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All Health A-Z Results: 1-3 of 3 Web Pages

Administration for Children and Families and Domestic Violence

About the Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) responsibilities and activities regarding domestic violence. The article cites domestic violence as the leading cause of injury to women in t... Details >

Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Battered Immigrant Women  External Link

This article discusses the plight of immigrant women in violent relationships and the objectives of the Family Violence Prevention Fund's (FVPF) Battered Immigrant Women's Rights Project, founded in 1... Details >

Family Violence Prevention Fund  External Link

Domestic Violence Fact Sheet  External Link

This fact sheet presents a general overview of domestic violence and domestic violence victims and information about the role of emergency physicians in a domestic violence.... Details >

American College of Emergency Physicians  External Link