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Form 714 - Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report
    Viewer Software - Instructions and Download

    The Form 714 Viewer software is designed to provide the best performance, maximum availability, and richest set of features to assist users in viewing Form 714 data that has been filed with FERC. The Viewer software is essentially a desktop application that can operate autonomously from FERC; a constant Internet connection is not required, and FERC resources do not have to be on-line, once data has been downloaded from FERC. The Viewer will permit the selection, viewing and printing of any or all Form 714 submissions beginning with the submissions filed for calendar year 2006.

    The resulting Form 714 database downloaded to the local client may be manipulated for specific reporting or analysis needs using (1) Microsoft Visual Foxpro 6.0, (2) Microsoft Access using the supplied ODBC Driver for Visual Foxpro Databases, or (3) commercially available reporting software such as Crystal Reports that support the Microsoft Visual Foxpro 6.0 database container structure.

    The filing deadline for Form 714 submissions is June 1 following the end of the previous calendar year. Note: the filing date for the 2006 submissions was extended to July 16, 2007, to allow the respondents to become familiar with the new Form 714 Submission Software that was released on May 18, 2007.

    Before downloading and installing the Form 714 Viewer Application, please print the “Form 714 Viewer Getting Started GuidePDF. You will save yourself a lot of time by referring to this manual first, before contacting FERC with problem issues. Most problems will involve Internet communication issues which are addressed below. Of course, we make mistakes and occasionally need to fix things on the server or with the software, so we do not mind emails, questions, and suggestions that are sent to the Form714 email address or FERC Online Support.

    Download Problems - Potential Solutions
    The user should not experience any trouble downloading and installing the Viewer application on your workstation. However, the component of the Viewer that downloads the database may not work properly with your workstation or network configuration depending on your local computer/network usage policies.

    The Form 714 Viewer Data Download uses HTTP (to get the list of companies) and FTP Receive (to download the selected database data) and notify you of availability of updated Viewer software. These common Internet Communication Protocols may be blocked by your Internet Firewall for security reasons. This will require intervention by your computer or network support personnel. To assist in diagnosing this problem, we make available an Internet Communications Test Application - which you can download and run on your workstation just as you did the Form 714 Viewer. Please see a description of this application below under Forms Communications Test Application. Note that your workstation only needs to pass the HTTP send/receive and FTP Receive tests. FTP Send is not necessary for proper operation of the Form 714 Viewer. The software creates a Log File of activity and error messages. The log file is created in the C:\F714Viewer folder and is named F714view.log. You or your IT Support staff may review this log if you are experiencing problems. You can read it with WordPad. Be sure to attach the F714View.log to any emails you send to FERC requesting assistance.

    The easiest and most effective solution to Firewall access issues is to ask your Firewall Administrator to install a rule in the Firewall permitting HTTP Send/Receive and FTP Receive from IP or This presents a minimal or non-existent security risk since all communication requests are issued by the Client (your workstation). The FERC Forms Server does not "push" unsolicited information to your workstation.

    Problem Reporting and Assistance
    If you have any problems with downloading or using the viewer application, please send an email describing the problem to FERC Online Support. In order to help in diagnosing a problem, please attach the file F714view.log to your email. In most cases, if you don't attach it, we will send you a reply email asking for it. This file is found in the c:\F714viewer folder. If you see two files called F714view, and can't determine which is the .log file, attach and forward the smaller of the two files.

  Downloads & Links

Form 714
Viewer Software Form Communications Test Application

  Contact Information

Tony Chew
Telephone: 202-502-8574

Sarbjit Singh
Telephone: 202-502-8643

Software Support
FERC Online Support
Telephone: 202-502-6652
Toll-free: 1-866-208-3676

Updated: February 19, 2008