VOL. 30 No. 2MARCH 1996


Preventing Childhood Poisoning
Home can be a dangerous place when it comes to childhood poisoning. It's not only prescription drugs that need to be kept out of little hands' reach: Today the biggest concern is iron supplements.

Growing Older, Eating Better
Many older Americans, especially those who live alone, have been unable to get proper nutrition due to problems that often accompany aging. But food programs and other types of assistance are now helping elders to a better diet.

Coping with Arthritis in Its Many Forms
One in seven Americans has some form of arthritis. Medications--some of them nonprescription--and some kinds of exercise can provide relief. But consumers need to avoid fraudulent products that seem to proliferate in this profitable market.

Tea: A Story of Serendipity
Happy coincidence has played a part in making tea second only to water in worldwide consumption. Americans drink their fair share--2.24 gallons per person in 1994--much of it iced and most of it black rather than green or oolong.

FDA, States Collaborate for Safety's Sake
FDA has formal cooperative programs with the states in four areas. The public benefits from the expertise each partner brings to these collaborations.


The latest information on FDA-related issues, gathered from FDA Press Releases, Talk Papers, and other sources.

A potpourri of items of interest gathered from the Federal Register and other sources.

Investigators' Reports
Selected cases illustrating regulatory and administrative actions--such as inspections, recalls, seizures, and court proceedings--by FDA's regional and district offices across the country

Summaries of Court Actions
Cases involving seizure, criminal and injunction proceedings.

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