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Shreveport Groups receive EPA Brownfields grants

Former Sproull propertyThe Environmental Protection Agency presented $235,955 in Brownfields grants to two non-profit groups in Shreveport, LA.

The Biomedical Research Foundation of Northwest Louisiana was granted $85,995 to continue to develop the InterTech Science Park by addressing hazardous substances at the former Sproull property. This will prepare the site for the expansion of Red River Pharma's manufacturing and research facilities.

A $150,000 grant went to the North Shreveport Development Corporation, to address hazardous substances at the Moran Galvanizing Industrial area near the Convention Center. The site will be redeveloped into an open-air year-round farmer's market.

Five other groups, in Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Monroe and West Monroe, received an additional $736,666 to assess site contamination and address hazardous substances.

More information on the EPA Brownfields program and grant recipients

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