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EPA Region 6 Organization Charts

Click on any block to see the chart for that organization
The Organization Charts are in the Adobe Acrobat "PDF" format.
Note: Some of the charts contain a lot of information, and the smaller blocks may not be readable when first loaded by the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can Zoom to enlarge the document in the Acrobat window by selecting the "Zoom" tool in the toolbar of the Acrobat window (example to the left) or by selecting a Zoom size (example to the right)  in the lower left border of the Acrobat window. Printing the Acrobat document is best accomplished using Acrobat Print, rather than the Netscape Print function. To read more about Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the link below. To read and print PDF files, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader 
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