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The Martin Rodbell Papers

Cells as "Programmable Messengers," 1981-1994: Documents

[Martin Rodbell]. [ca. 1994].
Background Narrative Visuals
Click Metadata Record to see detailed information about each document.
Metadata Record Rodbell, Martin. "Programmable Messengers: A New Theory of Hormone Action." Trends in Biochemical Sciences 10, 11 (November 1985): 461-464. Article. 4 Images. pdf (607,882 Bytes) ocr (20,469 Bytes)
Metadata Record Rodbell, Martin. "Signal Transduction in Biological Membranes." Chapter 5 in Mechanisms of Receptor Regulation, edited by George Poste and Stanley T. Crooke. Plenum Press, 1985. Pp. 65-73. Article. Monograph. 9 Images. pdf (768,767 Bytes) ocr (21,786 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Rodbell, Martin]. [Figure 4: Late 1970 Model of the Glucagon-Sensitive Liver Membrane Adenylyl Cyclase As an Information Transfer System]. Diagram. 1 Image. [ca. 1990]. pdf (32,975 Bytes) ocr (216 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Rodbell, Martin]. "Fig[ure]. 1: 1967 Conceptualization of an Hormone-Sensitive Adenylyl Cyclase." Diagram. 1 Image. [ca. 1990]. pdf (35,891 Bytes) ocr (490 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Rodbell, Martin]. "Fig[ure]. 2: 1969 Conceptualization of Adenylyl Cyclase System Stimulated by Multiple Hormones." Diagram. 1 Image. [ca. 1990]. pdf (41,938 Bytes) ocr (527 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Rodbell, Martin]. "Fig[ure]. 3: Early 1970 Representation of the Hormone Sensitive Adenylyl Cyclase As a System Formed of Three Functional Elements: Discriminator, Transducer, and Amplifier." Diagram. 1 Image. [ca. 1990]. pdf (33,004 Bytes) ocr (314 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Rodbell, Martin]. "Fig[ure]. 5: 1977 Model of Hormonal Stimulation of an Adenylyl Cyclase System." Diagram. 1 Image. [ca. 1990]. pdf (38,322 Bytes) ocr (790 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Rodbell, Martin]. "Fig[ure]. 6: 1984 Model of Adenylyl Cyclase System Susceptible to Both Stimulatory and Inhibitory Regulation." Diagram. 1 Image. [ca. 1990]. pdf (41,698 Bytes) ocr (628 Bytes)
Metadata Record Rodbell, Martin. "Signal Transduction: A Twenty Year History of G-Proteins." Essay. 5 Images. [ca. 1990]. pdf (465,541 Bytes) ocr (11,930 Bytes)

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