comet Wild 2

    NAI Feature Stories / March 14

    January 2006

    Habitable Conditions on the Early Earth

    NAI Feature Stories / January 23
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    Chance to View Stardust Return

    NAI Feature Stories / January 9
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    December 2005

    NAI Discoveries Ranked Among NASA's Top Science Stories of the Year

    NAI Feature Stories / December 28
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    November 2005

    A New Book from NAI's Peter Ward

    NAI Feature Stories / November 20

    October 2005

    Spitzer Telecope Data Suggest that Life's Building Blocks are Abundant

    NAI Feature Stories / October 18

    Finding Life in Mars Analog Sites on Earth

    NAI Feature Stories / October 4
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    September 2005

    Astrobiology Education News from the UK

    NAI Feature Stories / September 28
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    Teaching Evolution

    NAI Feature Stories / September 14

    August 2005

    Digging in the Dirt on Mars

    NAI Feature Stories / August 28
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    Robot Astrobiology Rover

    NAI Feature Stories / August 14
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    What Yellowstone Teaches Us about Ancient Mars

    NAI Feature Stories / August 11


    NAI Feature Stories / August 4

    July 2005

    Spitzer Finds Carbon Compounds in Young Universe

    NAI Feature Stories / July 31

    A New Class of Planet?

    NAI Feature Stories / July 13
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    Life is Left Handed

    ASTEP Feature Stories / July 8
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    June 2005

    Wading in Martian Water

    NAI Feature Stories / June 9
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    May 2005

    Seeking the Wisdom of the Ancients: Microbial Mats and Biosignatures

    NAI Feature Stories / May 11

    April 2005

    The 2005 General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute

    NAI Feature Stories / April 28

    Iron Record: Ancient Rocks Tell the Story of Oxygen, and Life

    NAI Feature Stories / April 27

    NAI Scientists turn to Mexican lake for clues to alien life

    NAI Feature Stories / April 6

    March 2005

    Using Isotopes to Probe the Earliest History of the Solar Nebula

    NAI Feature Stories / March 27

    New Tools to Study Extrasolar Planets

    NAI Feature Stories / March 22

    A Different Type of Marine Thermal Vent

    NAI Feature Stories / March 14

    Dry Signs of Life

    ASTEP Feature Stories / March 13

    Universe of Disks

    NAI Feature Stories / March 6

    NASA Study Suggests Giant Space Clouds Iced Earth

    NAI Feature Stories / March 2

    February 2005

    Context for the Origin of Life on Earth

    NAI Feature Stories / February 9

    January 2005

    Touchdown on a Strange Land

    NAI Feature Stories / January 26

    The Greatest Mass Extinction: A Bang or a Whimper?

    NAI Feature Stories / January 20

    Titan Or Bust!

    NAI Feature Stories / January 12

    Activities of Subseafloor Life More Diverse than Expected

    NAI Feature Stories / January 10

    December 2004

    NASA Selects Investigations for the Mars Science Laboratory

    NAI Feature Stories / December 13

    The Martian Methane Surprise

    NAI Feature Stories / December 5

    Reports Detail Rover Discoveries of Wet Martian History

    NAI Feature Stories / December 2

    November 2004

    More Evidence for Methane on Mars

    NAI Feature Stories / November 18

    Astrobiology Education Web Adds Dynamic Atmosphere Module

    NAI Feature Stories / November 16

    October 2004

    Study Suggests Component of Volcanic Gas May Have Played a Significant Role in the Origins of Life on Earth

    NAI Feature Stories / October 17

    September 2004

    Drilling on Autopilot

    ASTEP Feature Stories / September 23
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