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Today in Earthquake History

Today in Earthquake History

Today's Earthquake Fact:
The term seismic seiche was first coined by Anders Kvale in 1955, to describe oscillation of lake levels in Norway and England caused by the Assam earthquake of August, 1950.

August   11

Note: All earthquake dates are UTC, not local time.

Year Location Magnitude Comment
1904 Samos, Greece (Ottoman Empire)

6.2 Four deaths.
540 houses destroyed on Samos by this quake and a strong aftershock 3 days later. Damage also occurred on Patmos and in adjacent parts of Anatolia. The quake was felt from Chios (Khios) and Thira (Santorini) inland to Aydin and Odemis. (Note: at the time of this quake, Chios, Patmos and Samos were part of the Ottoman Empire).
From N.N. Ambraseys and C.F. Finkel, Seismicity of Turkey and neighbouring regions, 1899-1915, Annales Geophysicae, 1987, 5B (6), p. 701-726; and The International Geographic Encyclopedia and Atlas, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1979.

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