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Ozone hole animation (Ozone Contributions)

Quicktime side-by-side comparisons of chlorine monoxide and CFC levels

Quicktime of ozone hole

Arctic ozone hole animation (UARS' Chemical Contributions)

Orange EIT Quicktime movie (credit: NASA/ESA)

Tracking Volcanic Effects Quicktime movie

El Nino anomaly Quicktime movie (credit: NASA/CNES)

MPEG movie of morphing between El Nino and La Nina peak times (credit: NASA/CNES)

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September 2001 - (date of web publication)

A 10-Year Flight Through the Atmosphere

The Earth's ozone hole on November 30, 2000.

The Earth's ozone hole on November 30, 2000.


The upper atmosphere is a virtual treasure trove of scientific finds. It affects Earth's climate at the same time as providing a signal of what's to come for us. NASA's Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) has been exploring the atmosphere for ten years and helping scientists understand everything from its chemistry to the Sun, to the ozone layer and El Nino. Designed to operate only two years, its major discoveries include mapping of chemicals in the atmosphere, understanding causes of ozone depletion like CFC's and measurements of UV levels from the Sun.

UARS SPACECRAFT (Click on titles for Quicktime movie)
The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) has outlived its planned lifetime by operating for 10 years with seven of its 10 instruments continuing to function. UARS' primary mission is to measure ozone and chemical compounds found in the ozone layer, which affect ozone chemistry and processes. It also measures winds and temperatures in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) as well as energy from the Sun.

Pictured are the largest Antarctic 'hole' (2000) and the region of low ozone over the Arctic, which reached its high in 1999. In 2000 UARS scientists found that the Arctic ozone may not be recovering as quickly as previously thought. They attributed this to more than expected polar stratospheric clouds forming high above the Arctic. They provide the vehicles which convert benign forms of chlorine into reactive, ozone-destroying forms but they also remove nitrogen compounds that act to moderate the destructive impact of chlorine.

UARS also facilitated the first study to link greenhouse gases to increased ozone depletion over populated areas in 2001. Scientists detected increasing water vapor in the stratosphere resulting partially from greenhouse gases that may delay ozone recovery and increase the rate of climate change. The study worked because scientists were able to best simulate the behavior of temperature and ozone in the upper atmosphere when adding water vapor data from UARS into the climate model.


Quicktime movie of side by side comparisons of chlorine monoxide and CFCs

Quicktime of ozone hole

Within a few months of launching, UARS mapped various chlorine radicals over the Antarctic. The key version, chlorine monoxide, it is a prominent ozone-destroying radical. Chlorine monoxide, or (ClO) can occur naturally but is usually a by-product of harmful pollutant CFCs entering into the upper atmosphere. Here the theories linking the presence of chlorine monoxide and depleted ozone are confirmed. UARS was first to map the major chemical components of the upper atmosphere (stratosphere).

Two of UARS' instruments measure small changes in the solar UV spectrum and a third records the Sun's total energy output. They contributed to discoveries such as finding a link between the energy given off by the Sun and Earthly wind patterns that facilitate climate changes. UARS let scientists take into account solar activity on the ozone layer and the chemistry of the upper atmosphere where it gets absorbed.

Earlier this year, UARS also allowed scientists to watch the same solar energy take a toll on the ozone layer by actually working to destroy a portion in the lower atmosphere and a small amount of the crucial upper atmospheric ozone layer. The energetic particles hitting the camera on the second image break down ozone molecules in much the same way as CFCs. These images of the Sun were taken with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

One of the most destructive volcanic eruptions of our century occurred a few months before UARS' launch. Mt. Pinatubo's eruption in 1991 provided UARS with an opportunity to study the impact of volcanic eruptions on the upper atmosphere (stratosphere). After various chemical reactions, twenty million tons of sulfur dioxide spewed out by Pinatubo resulted in a blanket of aerosols up to 30 times higher than aerosol concentrations measured six years later. In fact, for over a year, global temperatures were one degree (F) cooler and the ozone layer was weakened due to the massive injection of dust and gases into the upper atmosphere.


Quicktime movie of El Nino anomaly

MPEG movie of a morph between peak El Nino and La Nina

As almost a bonus, the UARS science team discovered that the MLS instrument on UARS could measure water vapor in the lower atmosphere. This was valuable in 1997 when the team noticed unusually high amounts of vapor and correctly predicted a strong El Nino season. El Nino affects global weather patterns such as flooding and mild winters in the U.S. Data from the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite helped create this view where red signifies very warm temperatures and purple is cool.

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