From: NHLBI Network
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 1:16 PM
To: NHLBI Network
Subject: Cardiovascular Health in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) are one of the fastest growing ethnic populations in the United States, estimated to number over 12 million today. Yet this heterogeneous group remains one of the most poorly understood, invisible, and neglected minority groups.

"Addressing Cardiovascular Health in Asian American and Pacific Islanders: Background Report," provides an overview of cardiovascular disease and its associated risk factors among AAPIs. It provides an overview of the status of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among AAPIs, examines the needs and opportunities for cardiovascular health promotion, and shares knowledge gained from successful community-based projects across the country.

NHLBI encourages all health professionals to review this important background report. Certified health education specialists (CHES) may receive 3 credit hours in category 1 by completing a quiz following review of the report.

The report is available at: Printed versions of publications may be ordered online or from the NHLBI Information Center by phone, fax, or mail. Phone: 301-592-8573. Fax: 301-592-8563. Mail: NHLBI Information Center, P.O. Box 30105, Bethesda, MD 20824-0105.

Visit NHLBI's Online Catalog at

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